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Description of the Chakras

Description of the Chakras
Written by © Ewald Berkers What chakras are and their psychological properties Chakras are centers of energy, located on the midline of the body. There are seven of them, and they govern our psychological properties. The chakras located on the lower part of our body are our instinctual side, the highest ones our mental side. The chakras can have various levels of activity. Ideally, all chakras would contribute to our being. There exist lots of techniques to balance the chakras. . 1 - Root chakra The Root chakra is about being physically there and feeling at home in situations. If you tend to be fearful or nervous, your Root chakra is probably under-active. If this chakra is over-active, you may be very materialistic and greedy. . 2 - Sacral chakra The Sacral chakra is about feeling and sexuality. If you tend to be stiff and unemotional or have a "poker face," the Sacral chakra is under-active. If this chakra is over-active, you tend to be emotional all the time. . 3 - Navel chakra

Magic Familiar-Chakras The second chakra is known as the sacral plexus chakra spleen chakra or sexual chakra. It is situated in the lower abdomen behind and approximately two inches from the belly button, in the area of the womb. The chakra is represented by the orange Svadhistthana mandala (ones own place), the element of water and it is also symbolised by a fish. It is the source of creativity and inspiration. If this chakra is not working properly it cause negative influences in the physical, this is seen in the form of emotional problems or sexual guilt, and excesses in food, sex and drugs. Chakra Tones and Notes Ruby - Red - Root Chakra Ruby keeps the lower chakras open so energy can move up. It may activate kundalini (in a balanced manner). Mother Mary has infused her energy into this essence which has a profound affect on the heart, strengthening the spiritual heart. Ruby is about mastery and love of self. Each one of these musical notes aligns to one of the twelve major chakras on the physical body and playing the note will help open the chakra and if you hold a pendulum over the aligned chakra and listen to the notes of this scale you will notice that the chakra will spin faster and the energy body and the physical body will recieve more energy from the flow of the higher powers and it is also a great healing technique as well.

The Key To "Success"? This is a great book: Eastern Body, Western Mind:Psychology and The Chakra SystemAs A Path To The Self by Judith "The chakras start withsurvival (at the base of the spine),followed by sexuality (lower back),power (solar plexus), love (heart area),communication (throat), intuition (brow),and cognition (crown). One interesting thing this book talks about is how easy it is for people with an emphasis on the lower chakras to achieve worldly success. "It is no measure of health, to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society Nevertheless, the ultimate result of all this "success", is that these people, despite all the security and comfort they have accrued, the respect they have earned from their contemporaries, and the (often prodigious) fruits of their labors, -- despite all of this, -- these people end up feeling alienated from humanity, empty inside, and completely unfulfilled by their success.

Basic Philosophy, A Guide for the Intellectually Perplexed, Meta-philosophy, Common Sense Philosophy, also, A Collection of Fundamental Ideas, and, Aphorisms for Liberal Education. A framework of fundamental and practical ideas for truth seekers, idea lov

Seven Major Chakra Series - Learn about the Root Chakra root chakra | sacral chakra | solar plexus chakra | heart chakra | throat chakra | brow chakra | crown chakra The Base or Root Chakra is associated with the color red. This chakra is the grounding force that allows us to connect to the earth energies and empower our beings. Focusing one's attention on the color of a cherry popsicle or a juicy red apple can help bring our energetic body "down to earth" and in alignment with our physical body when we find ourselves energetically fleeting or in other words....." Chakra One - Associations Learning About Chakras Are You Adequately Grounded? Bibliography: Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss, Flower Essence Repertory by Patricia Kaminski and Richard Katz, Hands of Light by Barbara Ann Brennan, Love is in the Earth by Melody

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The Meaning of Life 1. The Meaning of “Meaning” One part of the field of life's meaning consists of the systematic attempt to clarify what people mean when they ask in virtue of what life has meaning. This section addresses different accounts of the sense of talk of “life's meaning” (and of “significance,” “importance,” and other synonyms). A large majority of those writing on life's meaning deem talk of it centrally to indicate a positive final value that an individual's life can exhibit. Beyond drawing the distinction between the life of an individual and that of a whole, there has been very little discussion of life as the logical bearer of meaning. Returning to topics on which there is consensus, most writing on meaning believe that it comes in degrees such that some periods of life are more meaningful than others and that some lives as a whole are more meaningful than others (perhaps contra Britton 1969, 192). 2. 2.1 God-centered Views 2.2 Soul-centered Views 3. 3.1 Subjectivism 3.2 Objectivism 4.

Encyclopedia Britannica Chakras | Could Blocked Chakras Be Wreaking Havoc In Your Life? Western Philosophy
