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Le marketing sur Facebook expliqué par Facebook

Le marketing sur Facebook expliqué par Facebook
Développer sa présence sur Facebook n’est pas une mince affaire, ça peut même devenir rapidement intimidant. Il existe déjà un certain nombre de livrets blancs et d’études sur le sujet, mais comme dit le proverbe : “On est jamais mieux servi que par sois-même“. Dans cette optique, les équipes de Facebook sont petit à petit en train de mettre en ligne un certain nombre de ressources tout à fait intéressantes pour vous aider dans vos campagnes de recrutement, de fidélisation… Pour le moment le plus gros de ce contenu est en anglais, mais visiblement les traductions sont en cours.

Why I Don't Like Your Brand on Facebook Brian Solis inShare1,089 Guest post by Andrew Blakeley. Follow him on Twitter (for exclusive deals and offers!) I recently undertook a simple Facebook experiment, inspired by a brief Monday morning rant from my boss: “This morning my yoghurt told me to find it on Facebook. He was right, of course. For my experiment – “Find Us On Facebook” – I vowed to Like every brand that asked me to for one week. As a marketer, I found the results very disappointing. What consumers want from brands in social media is a topic that has been widely written about already, and is fairly well understood by marketers. Another key finding was the number of brand Liking requests coming from email marketing. Only 1 of the 16 brands provided an incentive to make the leap from email to social media. • Dingo, a dog food brand from Ohio, included a promotion that would only kick-in when the Facebook page reached 5,000 fans (from a base of 300). My week as a social consumer left me tired and confused. Artist: Natalie Dee

5 LinkedIn 'Must-Haves' With everyone going on about the wonders of Facebook and Twitter, our poor friend LinkedIn sometimes gets left out in the cold. While not one of the most visible sites, it is definitely one of the most powerful. With millions of people from all over the globe taking part in the conversation on LinkedIn, it is definitely a place online where your audience thrives. What I usually hear when I speak to prospective clients about LinkedIn is that “I’m not B2B, I’m B2C. LinkedIn will never work for me.” About 60% of Go! While my firm may be unique, we handle accounts for a wide array of clientele that get results on LinkedIn. But my purpose here isn’t to sell you on the wonders of LinkedIn. So let’s get moving and create some stellar results! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I’m sure I could go on with the wonders of LinkedIn, but these are definitely the ones I am most passionate about.

Animation de page Facebook et statistiques d’applications Pour animer une page Facebook, il faut définir en amont une ligne éditoriale globale qui entraîne souvent la création de contenus. 1. Définition de la marque ProduitsServicesRetombées pressesPhotos / Vidéos / Podcast 2. Définition des univers annexes Beauté pour la cosmétique, la lingerie, la joaillerie, la modeCuisine pour l’électroménager, vins et spiritueux,etc.Sports pour les jeux vidéos par exemple. Il faut définir les centres d’intérets de vos fans tout en restant en adhéquation avec les valeurs et les univers de votre marque. 3. La création de contenu de la page Facebook passe souvent par le développement d’applications. Lorsque ces applications sont bien pensées et appréciées par la communauté de la page, la viralité de la page et par conséquent le recrutement de fans, peut se faire de manière assez rapide. Voici le classement de ce mois-ci: Bonnes inventions d’applications !

What Page Tagging In Facebook Photos Could Mean For Brands Facebook hasn’t exactly been the friend of brands in recent times, considering that it not long ago extended its EdgeRank algorithm to brand pages so that as much as 80 percent of their audience disappeared. Page updates no longer garner the engagement they used to, and certainly don’t reach as many eyeballs, which is a problem for any brands, whether it is an internal digital PR team or an appointed social media agency. However, Facebook has just introduced a new element of functionality that will allow page presences to be tagged in images on the network. For example, a picture of a certain brand of chocolate bar being eaten by a fan could be tagged with that brand’s page, or a picture of a celebrity could be tagged with their fan page. An additional outlet for interaction with fans – most brands interact with fans primarily through comments and likes, but the introduction of page photo tagging presents a new engagement possibility. Connect: Authored by: Alex Smith

How To Send Facebook Page Updates As you may have noticed over the weekend, there is no longer an action link to send an update to your Facebook Page fans directly on the sidebar. Instead, you’ll now need to go through an extra click to get updates sent. While many Page administrators don’t take advantage of updates, the click through rate on updates has increased dramatically since the new Facebook inbox launched. We highly recommend Page administrators take advantage of this increased visibility. Pragmatiques VS Idéalistes : la Fracture du Community Management | Marketing opérationnel et Médias Sociaux Facebook Groups Vs Pages: The Definitive Guide Over the past couple years the Facebook Pages and Groups products have moved closer together, forcing marketers to ask themselves: which one should they use? After writing a complete guide to Facebook Pages, we thought it would be useful to highlight the core differences between Facebook Pages and Facebook Groups. If you had any lingering questions, this guide should completely clear things up for you! If you don’t know what Facebook groups are, there’s a good chance you haven’t spent more than an hour on Facebook. Groups can serve as an extremely effective marketing tool. In contrast to Facebook groups, which are focused on organizing around topics or ideas, Facebook Pages “allow entities such as public figures and organizations to broadcast information to their fans.” Simply put, Facebook Pages are a tool for companies and public figures to engage their fans and customers. Mass Messaging Indexed By Search Engines Stream Publishing Targeted Stream Posts Targeted Updates Engagement Metrics

Why are You on Twitter? A 'Twitter 101' Lesson Today I begin a short series of posts designed to help newbies understand some social media strategy behind the professional use of Twitter. The first question is: Why are you on Twitter? A. To talk to friends: If that’s the only reason you’re on Twitter you can do whatever you like – just think seriously about protecting your tweets so that only people you know and trust can see them! B. Professional networking: Whether you are still in school, just starting a career or are well into a career Twitter allows you to build connections with interesting and relevant people around the world who are working and talking about topics related to your interests. So, if “B” is your choice you will want to get the most out of Twitter – consider doing the following … 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. So, there you have it, the first Twitter 101 lesson. Connect: Authored by: Mike Johansson Mike is a strategist and teacher who helps businesses and students understand and get the most from social media.

Pourquoi British Telecom n’est pas sur Facebook Je fais écho à l’article de Cédric avec le témoignage de British Telecom dont j’ai eu la chance d’interviewer la responsable social media (Bian Salins - @B1an). Leur approche des médias sociaux est particulièrement intéressante, car ils font preuve de beaucoup de maturité sur le sujet : Un gros travail a été réalisé en amont pour préparer les équipes internes et les collaborateurs à intégrer les médias sociaux dans leur quotidien (ils utilisent Yammer et OfficeTalk pour faire du microblog d’entreprise) ;Ils ont créé la marque BTCare pour redorer l’image et la réputation du service client sans interférer avec les actions menées sur la marque BT ;Ils ne sont pas présents sur Facebook car ils ont préféré privilégier les médias où se trouvaient les conversations les plus intéressantes (Twitter avec @BTCare et les forums de spécialistes ainsi que BTCare Community Forums) ; Autres conseils dispensés par Bian : Ici une (trop) courte interview vidéo de Bian entre deux interventions : Moralité :

They Said What?! How to Deal with a Negative Comment on Your Blog For most people, the goal of blogging is to engage others with your content, whether it be your views, news or experience. The successful blogger will not only succeed at articulating this content, but will generate activity on their posts in the form of clicks or comments. While it can be rewarding to know that people are drawn to and are engaging with your content, the feedback you receive may not always be pleasant. Below are the most common types of negative blog comments: Stabs – Comments that are obvious attacks on your credibility. Spam – Inappropriate link dropping, profanity or swears. Corrections – Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, or corrections to facts or figures. When should I delete a blog comment? The decision to delete or address an unpleasant comment is the right of the blog author and he or she alone. How do I address a negative blog comment? If you’ve chosen to address the problem rather than delete it- great. At a minimum, try to do the following:
