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Ron Gutman : le pouvoir secret du sourire

Ron Gutman : le pouvoir secret du sourire

Be Happier with Gratitude and Optimism: Positive Psychology: Being Grateful & Optimistic Increases Happiness In a recent presentation to the International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA), noted positive psychologist and researcher Sonja Lyubomirsky reported on various studies of happiness. Dr. Lyubomirsky's research on kindness was previously reported in Positive Psychology Studies on Happiness. Acts of kindness are an effective intentional activity shown to bring greater happiness to the giver as well as benefiting the receiver of kindness. This article describes her research findings on two more intentional happiness-increasing activities, gratitude and optimism. Optimism and Happiness Study In her study of the effect of optimism on happiness, Dr. Gratitude and Happiness Study In the study of the impact of gratitude on happiness, Dr. The Role of Motivation These studies simultaneously measured the impact of motivation on study results. Gratitude, Optimism, and Motivation Impact Happiness Gratitude Is Effective Cultural Differences To test for cultural effects, Dr.
