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Watching music - limited version

Watching music - limited version

Tatiana Maurel Santini Je m’intéresse à l’avenir car c’est là que j’ai décidé de passer le restant de mes jours. » Par Kingcom dans Actualités et autres créativités Aucun commentaire A l’approche des beaux jours, vous avez sans doute envie d’avoir votre petit bout de jardin à vous. Pas toujours évident quand on a pas le temps et surtout quand on habite au 6ème sans ascenseur. Voici une idée pour vous faciliter la vie : une imprimante 3D qui produit un mélange d’herbe, d’eau et de graines pour designer toutes les formes que vous souhaitez … Par Kingcom dans Actualités et autres créativités Aucun commentaire Si vous êtes un addict des blogs modes, suédois(e) ou une fashionista, le nom de Elin Kling doit vous dire quelque chose. Elin Kling a 30 ans, elle est suédoise et son blog mode Style by Kling est un des plus visités dans le monde. Plus → Par Kingcom dans Actualités et autres créativités Aucun commentaire …Des pubs originales!

The catchiest New Wave song (written by a doomsday cult) of all time I know a girl who was part of "the Family" (as they call it). She grew up in one of the "homes", and while she hasn't gone into any great detail, there is definitely a "free love/sex" thing going on there (the girl I know is awesomely nice, and very... open-minded). On the other hand, she complained a bit about the restrictions about living there (and I think sex is sort of a recruiting tool in a way, although she never explicitly said that). Anyway - she moved out on her own, and ended up moving to another country (I knew her when she was living in Asia). I had never heard of "the family" before she told me a bit about it. I looked it up in the same wiki article that's linked to from this page. Anyway.

Magazine féminin - Cows Enjoy Jazz Funny Videos, Free Games, & Funny Pictures Sign up | Login Cows Enjoy Jazz [+] Now that's what I call mooosic! [–] Now that's what I call mooosic! Tags: Cow, Band, Animal, Cute, Video <div class="highlightRed"><p>Please enable JavaScript. Guy Saves Calf in Canal Truck Spills on Road Woman Gets Too Close to Cow Guy Sneaks Up on Bull Guy Shows Off Bike in the Wrong... Guy Finds Surprise in Pot Craziest News Story Ever? Guy Blows Up Cow Poop ATV vs. Chase Caught on Camera Stampede Through Quiet Neighbor... Cows Get Freaked Out Comments (66) less depressed | Sep 12, 2011 | Reply For some reason this video makes me feel better about life :) Post reply | Sign up | Login Sep 12, 2011 Hilarious, but I must have been watching too many TV adverts because I was expecting all the cows to start dancing... At least they got a standing ovation. It would be hilarious | Sep 12, 2011 if they walked away playing and the cows followed them down the road Sep 14, 2011 Originally posted Sep 12, 2011 more like a standing bovation Swiss!!!

Eat Drink Chic Mariachi Band Serenades Beluga Whale Funny Videos, Free Games, & Funny Pictures Sign up | Login Mariachi Band Serenades Beluga Whale [+] This is not random at all. [–] This is not random at all. Tags: Band, Whale, Fish, WTF, Video <div class="highlightRed"><p>Please enable JavaScript. Band Travels Like a Boss How to Play the Drums Cows Enjoy Jazz How to Quit a Job Like a Boss Drummer Plays Solo, Gets Sick, ... Autistic 10-Year-Old Makes Beat... Grandma Caught Playing Drums in... Dad and Son Play Drums Bird Flies On Stage During Conc... Violinist Reacts to Ringtone Guitarist Quits During Show Guitar Swing Fail Comments (63) Aug 5, 2011 | Reply feel good video of the day Post reply | Sign up | Login y did this video make me 10x happier appreciation poop | Aug 5, 2011 Yep it really shows its appreciation by taking a dump at 01:05 Might as well Jump! And for next week's show, they're going to play Van Halen's "Jump" to Skippy the Bush Kangaroo. am i the only one who expected the whale to start clapping once they finished? Jun 27, 2013 Jan 7, 2013 Trending

T'AS PAS UNE IDEE DE RESTO? Mr. Fastfingers Guitar Shred Show Creatividad ilimitada: los videos musicales de OK Go A simple vista no parece muy probable encontrar una banda con videos musicales más ingeniosos y originales que los de la banda nativa de Chicago, OK Go. El primer video que marcaría cierta tendencia fue el que hicieron para “A Million Ways” (2005) de su álbum Oh No. El video muestra a la banda bailando una coreografía preparada por Trish Sie, la hermana de Damian Kulash (el vocalista principal y guitarrista de la banda) en el patio trasero de este último. El siguiente video fue para “Invincible” (2006), pero no vale la pena incluírlo. Pueden verlo aquí. El gran salto al estrellato en YouTube fue gracias al video para “Here It Goes Again” (2006) que muestra a la banda nuevamente con una elaborada coreografía alrededor de máquinas caminadoras, coreografiado por Trish Sie y dirigido junto a la banda. Luego vino “Do What You Want”, que si bien ya había recibido dos videos anteriores, su versión más conocida es esta del 2007.
