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SparkleShare – Un clone de Dropbox open source qui fonctionne ! Bon on commence tôt ce matin, car j'ai enfin trouvé un remplaçant open source qui fonctionne et qui roxx à Dropbox ! Merci MrBoo ! L'outil s'appelle SparkleShare et va vous permettre enfin de synchroniser vos documents entre plusieurs ordinateurs, en utilisant votre propre serveur. Pour fonctionne SparkleShare a besoin d'un serveur Git. Vous pouvez configurer le votre ou alors utiliser celui de Gnome, ou Github...etc. Comme j'ai un serveur chez OVH qui ne sert pas à grand chose, avec un bon paquet de place dessus, j'ai fait un petit test. sudo apt-get install git-core openssh-server Ensuite, il suffit d'initialiser un dépôt : git init --bare MON_DEPOT.git Après, c'est au niveau de SSH que ça se passe. Une fois la clé SSH en place, il suffit de lancer SparkleShare et de saisir les infos relative au serveur ou à votre compte Github, Gnome...etc A vous ensuite de réaliser la même config sur d'autres ordinateurs pour partager les mêmes fichiers entre plusieurs machines. Tout est ici !

Coworking, café internet et locations de bureaux – Neo Nomade Certificate - Educational Technology Programs at MSU The is designed to meet the needs of educators, primarily in the K-12 setting, who seek to utilize new technologies in their schools and classrooms. Participants in the Certificate Program have the opportunity to explore and improve their skills in the use of educational technologies in the classroom and beyond! Through these courses, students learn how to use a wide range of technologies, how to infuse technology into their classrooms, and how to become better teachers through the thoughtful integration of technology. The Certificate Program consists of three courses: (3 credits) (3 credits) (3 credits) Upon successful completion of the three courses (9 credits), students receive a Certificate of Completion from the College of Education . TPACK: Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge Our program is based on the model (Mishra & Koehler, 2006). Delivery Modes That Fit YOUR Needs We are proud to offer many choices in the delivery mode of the certificate courses.

Reader (38) Wuala - Stockage en ligne sécurisé Tonido - Run your own Personal Cloud Educational Technologies and New Literacies | UB Graduate School of Education This certificate program infuses the latest tools and teaching practices guided by research to assist both teachers and other professionals to meet challenge of 21st century learning environments. Technology, over the last decade, has revolutionized the face of education. Dependency on emerging technologies, multimodal composition, social networking, and mobile devices all have commanded a pervasive digital era. Learning environments must be created to include these emerging technologies in order to better serve the 21st century student. Adapt technology use to fit latest educational research and reform Integrate emerging technology to meet state/national/international standards Utilize digital resources for curricular/professional needs Design and evaluate multimodal virtual learning environments Assess student learning in a technology rich environment In collaboration with a faculty advisor, students develop individualized course plans suitable for their professional context and goals.

Scriffon à installer - Open Wiki outlook2evernote | This program (for Microsoft Windows) will export all text notes from within Microsoft Outlook into a file that can be imported into the Evernote service via their desktop application. Features This program has the following features: Easy to use, there are no configuration settings to change. Screenshot Licence Outlook2Evernote is distributed under the GNU GPL. Requirements In order to use this program you need the following: A computer running Microsoft Windows XP (SP2 or later), Windows Vista or Windows 7. A small amount of knowledge about Windows and Evernote would be useful. Downloading The latest version is 1.4 (released 28th September 2012).

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