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U.S. Army Survival Manual FM 21-76 - EQUIPPED TO SURVIVE (tm)

U.S. Army Survival Manual FM 21-76 - EQUIPPED TO SURVIVE (tm)
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Did you know pine trees can be used as food, medicine and survival equipment? (NaturalNews) The pine is one of the most useful trees on the planet, providing food, shelter, medicine and fuel. Knowing how to utilize this versatile resource could someday be the key to your very survival if you find yourself alone in the wilderness. There are many species in the pine family (or genus Pinus), and they can be found virtually everywhere in the world. Here are just a few of the many uses for pine trees (or conifers): Food: Many types of pine needles can be used to make a tea rich in vitamin C. It's important to note that some pine needles are poisonous -- be sure to avoid consuming the needles from the Norfolk Island Pine (Araucaria heterophylla), the Yew (Taxus) and the Ponderosa Pine (Pinus ponderosa -- also known as Western Yellow Pine, Bull Pine and Blackjack Pine). Pine nuts from all varieties of pine are edible, although some are small and not typically harvested. Inner pine bark and pine resin are edible; male pine cones and their pollen can also be eaten. Medicine:

About Web Search - Learn How To Search The Web The 2012 Survival Guide (Other Post & Pre Apocalyptic Survival Guides)Will You Survive Doomsday?Survival SheltersFood StorageWater Storage Table of Content Note: About this writing This is an unedited draft that I wrote and may contain errors in punctuation and spelling. I simply have a lot to say on this website and I am currently spending my time researching and writing. Preface - The End Of The World As We Know It – (T.E.O.T.W.A.W.K.I.) T.E.O.T.W.A.W.K.I. T.E.O.T.W.A.W.K.I. scenarios includes but is not limited to: A major political shift that effects the stability of world super powers, and leads to wide spread panic and financial instability worldwide financial crisis worldwide famine worldwide pandemic Nuclear war A mega volcano eruption An asteroid impact Personal T.E.O.T.W.A.W.K.I. scenarios happen for people everyday, ask any victim of a natural disaster; their world changed. The fact that your reading this probably means that you live in a country that has some stability. T.E.O.T.W.A.W.K.I.

Survival Guide A survival guide could save your life or that of a loved one! Even the most experienced of survivalists should keep a survival guide close by when tackling nature because you never know what surprises make lurk ahead. Whether you’re a novice hiker, camper, hunter or highly experienced outdoor survival instructor/guide, having an up to date survival guide can be a lifesaver. If you forget to stay put or forget the rule of three’s which are, you can live three minutes without air, three hours without shelter in a harsh environment, three days with water and three weeks without food, a good survival guide can help you get on the right track. Every time you leave the road, have your survival gear and a survival guide with you. Your survival guide is one great addition to your emergency kit. The bottom line is to be prepared with a small pack with food, water, shelter, fire materials, a survival guide and a good knife at all times outside your home.

Bacteria Removed From Water With Simple Pine Tree Filter Say MIT Researchers MIT group shows xylem tissue in sapwood can filter bacteria from contaminated water. If you’ve run out of drinking water during a lakeside camping trip, there’s a simple solution: Break off a branch from the nearest pine tree, peel away the bark, and slowly pour lake water through the stick. The improvised filter should trap any bacteria, producing fresh, uncontaminated water. A false-color electron microscope image showing E. coli bacteria (green) trapped over xylem pit membranes (red and blue) in the sapwood after filtration. Researchers design a simple filter by peeling the bark off a small section of white pine, then inserting and securing it within plastic tubing. Image courtesy of the researchers “Today’s filtration membranes have nanoscale pores that are not something you can manufacture in a garage very easily,” Karnik says. Tapping the flow of sap Sapwood may offer a low-cost, small-scale alternative. Seeing red Picking the right plant This research was supported by the James H.

Adventures in Rechargeable Batteries 38 Survival Downloads and Handbooks Posted on Aug 16, 2013 in Emergency Preparedness & Survival, Featured Articles, Urban Gardening, Farming & Homesteading Kevin Hayden – If you find this material helpful, please consider donating $1 or $2 to the website! Field Manuals & Military Handbooks (.pdf Format) *New* > Internment and Resettlement Operations FM 3-39.40 Psychological Operations (PsyOps) AFDD 2-5-3 CBR Shelters ETL 1110-3-498 Map Reading & Navigation FM 3-25-26 Terrain, Maps, and Direction *New* > Aircraft Recognition FM44.80 Nuclear, Biological & Chemical (NBC) Field Handbook FM 3-7 Nuclear, Biological & Chemical (NBC) Protection FM 34 Military Chemical & Biological Agents and Compounds FM 3-9 Counterinsurgency Operations FMI 3-07.22 Updated: Counter Insurgency Tactics FM3.24.2 Survival, Evasion, Resistance, & Escape (SERE) AR350-30 US Army Ranger Handbook *New* > Special Operations – Using Pack Animals FM3.05.213 *New* > Special Operations – Caching Techniques TC.3129A Expeditionary Maneuver Warware Fishing Knots

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