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Google Search © 2021 - Privacy - Terms Change of government? Can I interest you in a Junta Sir? Reeking Lums, I've just watch the Remembrance Day memorial service from The Cenotaph, old soldiers always make me tearful and at 11 o'clock with Big Ben ringing out I wonder of the thoughts and memories that are flitting through their minds. The Korea veterans marched past with a Dimbleby reference to The Battle of Imjin River and I thought of Uncle Mickey who passed away this year and who took part in it, swimming for his life across it with a million Chinese Red Army soldiers chasing at his back. They all, weather they are a name on a plaque or marching in thousands of services up and down the country, are totally deserving of our admiration and pride, and we should all remember how lucky we are to have them. I'm talking of Military Juntas. A Military Junta is a government led by a committee of military leaders normally as a response to the threat of the populace doing something with their free will that they don't agree with, like electing a socialist party to power.

Worldwide Events Listings... | Geomium Google © 2021 - Privacy - Terms Pic'n'mix anybody? Yes please, can I pay with this kidney? Greekings Lums, It began as an evening much like many others. The best of intentions tested by the careless irresponsible suggestion of a pint in The Slug. I cant even remember who made it, it might even have been me, still, that's not important. I was only going for one of course, but as the village elders (+ one village idiot) gathered and once I had bought a round, I was never leaving until I had got them all back. So after 5 Peronis, my continuing contribution to the rehabilitation of the Italian economy I buttoned up and headed out into the cold. Its only 30 paces between The Slug and the shelter of the tube station, but some of those 30 paces take you right past a pic,n,mix sweety stall set up to snare the drunken reckless and sugar craving kids that head out east to try and spear a big fat fish from one of the banks on a Friday night. When did sweeties get so expensive that they have a greater street value than some class A drugs? Ugh, thats the ugliest baby I've ever seen.

Socialight The Everywhereist's Seattle Travel Blog | Selected Time Top Blogs of 2011 » The Everywhereist When cranes collide Hello Lums,  I walk past it every day, as I join the snaking multitudes trudging to the front line to do some paid work at the commercial coal face. I've watched it sprout and grow, bit by bit over the past few months, dominating the skyline and local residents TV receptions as it goes. Its the ArcelorMittal Orbit Tower, springing up in the Olympic Park. Its been accused of fascist gigantism, and of being a monument to ego. The Times described it as "looking like a giant wire mesh fence has gotten hopelessly snagged around a french horn". After months, its the Lums turns to Reek his observations. 100 years apparently since Captain Scott's ill fated Antarctic adventure, he's painted as both a hero and a blundering idiot, but you cant argue with the courage of those pioneers, especially when even 100 years ago, there were huge swathes of the globe still more or less a blank. Lang may yer Lum Reek.

Campings unhappy campers Hello all you lucky lums? Well, if your reading this we've survived another week in a world that has a thousand and one ways to see us off. Its especially noteworthy as this is the week that was meant to bring the rapturous end of the world for all us sinners and unbelievers, or those that hadn't yet made a contribution to Harold Campings Viagra kitty. Now, I'm not really up to speed with the whole message he was peddling, but apparently Jesus was being born again, all the true believers, only a couple of hundred thousand it seems, would be risen to heaven and the rest of us would perish in horrible ways. Two hundred thousand is a bit mean, I don't know how they arrived at that figure. Logistics I expect, maybe the security team at the pearly gates imposed that figure because they were worried about queue times and unnecessary crushing, or is heaven nearly full? The other thing that bothered me, that's not to say only one other thing, but just another thing, was this reborn Christ.

When vegetables attack Lums about to Reek, I salute you, So, as deadly E-Coli sweeps the continent like a modern day brown death, what was responsible? Was it Colonel Cucumber in the conservatory, or Baroness Beansprout up the backstairs? I don't know, but I do know one thing, never trust a tomato. Born a fruit but somehow managing to convince the vegetable community to accept it into the salad bowl. Not to play second fiddle to the old vegetable elders, potatoes and cabbage you understand, but to be culinarily embraced, with its plump but firm body and glossy red skin. It wasn't always so easy for Tomato. 1893 the year, Nix v Hedden the infamous adversaries. Yet somehow not quite getting into the whole vegetable thing completely. Does it have some sinister hidden agenda or did it only want to be a vegetable so it could be the most glamorous one. I applied for tickets for the big global village school sports day next year, not for me of course, I'll be far too busy, but thought some family could benefit.

Restless Natives Peace loving Lums of Planet Blog, we used to get as kids to deal with nuclear war with the Russians. So, I've whitewashed the windows, stockpiled beans under the floorboards, taken all the doors off and stacked them in the cupboard and hid under them covered in factor 50 ICBM grade sunscreen. Actually tonight, I feel a bit foolish crouching in here, in the dark. Apparently there are four times the number of coppers on London streets tonight, keeping the cheeky little urchins at home with their mums. What we have seen in the last few nights in London is a brief glimpse of the future. Mind you, don't believe any of them when they say its some kind of social reaction to hardships and disenchantment. I remember the riots of the 80s and 90s, in similar locations, Brixton and Toxteth for instance. Other news in my time away from the lum. That's all from this edition of Visit London. Lang May Yer Lum Reek
