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Elle and Blair

Elle and Blair

Evelina Barry | Your Daily Inspiration 10 of the Best Drug Store Beauty Buys I have an apology to make: I used to be one of those girls behind the makeup counter of a big, fancy department store selling you over-priced beauty products. While I won’t say which brand I worked for, I can tell you that my uniform consisted of all black and way too much makeup. Hey, it was the 90’s, after all. Well, I’m here to make amends. Because, you see, not all department store makeup is better than the drug store version. In fact, a lot of drug store makeup is way better than the junk being sold in the department stores. The beauty industry is full of people pushing products that they don’t stand behind 100%. Also, celebrities rarely endorse products because, like the rest of us, they aren’t always picture perfect and no cosmetic company wants to be represented by someone who actually looks like the rest of us common folk. So, to make up for the error in my ways, I am sharing ten of my all-time favorite drug store beauty buys with you. L’Oréal Volumnious Mascara in Carbon Black

Indian Vanity Case Xteeener Temptalia Beauty Blog: Makeup Reviews, Beauty Tips Beauty Crush Painted Ladies {a glamorous little side project} Everything Cherrychan108 Devilishly Stylish meek~n~mild: Clean, Crisp Lines What I look for in the perfect white shirt : Clean, crisp lines. Every girl should have a basic white long-sleeve shirt as a staple in their wardrobe. It's clean, it's classic but still it remains modern. I can never get tired of buying them, along with black shoes. I guess I'm just a lover of the sheer nature of them. They look good, and go with everything. Shirt : H&M Blazer : H&M Jeans : Topshop (Jaime) Boots : Forever 21 Bag : Zara (New Buy!) Watch : Aldo

Hollywood Beauty Tricks …..aka Hollywood glamour for a drugstore price tag! Our favorite celebrities always seem so put together—perfect hair and glowing, flawless complexions. We’d all like to replicate their look but most of us aren’t willing to shell out the big bucks that they do to look that good. Here are Our Five Inexpensive Hollywood Beauty Tricks: Inexpensive Hollywood Beauty Trick #1: Primer – Okay, some stars really are born with perfect skin. Inexpensive Hollywood Beauty Trick #2: Skin Illuminator - Where do all the stars get their glow? Inexpensive Hollywood Beauty Trick #3: Fast Lash by Tweezerman - Medication to make your eyelashes grow? Inexpensive Hollywood Beauty Trick #4: Blue, yellow or orange concealer - You may not believe us, but putting these colors of concealer under your eyes will actually make them look better– trust us! Inexpensive Hollywood Beauty Trick #5: Shampoo with dimethicone copolyol – Ya, we can’t pronounce it either. There you have it.
