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Trent Walton NOTCOT.ORG Famous Eyeglasses design by Federico MauroArt Direction, Illustration, Design2011 WallSwaps IDEO | A Design and Innovation Consulting Firm NerdyHippo Román Cortés For the latest editon of Js1k contest (a contest to create something cool with only 1 kilobyte of Javascript), I’ve submitted an entry with a furry bee with springy antennae and my tie. Check it here. I’ve been pushing the limits of what is possible to render with canvas 2d. As a result, it renders at decent speed only in Chrome with a very fast computer. In case you don’t have one, check out this video capture: Rendering fur For rendering the fur, I’ve used the same method as I previously used in the Christmas Tree I made for a previous js1k edition. For this entry I’ve enhanced and reduced in code size the sprite generation method used in the Christmas Tree, also making it better suited for fur. Color palette Creating a nice color palette with the 1kb limitations of js1k is not an easy task. This piece of code is generating the palette, including the grays needed for the tie: ‘hsla(’+[(j&15)*8-x,(j&15)*6+x+’%',(j<17)*60+(j&15)*7+’%',1]+’)’ Point cloud rendering Clouds rendering - Center y

Harder Blogger Faster 4.0 1050º ❘ Animalia Little pigs family / Red clay / Alberta Mateo, Kythzia Barrera / ● San Marcos Tlapazola Little pigs family / Red clay / ● San Marcos Tlapazola Three little pigs containers / Red clay / Alberta Mateo, Kythzia Barrera / ● San Marcos Tlapazola Simon Collison | Colly | The Celebrated Miscellany The Q Now that the government is back up and functioning again, we can start worrying about how other countries are run. For example, in Sormland, Sweden, a county counselor named Viggo Hansen tried passing legislation that required men to sit down while peeing to use public bathrooms. Because he believes it would stop the spread of disease, and also has the added benefit that sitting while peeing "fully empties" the bladder, which is healthier for the prostate, which means a better sex life. Thing is, Hansen isn't alone in this school of thought. According to Mental Floss, similar ideas were proposed by men like Stephen Shen, Taiwan's head of the environmental protection agency. But is there any legitimacy to these claims? Mental Floss asked Benjamin Davies, associate professor of urology at the University of Pittsburgh, who claimed that urine is sterile, and actually safe to drink. That said, women have more problems dealing with bacteria in urine than men. So there you have it.

Easy Drink - Bottle Redesign by Hsu Hsiang-Min, Liu Nai-Wen & Chen Yu-Hsin The 45-Degree Neck What will happen if we shift the mouth of the bottle from the top to a 45-degree angle? You may not be able to fill it to the brim, and drinking from it may be a bit weird, but filling the bottle from a water cooler or fountain will surely become easy. This simple placement difference can do a heck lot for the packaging design and I think it’s radical and awesome. Designers: Hsu Hsiang-Min, Liu Nai-Wen & Chen Yu-Hsin
