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Sudbury Valley School

Sudbury Valley School

This French tech school has no teachers, no books, no tuition -- and it could change everything | VentureBeat | Dev | by Dylan Tweney PARIS — École 42 might be one of the most ambitious experiments in engineering education. It has no teachers. No books. No MOOCs. And yet it plans to turn out highly qualified, motivated software engineers, each of whom has gone through an intensive two- to three-year program designed to teach them everything they need to know to become outstanding programmers. The school, housed in a former government building used to educate teachers (ironically enough), was started by Xavier Niel. He is also irrepressibly upbeat, smiling and laughing almost nonstop for the hour that he led a tour through École 42 earlier this week. Niel started École 42 with a 70 million euro donation. Above: Free founder Xavier Niel, speaking at Ecole 42, the free engineering school he created. Image Credit: Dylan Tweney/VentureBeat “I know one business, and that’s how to make software,” Niel said. Above: A student at Ecole 42 explains how he created a ray tracing program. Above: Exterior view of Ecole 42.

Peter Grey: Svoboda učení - část VI. Co děti potřebují, aby se vzdělávaly samy? Přirozené prostředí pro dětské samovzdělávání: Jak je škola Sudbury Valley jako skupina lovců a sběračů Co děti potřebují, aby se vzdělávaly samy? Hlavním tématem tohoto blogu je skutečnost, že přicházíme na svět s instinkty, které jsou velmi dobře navrženy pro podporu našeho vzdělávání. Disponujeme instinkty pozorovat, prozkoumávat, hrát si a komunikovat s ostatními způsoby, díky kterým získáváme schopnosti, vědomosti a hodnoty potřebné k tomu, abychom žili a vzkvétali ve fyzickém a sociálním světě, do kterého jsme se narodili. Škola Sudbury Valley za posledních čtyřicet let dokazovala, že lidské instinkty samovzdělávání mohou poskytovat základ pro vzdělávání v naší moderní společnosti. Následuje seznam toho, co je podle mě klíčovými prvky přirozeného prostředí pro sebe-řízené učení. Čas a prostor pro hraní a zkoumání Samovzdělávání také vyžaduje prostor - prostor pro toulání a zkoumání. Volné věkové míchání Přístup k vybavení Volná výměna myšlenek

About | Alderlore SOLE The Grounds at Alderlore The name Alderlore means “tales of the Alder” . The word “lore” means a story or tale that is associated with wisdom. The Alder trees that line our pond and hug our banks, provide food and shelter for numerous birds and the beaver and mink; create good fishing grounds for our heron; and are a delight for the hungry bees of spring. According to celtic tree folklore, the Alder is associated with both fire and water – making it the quintessential example of non-duality or integration of opposites – and is also associated with Phoenix- like qualities of regeneration, renewal and re-birth. Alderlore was first established in 2006 as the home of The Horses of Alderlore Present - an equine assisted program in teaching people about body language, emotional balance, energy awareness, and embodied leadership through deep and intimate encounters with horses. Soon more possibilities presented themselves, and in 2011 we redesigned the studio as a retreat and insight center.

Učitelské listy: Vytvořte vlastní komiks na motivy obrázků z Dalimilovy kroniky a vyhrajte iPad nebo čtečku K sedmému výročí zakoupení tzv. pařížského zlomku Dalimilovy kroniky vystavuje Národní knihovna ČR v Klementinu soubor gobelínů Věry Mičkové, které věrně zachycují scény z iluminací, jimiž je rukopis opatřen. Tkané tapisérie zobrazující epizody z raných českých dějin připomínají svým pojetím dnes tak oblíbené komiksy. Proto se Národní knihovna ČR rozhodla vyhlásit pro žáky základních a středních škol soutěž, v níž mohou prokázat své znalosti a tvůrčí schopnosti při doplňování textu do jednotlivých scén. Ačkoli je komiks považován za fenomén až od 20. století, lze tento způsob vypodobnění událostí formou obrazových sekvencí se stručným textovým doprovodem nalézt již ve výtvarném umění starověkého Egypta, Říma, či předkolumbovské Ameriky. A právě tapisérie z Bayeux a iluminace tzv. pařížského zlomku Dalimilovy kroniky inspirovaly ke tkanému ztvárnění olomouckou textilní výtvarnici Věru Mičkovou. Ceny do soutěže věnovala společnost Kancelářské stroje a portál

Teach yo'self: A guide to online graphic design education This was one of the top 20 blog posts on The Creative Edge from 2013! Don’t miss out on the rest. Welcome to class! It’s a new era of graphic design. Here we have compiled a course just for you, featuring all the steps we believe will make you an even more killer designer than you already are. Start with principles of designBuild skills with hands-on tutorialsGet into your client’s headGrow your freelance business Although most of these educational options will not grant you a degree, some of them have the option of acquiring a certificate of completion. Alright class, lets begin! 1. Duke Graphic Design Principles Index Let’s get started with your basic design principles. Design Principles While less official, has some great articles on the basics of graphic design. The Principles of Design This article from Digital Web Magazine is technically about web design, but applies to any and all graphic designers. AIGA: Graphic Design Theory 2. Coursera 3.

Teachers TV Skip to main content GOV.UK uses cookies to make the site simpler. Find out more about cookies Is this page useful? Yes this page is useful No this page is not useful Is there anything wrong with this page? Thank you for your feedback Close Help us improve GOV.UK Don’t include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. To help us improve GOV.UK, we’d like to know more about your visit today. Don’t have an email address?

Nonviolent Communication Basics (2000) | Watch the Full Documentary Online The Basics of Nonviolent Communication with Marshall Rosenberg, Phd, is a recorded presentation of a 1-day workshop held in San Francisco, CA in April 2000. "The purpose of Nonviolent Communication is to help you learn what you already know how to do... but forget ... because we've been educated to forget." In this video, Marshall Rosenberg shares a philosophy that challenges the current paradigm of war that contributes to violence in relationships, society, and to our planet. Marshall presents ways of interacting with each other in authentic, effective, and powerful ways so that the way we interact in our most personal relationships is aligned with our values for the change we want to see in the world. [watch video below]

Učitelský spomocník: Vizualizace dat jako výukový prostředek budoucnosti Publikováno : 08.02.2010 Autor : Andrea Patáková Následující článek je možné chápat jako doplněk nedávno publikovaného Horizon Reportu 2010, který právě vizualizaci dat řadí mezi významné technologické nástroje budoucnosti v horizontu 4-5 let. Určitě bude zajímavé detailněji popsat, co se pod tímto termínem rozumí a předložit přehled nejznámějších, nejpoužívanějších či nejzajímavějších příkladů již dnes existujících nástrojů vizualizace dat, které se hodí do výuky. Nechť je tento přehled inspirací všem učitelům podněcující jejich vlastní hledání různých způsobů zapojení vizualizace do výuky. Co je vizualizace dat Vizualizace dat je způsob objevování a pochopení vzorů v obrovském souboru dat pomocí vizuální interpretace a používá se pro vědeckou analýzu komplexních procesů. Proč použít vizualizaci dat ve výuce? To, co dělá vizualizaci dat tak přitažlivou pro výuku, je způsob, jakým rozšiřuje člověku přirozený způsob hledání a nacházení vzorů či souvislostí v tom, co vidí. Zeměpis Seznamy

8 Studies Demonstrating the Power of Simplicity Psychological research on cognitive fluency shows why easy to understand = more profitable, more pleasurable, more intelligent and safer. Which of these would you say sounds like the more dangerous food additive: Hnegripitrom or Magnalroxate? The majority of people say Hnegripitrom sounds more dangerous. This is one example of psychological research on meta-cognition: thoughts about other thoughts. Here are 8 of my favourite studies on cognitive fluency, showing just how much can be explained by the feeling that something is easy to think about (or otherwise). 1. Many of us did it in school: tried to impress teachers with fancy language and convoluted sentences, assuming it would make us look clever. This has been tested by a study that manipulated text complexity to see how readers would judge the author’s intelligence. So if you want to be perceived as more intelligent (and who doesn’t?) (Note: the context of this study was students judging other students’ essays. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Mobile Apps Will Pass - History Will Repeat Itself Over the past few years the big sexy conversation at conferences has slowly morphed from social media to mobile. It is partially because social media is better understood now but it’s also because mobile is the shiny new toy that everyone is trying to figure out. We have seen incredible inroads that mobile traffic is making up a larger and larger portion of web traffic. With recent data suggesting that the average user has well over 50 apps installed on their smartphone it is a great time to be an app developer. About a month ago I was at the OmniUpdate user conference on a panel talking about mobile and its adoption. History Repeats Itself Think back to the beginning of this decade around the time of the .com stock bubble. The point is what happened next? Think about what is happening right now… IT IS THE SAME THING! If you go back past into last century we didn’t download even software. Taking Two Steps Forward The content of this post is licensed: About the author

Rio inaugura escola sem salas, turmas ou séries O Rio de Janeiro começa, nas próximas semanas, a experimentar um novo tipo de escola. Nada de séries, salas de aula com carteiras enfileiradas e crianças ordenadamente caminhando pelo espaço comum. A aposta para dar a 180 crianças e jovens da Rocinha uma educação mais alinhada com o século 21 é o Gente, acrônimo para Ginásio Experimental de Novas Tecnologias, na escola Municipal André Urani. O espaço, que acaba de ser totalmente reformulado para comportar a nova proposta, perdeu paredes, lousas, mesas individuais e professores tradicionais e ganhou grandes salões, tablets, “famílias”, times e mentores. Não houve pré-seleção. Essa avaliação, que ocorre assim que eles chegarem ao Gente, pretende fazer um raio-x do estado da aprendizagem de cada um, tanto do ponto de vista do conteúdo tradicional quanto das habilidades não cognitivas, como comunicação, senso crítico, autoria. Tal atenção é de responsabilidade do mentor da família, o professor.

The Best Resources For Teaching “What If?” History Lessons (NOTE: Sometimes the embed function from Authorstream doesn’t work very well. If that’s the case, you can see the student examples of PowerPoint presentations at the Authorstream site by just clicking on the student’s name below the slides). I’m a longtime fan of “alternate history,” and last year was thrilled to read about how some teachers applied that concept in their classes. This is how Carla Federman (who borrowed the idea from Diana Laufenberg) introduced her lesson to students: You are to identify one specific point in American history for which you are interested in changing the outcome. Once you have identified your point of divergence, you will need to consider both the immediate changes and the long-term impacts that divergence would have on modern society. I’ve written about this idea, and included links to both Carla’s and Diana’s projects, in three previous posts: Extraordinary “What If?” Asking “Why Not?” New Excellent “What If?” Through a “What if?” More “What If?” Related

The War on Kids (2009 THE WAR ON KIDS is a 95 minute documentary that shows how American public schools continue to become more dangerously authoritarian. In addition to failing in their mission to educate effectively, they erode the country's democratic foundation and often resemble prisons. School children are interviewed as are high school teachers and administrators, as well as prison security guards, plus renowned educators and authors including: Henry Giroux: Author of Stealing Innocence Corporate Culture's War on Children Mike A. Males: Sociologist, author of Scapegoat Generation John Gatto: New York City and New York State Teacher of the Year Judith Browne: Associate Director of the Advancement Project Dan Losen: The Civil Rights Project, Harvard University Dr. Peter Breggin: author, TOXIC PSYCHIATRY, TALKING BACK TO PROZAC Music in the film is performed by The Chumps, Tommy Gardner, John S. THE WAR ON KIDS is directed by Cevin Soling who won the NYIIFVF award for "best educational film" in 2009.

The Best Posts On The “Flipped Classroom” Idea Check out my two-part Education Week Teacher series on the flipped classroom here I’m a bit wary/skeptical about whole “Flipped Classroom” idea and how it works in practice. Diana Laufenberg spoke for me, also, in some of her tweets about the concept: But I’m still open to learning, and I invite your suggestions for additions to list. The Flipped Classroom: Pro and Con is by Mary Beth Hertz and appeared in Edutopia. ‘Flipping’ classrooms: Does it make sense? Three Questions To Consider Before We All Flip is by Richard Byrne. Should You Flip Your Classroom? Flipping for the Flipped Classroom Seems To Be the Trend but Not for Me is by Pernille Ripp. I’ve Copyrighted “Flipped Classroom” is by Troy Cockrum. Flipped classrooms: Let’s change the discussion is by Brian Bennett. And here are some posts that appear to provide a fair amount of details on how to go about implementing it if you decide to do so: Flipped Classroom Resources is a Google Doc from Dan Spencer. Related In "teacher resources"
