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Holographic Universe (Part 1 of 5 ) its all illusion.

Holographic Universe (Part 1 of 5 ) its all illusion.
Related:  Spirit and Spiritual World

Heart of Hinduism: Doctrine: Sankhya and Yoga Kapila, who founded the school of Sankya. Some Hindus claim there were two Kapilas, teaching theistic and atheistic versions of this doctrine. Sankhya, derived from the word meaning "to count," is a philosophical system of analysing matter established by Kapila. As theistic schools evolved, they added a 26th element, the paramapurusha or God (purusha and paramapurusha are here synonymous with atman and paramatman). Patanjali-yoga, also called raja- or astanga-yoga, is intimately linked with Sankhya, its "sister" darshan. Although popular hatha-yoga is related to astanga-yoga, particularly the third stage, the exercises in Patanjali's system are designed not for physical health but simply to facilitate meditation and self-realisation. The 24 Elements of Sankhya Philosophy The pradhana is the unmanifest three modes of nature (goodness, passion and ignorance). Pradhana False-ego Intelligence Mind Five gross elements Ether Air Fire Water Earth Five sense objects Sound Touch Sight Taste Smell

Michael Talbot (author) Michael Coleman Talbot (September 29, 1953 – May 27, 1992)[1] was an American author of several books highlighting parallels between ancient mysticism and quantum mechanics, and espousing a theoretical model of reality that suggests the physical universe is akin to a giant hologram.[2] According to Talbot ESP, telepathy, and other paranormal phenomena are a product of this holographic model of reality.[3] Talbot was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on September 29, 1953. He was originally a fiction/science fiction author.[1][4] He also contributed articles to The Village Voice and other publications.[4] Talbot attempted to incorporate spirituality, religion and science to shed light on profound questions.[5] His non-fiction books include Mysticism And The New Physics, Beyond The Quantum, and The Holographic Universe. Novels The Delicate Dependency, 1982The Bog, 1986Night Things, 1988To the Ends of the Earth, 1988[7] Non-fiction

ALL ABOUT 2012 13-Baktun Cycle Wave Harmonic of History : A splendid colour version of Arguelles' diagram of the 260 Katuns of the Great Cycle, combined with all events of History (since records began). 13 PIK The Mayan Perspective on 2012 13 Year Countdown to 2012 : Aluna Joy Yaxk'in gives astrological predictions for each of the 20 years of the last katun of the Great Cycle : A message from our future selves. Is it a spoof, or genuine Coming Transformation site? 2012 Unlimited : An Australian site covering Earth changes, Mayan Calendar, frequency rise, UFOs, dimensional shift, etc. 2012, Comet Lee and the Birth of Our New Neighbour : Howard Middleton Jones says there is a new planet forming near the sun which will be part of a planetary alignment in 2012. 21 December 2012 The Mayan Calendar End-Date : “Information Made Easy for the Everyday Earthling to Understand” Alignment 2012: John Major Jenkins on the solstice sun/galactic centre conjunction in 2012. AD 2012… Is Something Big Coming?

Ajit Vadakayil: BEEJ MANTRA , ANUSWARAM NASAL SOUND , PRIMORDIAL LONGITUDINAL WAVE SOUND FREQUENCY – CAPT AJIT VADAKAYIL The sign of OM is the sign of Hinduism. It is the first and foremost of all mantras. Mantra is the sound body of consciousness. The frequency of OM is 7.83 Hz , which in inaudible to the ear, as the human ear of a 2 strand DNA human being like you and me , cannot discern sounds of frequency less than 20 hertz. Ohm- 7.83 Hz Gam - 14 Hz Hleem - 20 Hz Hreem - 26 Hz Kleem - 33 Hz Krowm - 39 Hz Sreem - 45 Hz All these harmonics are part of Beej mantras. OM has been lifted by other religions as AMEN, 786 ( OM symbol shown in mirror ), SHALOM, OMKAR etc- but they do NOT work. Shri Navgraha Strota: जपाकुसुमसंकाशंकाश्यपेयंमहद्युतिम् तमोऽरिM सर्वपापघ्नंप्रणतोऽस्मिदिवाकरम् | I bow to Surya, who shines like JapaKusuma flower, who is son of Kasyapa, who is resplendent, who is enemy of darkness n who destroys all sins. दधिशण^खतुषाराभंक्शीरोदार्णवसंभवम् नमामिशशिनंसोमंशम्भोर्मुकुटभूषणम् | I bow to Soma, whose colour is white like yogurt, conch n snow; who rose from Ksheasagar and who adorns the head of Lord Siva. Rahu

The Quantum Activist | Documentary film & DVD with Dr. Amit Gosw Take 2 Steps Toward Pineal Gland (Third Eye) Activation The third eye, the gate way to higher levels of consciousness, is scientifically known as the pineal gland. The pea sized and pine cone shaped gland is located at eye level in the center of the brain. The pineal gland produces and secretes melatonin, as well as Dimethyltryptamine (DMT). These 2 steps you can take today won’t require fasting, yay! Alkalinity is a main factor when achieving decalcification and activation of the pineal gland. This is because the pineal gland is not isolated from the body in the blood-brain barrier system. When the pineal gland is active there is a pressure at the base of the brain and the forehead. Step 1: EliminationTo fully activate the pineal gland all acid forming foods and drinks need to be eliminated. This list of foods is highly acidic and should be avoided when concentrating on pineal gland decalcification and activation. Keep in mind that this is a lifestyle change that takes inspired action for a successful transition.

Bill Bryson: Home Human: The Incredible Documentary That Will Change The Way You Look At Yourself “To succeed in your professional life isn’t that hard, but to succeed in your personal life is a lot harder. To really be a human is a lot harder. We forget about that.” – Yann Arthus-Bertand, director of the film Human Sometimes there comes along a documentary that is so profound, so moving, that you want to shout out to the whole world that they must see it. Just-released Human is one of those unforgettable documentaries that has the power to change an enormous amount of people. It may even have the ability to change how governments treat their citizens. Directed by French born Yann Arthus-Bertand, a well-known and incredible photographer, journalist, and reporter (as well as an avid environmentalist), Human is a stunning visual feast for the eyes and has a powerful impact on the soul. They asked questions like: “What is the toughest trial you have faced? “When was the last time you said ‘I love you’ to your parents?” “What was it like growing up in your country?” Countless Moving Moments
