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iEARN Collaboration Centre

Related:  Pedagogy

Getting Started in iEARN iEARN welcomes you to our network of international educators and students working together to learn with the world! iEARN is a community of educators who share the vision that online collaborative projects can enhance both learning as well as the quality of life on the planet. One of the best ways to become involved is to be part of a collaborative iEARN project. We’ve discovered that online collaboration combined with face-to-face gatherings create a unique professional, caring, dedicated and committed community of learners. What is an iEARN project? An iEARN project is a collaborative academic endeavor between two or more groups of students and educators in different parts of the world. iEARN projects take on many different forms, but most are rooted in the pedagogy of project-based learning. Why an iEARN project? iEARN projects create a real audience for students because they involve collaborating with students in another country; this audience plays a key role in student motivation.

Pourquoi utiliser la gamification dans l’enseignement ? Après avoir envahi la formation professionnelle, le gaming (jeu) se développe de manière exponentielle dans l’enseignement avec l’utilisation de plus en plus répandue des Serious Games en classe. Alors qu’il est scientifiquement prouvé que la gamification dans l’enseignement facilite la rétention d’information et l’assimilation de l’apprentissage, en quoi est-il efficace pour les apprenants ? La gamification dans l’enseignement stimule les performances des élèves Tout simplement, la gamification dans l’enseignement stimule le plaisir d’apprendre. En soi c’est un avantage important. La gamification bannit l’échec Le jeu possède cette rare faculté de pouvoir offrir une seconde chance avec la possibilité de recommencer une activité qui semble être ratée, plutôt que de ressasser un échec qui est souvent démotivant. Le jeu favorise « biologiquement » l’apprentissage Comprendre et retenir l’information. Le jeu favorise « physiquement » l’apprentissage Commentaires commentaires

Lettre ouverte pour un Plan "Marshall" européen de l'éducation et de la formation pour éviter l'effondrement socio-économique Chers Ursula von der Leyen, David Sassoli, Charles Michel, Christine Lagarde, Mario Centeno, Werner Hoyer, et tous les représentants nationaux et européens souhaitant agir dès maintenant. Cette pétition vous est adressée par EU Resilience Collective Les analyses prospectives sont toutes très claires : le Covid-19 provoque une crise économique sans précédent et une vague de chômage dont on sait déjà combien elle sera longue, fastidieuse et onéreuse à résorber. L'Organisation Internationale du Travail anticipe une perte de 12 millions d'emploi pour l'Europe en 2020. Dans ce scénario, la population reste active, incluse et investie plutôt que laissée en attente et en insécurité dans une processus de dévalorisation et de marginalisation (caractéristiques du chômage).Il s'agira également de favoriser l'innovation pédagogique vers des formats hybrides, tournés vers l'avenir, couplant savoir, créativité, expérimentation et incubation de projets.

Datafiction – Thomas Thibault Datafiction est un projet imaginé avec Nolwenn Maudet et initié dans le cadre du concours MesInfos. Pensé pour faire prendre conscience de l’existence des données personnelles aux novices et aux jeunes, Datafiction leur fait incarner des personnages à travers différents scénarios en utilisant leurs données personnelles. En tant que designers et citoyens concernés par le sujet des données personnelles, nous avons fait le constat d’un chaînon manquant entre l’information aux enjeux des données personnelles et l’utilisation d’outils concrets de maîtrise de sa vie privée, en particulier pour les jeunes usagers. Nous avons alors pensé DataFiction comme l’outil que nous aurions aimé utiliser pour nous sensibiliser et reprendre le contrôle sur nos données personnelles.

How to Build Resilience in Kids It’s not easy to see your child have a setback, especially after your child has worked really hard. But facing challenges and learning from them can have an upside. It can help your child build resilience. Resilience is a life skill that can be taught. Learn more about what resilience means, how the concept of resilience has changed over time, and how to help your child develop resilience. The Old Way of Thinking About Resilience Researchers know resilience is important. For decades, resilience was seen as the ability to recover from disaster and hardship. Families typically viewed resilience in a similar way. The New Way of Thinking About Resilience Today, resilience has a much broader meaning. It’s not limited to tragedies or major life events, either. For instance, if kids fall off their bicycle after hitting a rock in the road, they may become more careful about watching for obstacles. Using everyday setbacks to explore new and better ways to approach things helps all kids.

Interactive Whiteboard Games Games for Learning English with an Interactive Whiteboard If you're an English teacher and are looking for some content to use with interactive whiteboard, then you might find this content useful. Click on the link or right click and select "save target as" or "save link as". The files are in .rar format, you need to have WinRAR to extract them. Tornado - Typhoon type point scoring game Faceoff - Two player English vocabulary games for IWB Hangman - English spelling game for IWB Four in a row - Line up four tiles Balloon - Two teams try to pop balloons Killer - Team based point scoring game Clock - Practice setting the time Hot Seat - Describe vocabulary items in English Reveal - Slowly reveal vocabulary items Concentration - Match English vocabulary items Speller - Spell different vocabulary items Stopper - Point scoring game The content is generally based on games that I found to be quite effective with a normal whiteboard or chalkboard except made to be easier to facilitate and more engaging.

‎Montessori Letter Sounds - Phonics in English, Spanish, French, German & Italian on the App Store Currently featured in Apple's "Everything changes with iPad" campaign showing how much learning has changed with this very powerful tool! Montessori Letter Sounds is a multi award-winning app to get your children on the road to reading! It works in 4 easy steps:- From the age of 3: “I spy” to play sound games.- Around 4 years old: “Letter sounds” to memorize the letter sounds and shape.- Between 4 and 5: “Mix and match” to bring together the two first steps.- Around 4 1/2 years old: “Sound it out” to write their first words using a moveable alphabet. All four steps are included in this version but two games are locked at first and get unlocked as the children play and win marbles. The settings offer:- Script, Cursive or Capital letters- *Our unique "foreign language" option, which enables children to play with the letter sounds in one of the four languages while listening to the instructions in their native language. About EDOKI Privacy Policy

Education Forms & Templates for Education Professionals JotForm is the preferred web form building platform for educational institutions all around the world - from major universities to grade schools. JotForm is simple and customizable, allowing you to create beautiful school forms, with response data securely stored online. Either you are a school teacher or an educator in university, you can create branded online forms and collect student information with ease. With our data collection tool features for teachers and higher educators, everything is simple. As an exclusive benefit, we offer education institutions a 50 percent discount on our paid plans*. * Discount is not available to for-profit schools.

Homepage - John Spencer No Hands Q: Is there any more information?A: More information about how to use and configure the utility may be found in the 'ReadMe.txt' file contained within the zipped download. Q: What is the best way to run the utility?A: It's best to save the 'No Hands' utility and your configuration file into a folder in your work area. Then create a link/shortcut to the utility, and place this on your Desktop so that it is readily available. Q: The utility is great, but I need an iOS version? Q: I have a question not covered by any of the info on this page? Q: I would like to suggest an improvement, what should I do? Q: Some students seem to get selected more frequently than others, why isn't student selection completely random? Q: Can the utility make sure that once a student has been selected, that they will not be selected again until everybody else has had a go? Q: Can I use my slideshow remote clicker or some other hardware to select another student?
