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10 day survival pack for your vehicle for just $25 by Jeffrey Yago, P.E., CEM Issue #104

10 day survival pack for your vehicle for just $25 by Jeffrey Yago, P.E., CEM Issue #104
It seems like every winter there are news stories of people getting stranded for weeks in bad weather while driving through the many remote areas of our country. In fact, this past winter, our nation held its breath waiting for news of James Kim and his family who got lost traveling the snowy roads of Josephine County in Oregon, not far from where this magazine is published. While his wife and daughters, who stayed with their vehicle, were eventually found alive, he succumbed to the cold as he hiked through snow looking for help for his family. And there are also many cases of people trapped for days in their vehicles after skidding over a bridge embankment, even though they were only a few hundred feet from a busy highway. I have written many articles about how to prepare your home for a power outage or national emergency, but today I want to address how to be prepared for an emergency when traveling in your car or truck. Keeping warm and safe Finding supplies Drinking water supply

BACKWOODS SURVIVAL BLOG Evacuate your home – 9 checklists to help | A Pinch of Joy Colorado is one of my favorite states. I’ve lived there twice and love the mountains, the breathtaking scenery and the endless list of recreational possibilities. We’ve hiked trails, climbed mountains and waded streams–Wheels even panned for gold in some of them. Now some of those beautiful places we enjoyed have been ravaged by fire. Evacuations happen more frequently than we realize. Before an emergency happens, make several decisions on what you need to do. Having to leave home unexpectedly can rattle anyone, even if with a day or two advance warning. Checklists to download: Click on the editable tables below to open in Microsoft Word EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION – numbers for health, repairs, insurance FAMILY INFORMATION – numbers and information you may need concerning your family CONTACTS – numbers of family, friends and others you may need to contact Alternate Printable Contact List form OR Contact list in Excel. Some of these forms come from previous posts.

Getting Started In Emergency Preparedness HURRICANE KATRINA Welcome to Louisiana! On August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina became the largest natural disaster in United States history. After the levees failed, it became the largest man-made disaster in United States history. This blog is a chronicle of what happened to myself and my family during those events. This blog intertwines several elements. Something I don't want to do is make anyone afraid. The events and stories herein are true, but I have also taken the liberty of fictionalizing certain elements here or there for a number of reasons. I have been encouraged many times to write a book about my experience, but I have decided to publish the whole thing on the internet instead. There are three different resources combined here for your use. The second resource is a series of worksheets in a workbook format to provide a model for your own preparations. The third resource is a series of How To pages, which are simple instructions for various projects, including how to assemble your workbook.

What Should I Be Preparing For? * WHAT SHOULD I BE PREPARING FOR?*By: NightHiker13 May 2011 "Be Prepared." We're all familiar with the Boy Scout motto but exactly what you're supposed to be prepared for may not be all that clear. Having done plenty of risk analysis in the military I was pretty comfortable doing it but if you've never been exposed to it then it may sound a little intimidating but it's actually not difficult at all. This list should be specific to you and your area - obviously if you live in Florida you'll have hurricanes whereas California residents would have earthquakes. One thing that I'd like to mention is that when you sit down and actually think about everything that could possibly go wrong you may start to notice some anxiety starting to build, that's the normal result from an increase in situational awareness. Once you have your threats listed the next step is to figure out how you want to rate each event on how much trouble it would cause for you. POSSIBILITY - could this happen to me?

Preparing With Babies in Mind Guest post by Kendra, New Life on a Homestead blog image by MGD_photography For some of us, being prepared for the possibility of a disaster striking means having baby essentials in mind on top of everything else. If you have little ones, or are expecting to have any in the near future, it’s important to think of what you’ll need for that precious little one as well. Preparing For An Unassisted Birth First of all, if you are currently expecting, or think that pregnancy could be a possibility in the near future, I would highly recommend you adding some basic birthing supplies to your emergency checklist. I wrote a post a while back chronicling my home birthing story in which I included a list of items the midwives wanted me to have on hand. Having some knowledge of a local midwife is always a plus as well!! Okay, so now that you are covered in the birthing department (just in case!) image by Chesi_fotos CC Diapering You’ll also need diaper covers. Don’t forget cloth wipes. Food image by louistan

Survival Podcast July | 2009 Modern toilets take two valuable resources, water and nitrogen rich human waste, and combine the two to create a problem: sewage. In a dry or “humanure” toilet, you cover your deposits with a layer of non-toxic sawdust. Once the toilet is full you dump the contents into your outdoor humanure pile and compost the waste at high temperatures for at least a year. You can then use that compost as fertilizer for plants. The ubiquitous five gallon bucket is the most commonly used humanure receptacle. Putting this toilet together takes just a few minutes. Attaching the Toilet Seat to the Crate Next, find a toilet seat. Cutting Out a Hole in the Crate Place the bucket so that it will be appropriately positioned under the seat. Attaching Legs to the Crate with Cable Ties Cut four pieces of scrap wood (we found some old table legs for a more finished look), and attach them to each corner of the crate so that the bucket projects about a 1/2-inch above the level of the crate. Moving the Spacer

TO SURVIVE (tm) - Urban Survival Primer Urban Survival PrimerSurvival Options In An Urban Setting The concept of urban survival encompasses keeping yourself, your family and your possessions safe and secure. This primarily involves four locations; your home, your automobile, your work location or school, and being out and about the town. All four of these pose different problems and all present you with different advantages and disadvantages to take into account. Knowledge, skills and tools provide the means to tilt the odds in your favor. Surviving in an urban setting very rarely includes battling the elements. That's not to say battling the elements is always the same under all conditions. There are cases where urban survival may include dealing with natural or man made disasters, earthquakes or chemical spills. However, for most people, the heart of the matter when discussing urban survival is self-defense. Your Laws Matter Most Be Aware Force Continuum The force you may use to defend your possessions also varies. Self-Defense

Survive And Thrive TV 72 Hour Kits Natural Disaster at Home Flash FloodsDuring a flash flood, water can rise so quickly that there is little or no time for a warning to be issued and you may have only seconds to escape. It only takes two feet of water to carry away cars. Six inches of swiftly moving water will sweep a person off his/her feet. If you suspect a flash flood is about to happen, immediately climb to higher ground. EarthquakesIf you are indoors, and feel an earthquake the first thing to do is look up and around and get your bearings. Wildfires Wildfires often begin unnoticed and spread quickly, Plan with your family where you would go and what you would do if you are threatened. Family Emergency Plans Meet with your family and discuss why you need to prepare for disaster. Discuss the types of disasters that are most likely to happen. Right outside your home in case of a sudden emergency, like a fire. Ask an out-of-state friend to be your "family contact." Discuss what to do in an evacuation. Special Items Water

Daily Survival Farming Salt & Light My Food Storage Cookbook | Tried and tested food storage recipes and the organizational system that makes it all "work"!
