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Radio Lingua Network

Radio Lingua Network

Mundofonías Las dos Mundofonías del 11 de noviembre han sido las últimas que se han emitido en Radio Exterior. Lamentablemente, la nueva dirección ha decidido prescindir de todos los colaboradores, a pesar de ser Mundofonías uno de los programas más populares y solicitados de Radio Exterior. Sin embargo, esto no es una despedida... Por un lado, el equipo de Mundofonías sigue con los oyentes de RNE a través de dos programas en Radio 5 que esta temporada han iniciado su andadura: Portugaleando y El palabrero. Por otro, Mundofonías... ¡sigue! - Radio Universidad de Guanajuato (México), que ya emitía nuestro anterior programa Mapamundi y que nos ha acompañado en toda esta andadura de Mundofonías... y continuamos con ellos. - en Berlín, en su emisión online y también en la FM a través de 88Vier, en el 88,4 FM (Berlín) y el 90,7 FM (Potsdam). - Radio UNAM, en la capital de México, a través del 860 AM y del 96,1 FM. - RCFM. - Rádio Filispim. - Ràdio País. ¡Hasta... todas las semanas!

Essential phrases in 40 languages Mango Languages | Learn a Language, Learn Spanish, Learn Chinese Fast Languages - Homepage: All you need to start learning a foreign language Cool German Common French Phrases - LoveToKnow French When you live in a French-speaking environment for a substantial period of time, you begin to notice that there are some common French phrases that come back again and again. You'll hear these whether talking to a clerk at the post office or talking to a neighbor about absolutely anything under the sun. Not only will understanding these phrases help you get integrated into French daily life, but once you start using them in the right situations, you'll sound more and more native every day! Basic tourist French phrases are good for vacations, but integrating yourself into la francophonie (even if only for a week!) can be fun too. Some Common French Phrases These phrases are some of the most useful French phrases for daily life in a French society. C'est pas grave T'en fais pas Pas mal Full Form: Ce n'est pas malLiterally Translated: not bad, this expression can mean something better than not bad. 'Vachement (bien)' Frequently Incorrectly Translated Phrases Moi non plus Tu me manques On sait jamais

Difficulty of learning languages Second-language acquisition, second-language learning, or L2 acquisition, is the process by which people learn a second language.[1] Second-language acquisition (often abbreviated to SLA) also refers to the scientific discipline devoted to studying that process. Second language refers to any language learned in addition to a person's first language; although the concept is named second-language acquisition, it can also incorporate the learning of third, fourth, or subsequent languages. Second-language acquisition refers to what learners do; it does not refer to practices in language teaching. Outline[edit] The academic discipline of second-language acquisition is a subdiscipline of applied linguistics. SLA research began as an interdisciplinary field, and because of this it is difficult to identify a precise starting date. Second-language acquisition can incorporate heritage language learning, but it does not usually incorporate bilingualism. Stages[edit] Learner language[edit]

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