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Resources for the webmaster-website builder -

Resources for the webmaster-website builder -

L'annuaire des annuaires - Les meilleurs outils de recherche Web Developer's Handbook | CSS, Web Development, Color Tools, SEO, Usability etc. Vitaly Friedman's The Web Developer's Handbook creativity | css galleries & showcases | color tools | color schemes, palettes | color patterns | fashion: colors selection | color theory | royalty free photos | css daily reading | web design daily reading | css layouts | css navigation menus | css techniques | css: software & Firefox Extensions | css-web-tools & services | html-web-tools & services | accessibility checkers | miscellaneous tools | ajax | javascript | DOM | fonts | typography | RSS | CMS | blogging | specifications | usability & accessibility | add a link (free) | seo tools | seo references | howtogetthingsdone | freelancers resources | web2.0 | 2read Advertise here! creativity css: selected showcases css galleries & showcases color tools color schemes, palettes color patterns fashion: colors selection color theory royalty free photos specifications usability & accessibility add a link (free) seo tools seo references howtogetthingsdone freelancers web 2.0 2read: this week

Script php Anti aspirateur. Bonjour, je viens de voter. J'ai coché "Les aspirateurs de sites sont très pratiques", cependant je voulais complèter ma réponse. Je pense que c'est très pratique pour un utilisateur, ça évite de faire "Enregistrer" sur chaque page. Cependant, pour le webmaster et celui qui gère le serveur, ça peut créer plein de problèmes : - gaspillage de bande passante - vol de contenu grandement facilité ... Comme le dit Monique, j'utilisais régulièrement un aspirateur de sites lorsque je n'avais qu'une connexion modem. Evidemment, je l'utilisais intelligemment, de façon à disposer offline des quelques pages qui m'intéressaient. Il y a quelques temps, j'avais posté un message sur les aspirateurs d'adresses email. Personnellement, je n'utilise presque plus les aspirateurs de sites, maintenant que j'ai une connexion permanente à Internet. Jocelyn

ClickHeat | What's hot on your website ? ClickHeat is a visual heatmap of clicks on a HTML page, showing hot and cold click zones. ClickHeat is an OpenSource software, released under GPL licence, and free of charge. Requirements - on the browser's client: Javascript (tested on Firefox 2.0, Internet Explorer 6 and 7, Konqueror...) - on the server: either Linux or Windows (since ClickHeat 1.3 release), Apache or Lighttpd (other may work fine), PHP, the graphic library GD2 (PNG support needed). Features - Low logging activity: a very few function calls to log a click, no server load rise should be noticed (have a look at Performance & optimization) - A keyword is used to define the page upon Javascript code load, allowing you to group same pages. - Screen sizes and browsers are logged, making possible the tracking of liquid CSS layouts (100% used width). Demo A ClickHeat demo is available (with real data from this website's clicks). Latest version The latest stable version is 1.14. Development roadmap

BrowsrCamp AlsacréationS apprendre XHTML, les CSS et les standards W3C de la conception Web webCMS - Home Netalya : Tout pour votre site web Cours - Articles - Livres - Ressources gratuites - offres d'emploi NewbieContest : Challenge informatique francophone Code Standards | Isobar Overview This document contains guidelines for web applications built by the Creative Technology (front end engineering) practice of Isobar. It is to be readily available to anyone who wishes to check the iterative progress of our best practices. This document's primary motivation is two- fold: 1) code consistency and 2) best practices. By maintaining consistency in coding styles and conventions, we can ease the burden of legacy code maintenance, and mitigate risk of breakage in the future. By adhering to best practices, we ensure optimized page loading, performance and maintainable code. Pillars of Front-end Development◊ General Practices◊ Indentation◊ For all code languages, we require indentation to be done via soft tabs (using the space character). Readability vs Compression◊ We prefer readability over file-size savings when it comes to maintaining existing files. The first component of any web page is the tag-based markup language of HTML. HTML5 is a new version of HTML and XHTML. 1. 1. 1.
