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5 Best Practices for Fashion Retailers on Facebook

5 Best Practices for Fashion Retailers on Facebook
As U.S. consumers continue to spend increasing amounts of time on Facebook, and as brands amass larger followings than major women's magazines, fashion retailers are investing greater resources into the world's largest social network. But how can retailers optimize their Facebook presence? Should they focus on entertainment and product, or is it best utilized as a customer service channel? We've taken these questions to some of the best and brightest minds in the business and gathered their thoughts for you below. 1. Although some retailers, such as Express and ASOS, are opening up stores on Facebook, the time is not yet ripe for F-commerce, most fashion retailers agree. While iframes is certainly making ecommerce integration on Facebook easier and more cost-effective, Facebook is still best employed as a customer relationship management (CRM) tool, says Maureen Mullen, chief researcher at luxury think tank L2. 2. Online luxury retailer Net-a-Porter has a similar approach to sales. 3. 4.

Why Do Luxury Consumers Engage with Brands on Social Media? [[Original post "Why Do Luxury Consumers Engage With Brands On Social Media?"]] Calling all luxury marketers... According to a recent survey conducted by the Affluence Collaborative, the reason a luxury consumer engages with his or her favorite brand via Social Media is vastly different than those of the general population. The majority of people like their favorites on Facebook or follow them on Twitter in order to receive discounts and deals. One other interesting note from the above chart is what scored the lowest in terms of reasons why people follow brands and companies via Social Media. Another intriguing finding from the survey was the fact that affluents are not using the same Social Media platforms as the general population per se. Number 1 overall was Facebook, of course but Twitter and LinkedIn are attracting affluent users at almost twice the rate of the general population. Are you a luxury marketer or a marketer in general? What are your thoughts on all of this?

L'Observatoire Influencia - De Facebook à iFacebook ? Publié le 17 mai 2011 Une réflexion sur l'évolution des réseaux sociaux me tarabuste depuis quelques temps : derrière un fan, il n'y a pas que ses amis et ses marques stars, mais un utilisateur dans ses contextes d'expérience avec leurs data et ses centres d 'intérets; et un utilisateur qui de surcroît, "possède" une identité numérique techniquement "universelle" c'est-à-dire interopérable, tel un sésame simplificateur de l'accès ubiquitaire. Mon socialgraph, c'est avant tout l'extension de ma personne et ce socialgraph ne se limiterait pas aux amis, ni à mes marques préférées. J'avais besoin d'une série d'éléments déclencheurs pour coucher sur le papier cette intuition. Ce bouillonnement d'annonces et de chiffres se contredisent plus qu'ils ne se complètent et s'ils viennent questionner la maturité de Facebook pour le business, ne sont-ils pas plutôt le signal d'une évolution, voire une mutation du réseau ? Formulation de cette intuition quand à l'évolution de fond des réseaux sociaux:

What Marketers Need to Know About Facebook's Switch to iFrames Jeff Ente is the director of Who's Blogging What, a weekly e-newsletter that tracks over 1,100 social media, web marketing and user experience blogs to keep readers informed about key developments in their field and highlight useful but hard to find posts. Mashable readers can subscribe for free here. Facebook has recently announced a lengthy list of significant design and feature changes for Pages. One particular item is emerging with perhaps the greatest challenge and the highest potential for Page owners — there is a new way to present custom content on Facebook Pages. Background: Starting With a Clean Canvas iFrames are not new. FBML is a subset of HTML that has additional Facebook specific functions. Learning to Love iFrames The switch to iFrames means that developers can create dynamic web apps using their standard tools (HTML, CSS, PHP, ASP, JavaScript, Flash, etc.), register them as a Facebook "Canvas" app and then embed the app on a custom Page via the iFrame. Using Facebook

HOW TO: Start Marketing on Facebook The Social Media 101 Series is supported by Global Strategic Management Institute. GSMI's Social Media Strategies Series are the leading educational events for organizations looking to advance their online capabilities. Learn more. It's no secret: U.S. consumers continue to spend increasing amounts of time on Facebook. Consequently, marketers — lured by Facebook's suite of highly targeted marketing products and the site's smooth ability to spread information across networks of friends — are investing increasing amounts of capital in the platform. Facebook's proposition is especially attractive to small business owners, and not just because it enables them to hone in on potential customers through highly targeted, paid advertisements. "Ask [small business owners] how they get customers, and they'll tell you that someone walks in, has a great experience, walks out and tells a couple of their friends," says Emily White, senior director of local at Facebook. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Her advice? 6.

Luxury Brands & Social Media – Case Studies Je n’ai plus de temps pour publier ici, mais ceux qui me connaissent savent que j’ai des petites périodes de disette. Ce sera pour mieux revenir, rassurez-vous. Je profite d’un bref passage à Paris pour partager un guide que j’ai trouvé assez intéressant bien qu’il soit réalisé par une agence. Il n’est pas spécialement pushy et surtout il décrit de très bons business cases pour des marques comme Gilt, Cartier, Tiffany&Co, Balmain ou Oscar de la Renta. Poursuivons l’exploration des marques de luxe et des médias de conversation ou sociaux, bien que cette appellation me soit de plus en plus étrange, mais c’est un autre débat que je vous réserve pour plus tard. Pour suivre la réflexion sur les médias sociaux et les marques de luxe, voici les articles en parlant sur ce blog : Le Luxe a-t-il besoin des Médias Sociaux ? Luxury Brands & Social Media – Rise of the Ambassadors Luxury Brands Should Use Social Media Differently Bonne lecture. via Abrams Research

5 Must-Know Metrics for Effective Facebook Wall Posts Contrary to the old adage, timing is not everything when it comes to Facebook wall posts. Important? Yes. Let’s take a look at what Buddy Media found that’s relevant to your Facebook engagement initiatives. Report summary The released research paper, “Strategies For Effective Facebook Wall Posts: A Statistical Review,” cites three primary success metrics. Comment Rate: number of comments as a percentage of fan base“Like” Rate: number of “likes” as a percentage of fan baseEngagement Rate: a combination of the above factoring in fan base size Brands are likely to have other measures of success, but the metrics on this list are readily measured and, if not end-goals on their own, indicators of how well wall comments are moving them towards those other objectives. The research was compiled by analyzing all Facebook Wall posts from the Buddy Media Platform by more than 200 client brands during the period from January 30 through February 12, 2011. Key findings called out by Buddy Media include:

4 Ways to Set Up a Storefront on Facebook This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business. With more than 500 million active users on Facebook, there are more potential customers using Facebook than there are logging into eBay and Amazon combined. Most of these users don't see the site as a purchasing platform, but more and more businesses are adding an option to use the social networking site to browse and buy their products. These four Facebook apps offer flexible options for adding a storefront to your business page. 1. Free beta app Payvment allows you to handle your entire e-commerce operation through Facebook. Unless you disable the option, your products will also appear in searches people make on other Payvment storefronts when they choose to search “all of Facebook.” 2. Storefont Social creates a tab on your business’s Facebook page that allows you to showcase items in your online store. 3. 4.

7 Stellar Examples of Branded Content from the Fashion Industry Macala Wright Lee is the publisher of FashionablyMarketing.Me. Wright Lee is a retail consultant whose firm, Fashionably Digital, specializes in marketing consulting for fashion, luxury and beauty brands. You can follower her on Twitter at @FashMarketing. One of the most popular trends in the fashion industry this year has been brand generated content. From online blogzines to Tumblr-powered micro sites, branded content is quickly becoming a cost effective, long-term online marketing strategy that the fashion industry will continue to utilize as brands and retailers look for new, innovative ways to connect with customers online. Branded content creation serves several purposes: customer entertainment, stealth advertising and social engagement. In 2011, branded content is going to be the consumer fashion marketing trend to watch. 1. In 2010, no one did this better than Louis Vuitton and its NOWNESS. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Goop isn’t a blog or a mobile app. 7.

Trucs & Astuces sur Facebook Dans cet article nous allons vous présenter quelques trucs et astuces pour exploiter plus efficacement Facebook. – Améliorez votre visibilité sur le Mur de vos Fans C’est une des actions les plus évidentes… mais pas la plus facile ! En effet il est très rare qu’un “fan” revienne sur une page après avoir “Aimé”… Il ne vous reste que la visibilité sur le Mur pour le faire revenir… Or vous avez sans doute remarqué que malgré que vous ayez plusieurs dizaines d’amis, seules quelques news sont visibles. Cela vient de Facebook qui sélectionne les informations les plus pertinentes à afficher via le EdgeRank. En effet il y a 2 modes de visualisation des news sur Facebook soit uniquement un filtrage automatique des “Actualités à la une” (mode par défaut des utilisateurs), soit “Les actualités les plus récentes”. Vous avez donc tout intérêt à améliorer votre EdgeRank sinon vos infos demeureront invisibles sur les murs de vos Fans. – les relations (travail, groupes…) – la fraicheur de l’information.

5 Ways Facebook's New Features Will Fuel Social Shopping Christian Taylor is founder and CEO of Payvment and developer of the number-one Facebook ecommerce platform for brands, agencies and merchants, and the world’s only Facebook Shopping Mall. Many of the new features introduced at Facebook’s f8 Developer Conference last Thursday, such as a customizable Open Graph and real-time news Ticker, will have a tremendous impact on social commerce and social shopping in the very near future. SEE ALSO: How Facebook Timeline Might Radically Change the Look of Brand Pages [PICS] Developers will now be able to build a Facebook commerce experience more relevant to shoppers and also offer more effective social discovery for sellers. Sellers will be able to access new insights into shopper preferences and will use this data to better promote their products. These new opportunities will make the Facebook shopping experience richer and more social. Here are five ways Facebook’s new features will fuel social commerce and product discovery. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Why the Fashion Industry Is Betting Big on Branded Online Content Macala Wright Lee is the publisher of FashionablyMarketing.Me. Wright Lee is a retail consultant who's firm, Fashionably Digital, specializes marketing consulting for fashion, luxury and beauty brands. You can follower her on twitter at @FashMarketing. The fashion industry’s use of branded content gained momentum in 2010. In 2011, retailers will have three big shifts to consider as part of their branded content strategy. While many brands approach branded content in different ways, Susan Etlinger of The Altimeter Group feels that all retailers and fashion brands must: Talk to their customers; consumers expect dialogue with the brands they care about.Need to be able to shift between channels — web, mobile, print, broadcast — with a moment's notice in order to keep a constant stream of communication with customers.Maintain a consistent brand experience, no matter where the customers are or what they're doing. Indie Fashion and Big Brand Collaborations The Rise of Fashion Films 1. 1.
