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Top 10 Mysteries Surrounding Ancient Aliens

Top 10 Mysteries Surrounding Ancient Aliens
Mysteries Ancient aliens is the idea that aliens visited earth in the past. The idea of ancient aliens is not a new one either. The idea of evolution has been used to describe the gradual change of traits that living organisms undergo over time, which is related to the environment, but it doesn’t explain how the biological cells of human’s first ancestor were spawned. The idea surrounding ancient aliens is a basic one. This concept is related to the religious practice of a cargo cult, which can be seen in modern day pre-industrial tribal societies. It has been proposed that, with the current age of the universe and its vast number of stars, if the Earth was typical, extraterrestrial life should be common. The idea of ancient alien as astronauts has spawned a UFO religion named Raëlism. The Quran depicts a story of angels that are given minds of their own, found in verse [2:34]. Modern Technical Advancement Many of the accounts include unexplained lights, sounds and UFOs.

Ancient astronauts Ancient astronauts or ancient aliens[1] is a pseudo-scientific hypothesis that posits intelligent extraterrestrial beings have visited Earth and made contact with humans in antiquity and prehistory.[2] Proponents suggest that this contact influenced the development of human cultures, technologies, and religions. A common claim is that deities from most, if not all, religions are actually extraterrestrial in nature, and that such visitors' advanced technologies were wrongly understood by primitive men as evidence of divine status.[3][4] Proposers subscribing to the resultant paleocontact hypothesis proposal have popularized, particularly in the latter half of the 20th century, include Erich von Däniken, Giorgio A. Overview[edit] Proponents of the ancient astronaut hypotheses often maintain that humans are either descendants or creations of extraterrestrial beings who landed on Earth thousands of years ago. Ancient astronauts hypothesis of creation[edit] The genetic argument[edit] Robert K.

When Earth's Human Population Was 18,500! Scientists have calculated that for a period lasting one million years and beginning 1.2 million years ago, at a time when our ancestors were spreading through Africa, Europe and Asia, there were probably between 18,500 to 26,000 individuals capable of breeding (and no more than 26,000). This made them an endangered species with a smaller population than today’s species such as gorillas which number 25,000 breeding individuals and chimpanzees (21,000). Researchers have proposed a number of explanations , such as events in which a significant proportion of the population is killed or prevented from reproducing. One such event was the Toba super-volcano in Indonesia that erupted around 70,000 years ago, triggering a nuclear winter. Only an estimated 15,000 humans are thought to have survived. The new research is concerned with the entire genome rather than specific genetic lineages studied in the earlier research work. Human geneticist Lynn B. Casey Kazan Sources:

Milk Hill of June 2009 seems to predict a new, bright astronomical object in our solar system, possibly a comet or even an “extra planet”, on the new Moon of June 1, 2011 Milk Hill of June 2009 showed Earth’s sky on a partial solar eclipse of June 1, 2011, when five bright planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus lined up at sunrise, and when Jupiter entered the first constellation of the zodiac (Pisces to Aries) A three-part series of crop pictures near Milk Hill in Wiltshire on June 21, 23 and 30 has long posed an enigma to researchers. What were the crop artists trying to tell us? At first we thought they might be trying to tell us about an “extra planet” somewhere in Earth’s sky, or perhaps a “new comet”? Now with the benefit of four more years of crop pictures from 2010 to 2013 for study, a simpler interpretation seems indicated. The primary metaphor as drawn in crops at Milk Hill on June 21, 2009 was that of an “astronomical sextant”: We were being told that we would metaphorically use a “sextant” to look up into Earth’s sky, on some future date, when we would see the Moon and five planets, all lined up in a row. Red Collie (Dr.

The Disclosure Project Deadly time vortex appears over Antarctica Sector of erupting anomalies. Disturbing news has been leaking out from the giant continent at the bottom of the world. Some scientists manning lonely outposts under the drifting and shifting aurora are nearly paralyzed with fear. Their clipped reports are being reviewed by astonished superiors back in the home countries. Russian researchers posted near the giant South Pole sub-glacial Lake Vostok have reported eerie anomalies and incidents over the past few years that sometimes seem to border on the frayed edge of creeping madness. Artificial structure found under two miles of ice During April 2001 one of the world’s great secrets was revealed: an ancient structure or apparatus that lay encased miles under the hard Antarctic ice was detected by a roving spy satellite. Despite the news blackout, reports still surfaced that a secretive excavation project had commenced on the heels of the discovery. Excavation deep into the ice…What’s down there? High technology and strange events Source

Colorado's San Luis Valley Is A UFO Hotspot With A Specially Built UFO Watchtower Want to see some unexplained lights in the sky or slow moving cigar-shaped or saucer-shaped objects? Gas up the car and head out to the southwest section of Colorado. The San Luis Valley of the Centennial State is reportedly a paranormal-rich area of the American landscape, with UFO sightings going back to the 1600s. When Judy Messoline first moved here in 1995 to raise cattle, she became intrigued by the many UFO stories told to her by the locals. She eventually abandoned the ranch idea and in 2000, built a special UFO Watchtower, a rectangular metal platform standing 10 feet high above the ground where up to 60 people at a time can gather and swap tales of unexplained experiences. "We see objects that we cannot explain -- lights that go real fast and stop, or they'll go in one direction and suddenly go in the opposite direction without stopping," Messoline told AOL. So far, of the nearly 60 sightings since she opened her alien lookout, Messoline has had 26 sightings of her own.

Dr. Steven Greer Bio | The Disclosure Project (Updated 12/15/11) Click Here for PDF version. Steven M. Greer, MD is Founder of The Disclosure Project, The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) and The Orion Project. Father of the Disclosure movement, he presided over the groundbreaking National Press Club Disclosure Event in May, 2001. A lifetime member of Alpha Omega Alpha, the nation's most prestigious medical honor society, Dr. He is the author of four insightful books and multiple DVDs on the UFO/ET subject. Dr.

"Dinosaur and Human Tracks Found Together, Page 3" This is an unusual and remarkable petroglyph of what appears to be a fire-breathing dragon! Did this Anasazi artist just have a wild imagination or did he see something that we don't see in our world today? Dr. Don Patton is shown here with an Indian rock art that he believes depicts a Triceratops dinosaur. This petroglyph (carving in rock) is in Montrose County, near Montrose, Colorado Notice the three horns on the head of the rock carving and how similar it is in appearance to what scientists now believe Triceratops actually looked like. CLICK HERE to continue your DINOSAUR TOUR. "The Dinosaur Display features fascinating information about dinosaurs and answers the questions: How long ago did dinosaurs roam the planet? This petroglyph can be seen at the Wupatki National Park near Flagstaff, Arizona. This particular petroglyph appears to be a depiction of a fire-breathing dinosaur. You can receive a free copy of the coloring page at

THE NATURAL PHENOMENA OF ANTIGRAVITATION AND INVISIBILITY IN INSECTS AND THE GREBENNIKOV CAVERNOUS STRUCTURES EFFECT Introduction by Iu. N. Cherednichenko, Senior Researcher, Biophysics Laboratory, Institute of Human Pathology and Ecology, Russian Academy of Medical Science Viktor Stepanovich Grebennikov is a naturalist, a professional entomologist, an artist-simply put, an intellectual with a wide range of interests and pursuits. He is known to many as the discoverer of the Cavernous Structures Effect (CSE). But very few people are familiar with his other discovery, one that also borrows from Nature and its innermost secrets. Back in 1988 he discovered anti-gravitational effects of the chitin shell of certain insects. The latter conclusion was confirmed by my many experiments on sprouting wheat seeds in a strong CSE field, as compared to seeds germinating in the same climatic conditions but in the absence of the CSE.
