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Digital music: 2007 year in review Ditching DRM, new mobile offerings, pay-what-you-want and other alternative business models — one word to sum up activity in the digital music space in 2007: “experimentation”. In this post we look back at 2007 through the lens of last100’s coverage, highlighting some of the important stories and trends, and how they point to what we might expect for digital music in 2008. Also see: Internet TV: 2007 year in review Ditching DRM It all started back in February when Apple CEO Steve Jobs published his now famous open letter titled ‘Thoughts on Music‘. In an impassioned plea to the major labels, Jobs wrote: Imagine a world where every online store sells DRM-free music encoded in open licensable formats. Many questioned Jobs’ motives for the letter, noting that the iPod/iTunes hegemony had been in part built on the major labels’ insistence on DRM. Universal Music also began experimenting with DRM downloads, starting with gBox, followed by Amazon, RealNetworks, Best Buy and Wal-Mart.

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Six Awesome Ways To Learn About Music (While Listening To It) I've accidentally stumbled into several music-related mashups today, and I thought I might share them with you. The thing is, sometimes I'm just into chilling with my favorite tunes, but sometimes I'm in research mode, and I want to find as much as I can about whatever I'm listening to. The six mashups described below are perfect for this purpose. WikiFM - not the most beautiful site to look at (let's be honest here, it's ugly), but I love it. The premise is very simple: divide the page into two frames, load a Last.FM player in one and show the related Wikipedia page in the other, according to whatever is playing at the moment. I've found this one an hour ago and I'm still having fun with it, hopefully it doesn't lead into another internet addiction, because I have more than enough of those. PitchforkMedia + Rhapsody - are you a fan of legendary indie (I know everyone hates that label) music review site PitchforkMedia?

How Web Media is Usurping Old Media - Music, Video, More - ReadWriteWeb Ian Rogers, VP Video and Media Applications at Yahoo! (prior to that GM of Yahoo! Music) has just published an epic post based on a talk he gave at a music industry conference in December. In it he outlines his vision for an open Media Web. This is the Media Web and it's already happening amongst young people. This paragraph sums up how value is being created on the Web today in media, mostly by teens: "Today users are creating tremendous value and for the most part we’re ignoring it. chart Rogers does take a crack at a couple of competitors of Yahoo. The following slide from Rogers' presentation is a good summary of the open standards that he (and presumably Yahoo!) Read the whole post for the full skinny.

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Vattoz - Lecture de musique en ligne Musiikin lataaminen internetistä repii Ruotsia - - Ulkomaat Tukholma. Ruotsissa on leimahtanut kiivas väittely siitä, pitäisikö erilaisten tiedostojen lataaminen internetistä olla vapaata vai tulisiko se luokitella rikolliseksi toiminnaksi. Keskusteluun ovat löylyä heittäneet myös Ruotsin akatemia ja tekijänoikeuksiaan vaalivat luovat taiteilijat. Expressen ja Svenska Dagbladet -lehdissä käydyn kiistelyn käynnisti artikkeli, jossa seitsemän kokoomuslaista kansanedustajaa julisti, että tiedostojen kuten musiikin ja elokuvien vapaan lataamisen internetistä pitäisi olla jokamiehen oikeus. Kansanedustajien mielestä tiedostojen lataamisen vapauttaminen olisi ainoa ja oikea ratkaisu, jolla markkinatkin pakotettaisiin sopeutumaan tilanteeseen. Elokuva-, levyteollisuus ja kirjankustantajat älähtivät heti ja ihmettelivät Ruotsin akatemian sihteerin Horace Engdahlin johdolla aikovatko kokoomuspoliitikot romuttaa tekijänoikeudet. Kohta perään iso joukko kirjailijoita, elokuvaohjaajia ja muusikkoja oli samalla asialla. Helsingin Sanomat |

Microsoft’s Ballmer: MSFT will acquire 20 companies a year Microsoft chief executive Steve Ballmer just said at the Web 2.0 conference here in San Francisco that the software giant will acquire 20 companies a year for the next five years, ranging from $50 million to $1 billion. This steals from the playbook of News Corp, the media company that generated excitement among Internet companies after it acquired MySpace and others. There’s a tactic here: By declaring you are hungry, you get entrepreneurs coming to you to show you their wares — letting you get a glimpse of emerging technology even if you’re not going to buy it. Google and to a lesser extent, Yahoo, have also acquired dozens of companies over the past few years, with Google much more acquisitive recently. Google has acquired at least 10 companies over the last year (there may be more than we’re unaware of), compared to Microsoft’s four. Yahoo has also acquired four. [Mark Coker contributed to this report.]
