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European Systemic Risk Board

European Systemic Risk Board

EIOPA: About EIOPA The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) was established in consequence of the reforms to the structure of supervision of the financial sector in the European Union. The reform was initiated by the European Commission, following the recommendations of a Committee of Wise Men, chaired by Mr. de Larosière, and supported by the European Council and Parliament. Before and during the financial crisis in 2007 and 2008, the European Parliament has called for a move towards more integrated European supervision in order to ensure a true level playing field for all actors at the level of the European Union and to reflect the increasing integration of financial markets in the Union. As a result, the supervisory framework was strengthened to reduce risk and severity of future financial crises. EIOPA’s main goals are EIOPA is an independent advisory body to the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission.

ABBC Você está em: Assessoria Econômica > ABBC Destaca Basiléia II no sítio do Banco Central O Banco Central do Brasil atendendo às recomendações do Comitê de Supervisão Bancária de Basiléia contidas no documento Convergência Internacional de Mensuração e Padrões de Capital: Uma Estrutura Revisada (Basiléia II) está desenvolvendo um conjunto de ações voltadas à execução dessas diretrizes conforme estabelecido no cronograma do Comunicado no 16.137, de setembro de 2007. Como se sabe, o trabalho vem sendo desenvolvido conjuntamente com as entidades representativas do mercado financeiro.

EC Merger regulation Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 of 20 January 2004 on the control of concentrations between undertakings (the EC Merger Regulation) (Text with EEA relevance) Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Articles 83 and 308 thereof, Having regard to the proposal from the Commission(1), Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament(2), Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee(3), Whereas: (1) Council Regulation (EEC) No 4064/89 of 21 December 1989 on the control of concentrations between undertakings(4) has been substantially amended. (2) For the achievement of the aims of the Treaty, Article 3(1)(g) gives the Community the objective of instituting a system ensuring that competition in the internal market is not distorted. (8) The provisions to be adopted in this Regulation should apply to significant structural changes, the impact of which on the market goes beyond the national borders of any one Member State.

Esma | Governos querem limitar riscos oferecidos pelos bancos | Economia | DW.DE | 20.11 Os dez maiores bancos do mundo são responsáveis por 40% da atividade econômica mundial. Os ativos do Deutsche Bank no ano passado, por exemplo, representaram 84% do PIB alemão. E apenas um quinto desse dinheiro foi proveniente de atividades tradicionais de crédito. A maior parte vem de bancos de investimento, o que incluei apostas de risco nos mercados financeiros. Os negócios entre essas instituições ocorre de modo bastante inseguro. Mesmo que um banco faça um empréstimo ou se envolva em determinados negócios por conta própria ou em nome de seus clientes, ele não é o dono do dinheiro que usa. Bancos de alto risco Se isso tivesse ocorrido, as consequências para a economia alemã e global seriam imprevisíveis. Clemens Fuest: Bancos devem aumentar cota de capital próprio Esses bancos deverão aumentar sua cota de capital próprio para 9,5% até 2019, o que representa 2,5 pontos percentuais acima do estabelecido pelo pacote de reformas do sistema bancário internacional, chamado de Basileia III.

EFIGE Parlement européen : Affaires économiques et monétaires Le Parlement européen est l'un des grands acteurs de la scène politique européenne et la commission des affaires économiques et monétaires (ECON) est aux avant-postes de l'activité du Parlement. Elle est chargée de dossiers tels que les politiques économique et monétaire de l'Union européenne, la fiscalité et la concurrence, la liberté de circulation des capitaux et la réglementation des services financiers (banques, sociétés d'assurance, fonds de pension, gestion d'actifs/de placements, comptabilité, système monétaire et financier international, etc.). En outre, la plus large part des travaux du Parlement étant conduits dans les commissions, c'est à la commission ECON qu'incombe l'essentiel du travail parlementaire sur ces thèmes économiques et monétaires majeurs. La commission ECON contribue dans une large mesure à l'élaboration de la législation européenne, puisque le Parlement est, avec le Conseil, colégislateur dans la plupart des champs d'action de l'Union européenne.

Financial Stability Board EIOPA: Quantitative Impact Study 5 EIOPA published report on the fifth Quantitative Impact Study for Solvency II on 14 March 2011. To read final report go to Reports To read the letter to the European Commission go to Submissions On 25 March 2011 EIOPA held a stakeholder hearing on QIS5. The European Commission has requested CEIOPS to run the QIS5 exercise between August and November 2010 and publish a report on the results of that exercise in April 2011 in order to provide quantitative input to the finalisation of the Commission's proposal on level 2 implementing measures for the Solvency II Framework Directive. Below, interested parties are provided with all documents and information available and needed for the purpose of the QIS5 exercise.

Optimism over Brazil hybrid rule change | LatinFinance A feature that makes it tougher for Brazilian banks to sell Basel III-compliant hybrids might be changed, say market sources Brazil's central bank is considering changing a regulation that has held back banks' sales of hybrid tier one instruments, sources say. Brazil's version of Basel III rules, the global framework that governs bank capital, does not allow hybrids to offer a coupon reset. But the country's largest banks are lobbying the regulator to change the rules - and they could have success, said Enrico Bentivegna, partner at Pinheiro Neto. Coupon resets, common in European bank capital instruments, mean a security's interest rate is changed at the first call date to reflect movements in the underlying benchmark. The features give investors some comfort over an instrument's long-term yield if it is not called at the first opportunity. Banco do Brasil is the country's only lender to sell a new-style hybrid tier one instrument. "These securities are supposed to be loss-absorbing.

European Financial Reporting Advisory Group - EFRAG 14/04/2014 | EFRAG INSIDER - First quarter 2014 EFRAG Insider was created in the course of 2010 to inform founding and funding members about current developments in all EFRAG activities. EFRAG Insider is now available to a wider audience and is published every quarter on average. 14/04/2014 | EFRAG's report on the findings from the limited survey on the proposed simplifications to IASB ED Leases EFRAG released a report that summarises the findings from a limited survey on the proposed simplifications to the accounting for lessees under IASB’s Exposure Draft Leases. The limited survey was carried out by EFRAG in association with the standards setters from France, Germany, Italy and the UK (ANC, ASCG, FRC and OIC, respectively). 11/04/2014 | EFRAG's Draft Comment Letter on the IASB's ED/2014/1 Disclosure Initiative (Amendments to IAS 1) EFRAG published its Draft Comment Letter on the IASB's ED/2014/1 Disclosure Initiative (Amendments to IAS 1). 08/04/2014 | EFRAG Update March / April 2014
