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Turn it all off NightWatchman enforces much more than just energy savings How to beat the auditors and defend your budget The Consumer App Store Experience for Corporate IT. The automated, self-service model. NightWatchman enforces much more than just energy savings How to beat the auditors and defend your budget It’s your money. The IT industry sells you more and more software and hardware, whether you need it or not. So, more than 80 percent of your budget is spent simply on keeping your IT going, leaving only a small amount to invest in the new things you need to do. 1E is the pioneer and global leader in Efficient IT solutions. 1E’s mission is to identify IT waste, help remove it and optimize everything else. Talk to us.

Cinq applications pour améliorer son anglais Un smartphone peut devenir un allié précieux pour réviser l’épreuve de langue vivante du bac ou encore préparer un concours ou un séjour à l’étranger. Voici cinq applis testées pour vous. LE MONDE | • Mis à jour le | Par Gabrielle Ramain Profiter d’un trajet en transports en commun ou d’une file d’attente pour peaufiner son anglais : à l’approche du bac 2017, des oraux de nombreux concours et des départs en vacances, voici cinq applications accessibles gratuitement recommandées par des professeurs d’anglais et testées par Le Monde Campus. Avec, pour chacune d’elles, les points qu’elles permettent tout particulièrement de travailler. Travailler son vocabulaire avec Memrise Cette application fonctionne comme un mini-jeu vidéo : l’utilisateur arrive sur une planète étrangère et il lui faut avancer dans les niveaux pour la découvrir. Revoir la grammaire au quotidien avec Duolingo Améliorer sa compréhension orale avec EnglishCentral Revoir les notions au programme avec Kartable

Mission-Président English Dictionary Online LEXILOGOS English dictionary English Type a word & select a dictionary: • Lexico (Oxford Compact): English dictionary • Oxford (Advanced Learners): English dictionary & American English • Macmillan: English dictionary • Chambers: English dictionary • Collins: English dictionary • Cambridge (advanced learner's dictionary) • Longman: English dictionary • Merriam-Webster (American) meaning , etymology, pronunciation (+ audio) & thesaurus • Learner's dictionary • Visual dictionary by topics • American heritage: dictionary • American Dictionary of the English Language by Noah Webster, 1828 edition • The Century Dictionary (American, 1881) dictionary & encyclopedia: 500 000 meanings • Etymonline: etymological dictionary • Word info: etymology of English words derived from Latin and Greek words • Roget's Thesaurus: synonyms & broaders • Hyperdic: synonyms & broaders, meanings • American dictionaries: Random House, American Heritage… • articles from American encyclopedias Words & Expressions

Load Game: A Closed World A Closed World was created to be a digital game that deals with queer issues, something that's very uncommon in games right now. Game designers and marketing professionals alike have cited a number of reasons for this, ranging from a perception of institutional homophobia in game culture to a genuine desire on the part of game designers to "get it right" and create games with compelling queer content, rather than feeling that the element is merely "tacked on" in the end. The goal of this research was to present the design team with the challenge of creating a game that had this compelling queer content, and to observe the ideas and hardships they considered and encountered along the way, so that we could learn more about how to approach those challenges in other design contexts.

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