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How to Draw Hair, Part 1

How to Draw Hair, Part 1
Looking back at my tutorials on drawing the head, I realized that I covered individual features, but completely left out hair. This tutorial will is split into 3 parts: The Basics, Types of Hair, and a Step by Step drawing. I’ll start this first part of the series with common mistakes that I see all the time. Common Mistakes when Drawing Hair Forgetting about the volumes This is the most common mistake I see from newer students. Too Much Texture This one is similar to the first, but this can still happen even if one pays attention to the volumes. Impatience – Bad Design There are so many random little shapes in hair, that good design is a necessity. Sharp Outlines I’m referring the the outer edge between the hair and background and also the connection between hair and skin. Consider the Form Underneath the Hair Spherical Skull Most hair styles you will draw will be affected by the skull underneath. The groups of hair wrap around the form underneath and inherit the same light patterns. Shadow Related:  Visage - portraitdessin

Human Figure Drawing Proportions START WITH A (3 x 4) OVAL. Divide this head like this:The top of the skull.The pupils are in the middle of the head, top to bottom.The bottom of the nose is about 1.5 eye widths from the eye line.1 eye width below the nose is between the lips.1/3 below between the lips and the chin is the chin crease.I started with an oval that fit on my skull's front view. My horizontal center line of the skull dividing the top to bottom is between the pupils. My head is 5 eyes wide not including my ears. When drawing the head I consider the horizontal eye line the center of the head. The head sideways is one head-length high and one head-length wide. The ear hole is in line with bottom of the nose, and the backbone/skull pivot point. The bottom of the ear varies with the individual and age. The face triangle is from the center of each pupil, through the nostrils of the nose to a point between the top front teeth. This charcoal self-portrait drawing is on a white background. 1. That's it.

How to Draw the Nose Update 09-26-2012 – Above is a video version of this tutorial. For more video tutorials visit and subscribe to the newsletter In this tutorial I will go over the structure of the nose and give detailed information about the bridge, ball, and nostrils of the nose. At the end, I will show a step by step of a nose drawing. The Major Planes When drawing the nose, I’ll usually start by indicating the 4 major planes – top, 2 sides, and bottom. Anatomical Information I think the anatomical shapes in the nose are really interesting. The Minor Planes It’s important to memorize the subtle plane changes in all the different part of the nose. Minor Planes of the Bridge The Glabella is shaped like a keystone. Minor Planes of the Ball The ball of the nose isn’t perfectly round, but has very distinct plane changes. Minor planes of the Nostrils The nostrils, also called wings, curl under themselves similar to the septum. Drawing the Nose 4. Made a video version of this tutorial.

Dessiner une perspective frontale EmailShare 74EmailShare Exercices et explication de la perspective frontale à un point de fuite. Avec des paysages simples (qu’on voit dans tous les livres de dessin qui apprennent la perspective) Ce n’est pas un article pour apprendre les bases du dessin technique mais seulement quelques notions pour organiser avec un minimum de justesse l’espace que vous avez décidé de représenter. Avant tout, tracez la ligne d’horizon (à peu près à ce niveau) Pour commencer votre perspective frontale, choisissez un point qui sera le point de fuite et faites des lignes qui convergent vers lui de cette manière. Tracez ensuite des obliques au dessus de la ligne d’horizon. Situez l’emplacement des futurs arbres à l’aide de verticales. Esquissez le feuillage, effacez les obliques qui traversent le sommet des arbres. Néanmoins vous pouvez constater la monotonie de ce genre de perspective centrée. Une perspective frontale plus dynamique Comme précédemment, tracez d’abord la ligne d’horizon. Leur base au sol (2)

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Eyes and Freckles The color pencil drawings of Amy Robins. Artwork © Amy Robins Link via Life is a Danceable Tragedy How to Draw Lips For a video version of this tutorial visit This tutorial is a continuation of How to Draw the Head from Any Angle. I will cover the basic forms of the mouth, some anatomical information, and the key information about the minor planes. At the end, I will show a step by step drawing of the lips. Basic Forms One of the most overlooked ideas of the mouth is the cylindrical tooth cylinder underneath. You can see here how this inflated cylinder affects the surface forms of the lips: Major Planes Anatomical Information I won’t go into too much detail about all the muscles of the lips and their functions because that’s not the intention of this tutorial. is a great resource for anatomy. The red portion of the lips and the part directly above and below is called the orbicularis oris. Minor Planes The Red Portion of the Lips The top lip has three forms and the bottom lip has two. The forms of the lower lip are usually fuller then the upper lip. 5.

La perspective et l’amplitude de fuite Lorsque l’on étudie la perspective, on s’attarde souvent à être correct d’un point de vue géométrique, et on oubli un autre élément important que je nomme «l’amplitude de fuite». C’est une donnée importante finalement peu abordée quand on parle de perspective, pourtant très intéressante à comprendre. Pour expliquer rapidement mon propos, prenons l’exemple d’une table avec un verre et une bouteille dessus. En photographie, pour obtenir ce genre d’effet, cela reviendrait à modifier l’angle de l'objectif lors de la prise de vue. Ci dessous, nous allons voir en détails comment créer 2 amplitudes différentes, et nous en profiterons également pour voir comment diviser correctement un élément dans sa profondeur. Amusez vous à construire des perspectives en appliquant des amplitudes différentes, voyez les effets que cela produit, et apprenez à utiliser l’amplitude qui servira au mieux votre dessin.

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How to Draw the Head From Any Angle The Basic Forms To draw the head from any angle you must first understand its basic structure. Look past all the distracting details and visualize the underlying forms. This ability to simplify can be applied to the features of the face, but when starting the drawing you could look even further. Ignore even the features and simplify to the most basic form of the head. I use a method taught by Andrew Loomis in his book, “Drawing the Head & Hands”. The head deconstructed into its basic forms, is a sphere as the cranium and a block as the jaw and cheek bones. A Sphere as the Cranium The sides of the head are flat, so we can slice off a piece from both sides of the ball. A Block as the Jaw and Cheek Bones Attach the shape of the jaw. Constructing From Any Angle Step 1 – Determine the angle of the ball The angle of the head is established at the very beginning of the drawing with the ball. X Axis - The up and down tilt is established by the angles of the horizontal and vertical lines in the oval.

How to Draw Ears For a video version of this tutorial visit In this tutorial I will go over the parts of the ear and suggest an easy way to remember all these complex shapes. At the end, I will show a step by step of an ear drawing. Basic Forms The simplified volume of the ear is very much like a megaphone. Just Remember “why?” At first glance the shapes in the ear seem random and confusing. Placement of the Ears The ears lie in the middle third of the face. In Perspective During an up-tilt or down-tilt the placement of the ears is very important since doing it incorrectly can break the illusion of a tilt. Anatomical Information Shading the Complex Forms of the Ear Concha The concha is the bowl-shaped part that attaches the back of the ear to the head. Helix The Helix is a semi-cylindrical form and should be shaded as such. Antihelix The antihelix is the Y shape inside the ear. Tragus and Antitragus Lobule Drawing the Ear 5. Made a video version of this tutorial.
