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Checkboxes and radio buttons customization (jQuery and Zepto) plugin

Checkboxes and radio buttons customization (jQuery and Zepto) plugin

GitHub - jdewit/bootstrap-timepicker: A simple timepicker component for Twitter Bootstrap Colorpicker for Twitter Bootstrap Call the colopicker via javascript: $('.sample-selector').colorpicker({ /*options...*/ }); Options You can set colorpicker options either as a plugin parameter or data-* attributes jQuery API Methods General usage methods .colorpicker(options) Initializes an colorpicker. .colorpicker('getValue', defaultValue) Gets the value from the input or the data attribute (if has no input), otherwise returns the default value, which defaults to #000000 if not specified. .colorpicker('setValue', value) Set a new value for the color picker (also updates everything). .colorpicker('show') Show the color picker .colorpicker('hide') Hide the color picker .colorpicker('reposition') Updates the color picker's position relative to the element .colorpicker('update') Refreshes the widget colors (this is done automatically) .colorpicker('enable') Enable the color picker. .colorpicker('disable') Disable the color picker. .colorpicker('destroy') .data('colorpicker') Access to the colorpicker API directly .data('colorpicker').color Events

Date Range Picker for Bootstrap GitHub - RobinHerbots/Inputmask: Input Mask plugin bootstrap-datepicker — bootstrap-datepicker documentation jQuery range slider diapason, noUI Ion.RangeSlider — cool, comfortable, responsive and easily customizable range slider Supports events and public methods, has flexible settings, can be completely altered with CSS Cross-browser: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox 3.6+, Opera 12+, Safari 5+, Internet Explorer 8+ Ion.RangeSlider supports touch-devices (iPhone, iPad, Nexus, etc.). GitHub page. Ion.RangeSlider freely distributed under terms of MIT licence. With this plugin you will be able to build beautiful range sliders, like this: Key features Skin support. (5 skins included and PSD for skin creation) Any number of sliders at one page without conflicts and big performance problems Two slider types single (1 slider) and double (2 sliders) Support of negative and fractional values Ability to set custom step and snap grid to step Support of custom values diapason Customisable grid of values Ability to disable UI elements (min and max, current value, grid) Postfixes and prefixes for your numbers ($20, 20 € etc.) Demos Dependencies

GitHub - seiyria/bootstrap-slider: A complete rewrite of the original bootstrap-slider by Stefan Petre.
