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Two Stupid Cats It occurs to me I never mentioned that Lola, my lovable but not-all-there kitty, has a sister named Emmy. Emmy is her polar opposite: moody, intelligent, and horribly unfriendly. I remember when I adopted them at the Kitten Rescue. Lola sat there like a tiny furry beached whale, staring off into space, and Emmy was hunched in the corner of her cage scowling at everyone that walked by. I imagined that if Emmy was a human, she'd have a tattered journal full of Morrissey-esque poetry. I had no idea what I was in for when I picked them out. As they got older, their distinctive personalities differed more and more. Lola will become one with the box. Emmy will destroy it. Lola is an ideal example of the timeless "Cats Don't Care" adage. Emmy, on the other hand, seldom lets anyone get near her. It's a rare occurance when Emmy lets someone pet her, and it's always on her own terms. The pleasantries never last, however. And yet, I can't help but love them both, awful as they are.

25 Ways To Cuten Up a Box With a Cat Cats are cute. Cats in boxes are even cuter. Cats are aware of this fact, and they make the most of it. Here are some notes from an unknown cat on 'cute sleeping in boxes' to make the owner "awwh". Pictures included. Complicate your positions little by little.Author: Julie1009 Your coat and tail must be used wisely.Author: oskay Try S-like positions...Author: ClausM ...or C-like ones.Author: PunkyBrewster Box-sleeping is always kind of an art.Author: Julie1009 But don't reveal your presence unless you really mean to.Author: Robert M. Or make humans provide another box for him.Author: lake.sider Humans may wonder how you can sleep like that...Author: taurussun Perhaps they will not even notice you.Author: vaneea You can hide in an absolutely unexpected box.Author: simplybecka well as this one.Author: Smeebot ...even if your idea seems impossible.Author: taelcat Practice makes perfect.

14 Stories That Prove Animals Have Souls 25 Examples of Animals Bokeh Photography By now many of you must have heard the term “Bokeh”. If not than it is nothing but the blurred effect of light in a photography. Basically in Bokeh photography there are mainly two areas, one is the object area which is in focus and the other is the outer area which is out of focus. Blurring the out of focus area of light is the Bokeh effect. Many a times we hear terms like Good and Bad Bokeh. Good Bokeh means something that adds value to the photograph and a bad bokeh means an effect which creates confusion.

Foster Kitten Adopts Tiny Rescue Chihuahua | Love Meow - for Ultimate Cat Lovers Cheech the kitten and Casanova the chihuahua, best friends Cuddles! A little ginger kitten named Cheech used up a couple of his nine lives before he was saved by Amanda and brought to his foster home back in 2009. He was much smaller than his age, but the little guy was getting stronger every day. Then one day, he was introduced to a teeny tiny five day old chihuahua puppy named Casanova who was an orphan. From that point on, something remarkable happened between the two. Cheech took to the little puppy immediately as if they were meant to be together. Thanks Kimberly for letting us put the story together for Cheech and Casanova. You may also like:

It's so good to come back home... …when you have a loving pet waiting for you all day, so looking forward to seeing you. Right? :-) Thanks for sending, Layla! I you liked these pictures, I think you’ll like these too… Click on the thumbnail! 25 Most Beautiful Animals Photography on StumbleUpon I think the most beautiful pictures are those made in nature. Nothing compares with the expression of a tiger, the majestic flight of an eagle or the strength of a white bear. Below you can see 25 the most beautiful animal photographs that will capture your attention, and were stumbled on StumbleUpon.

Animals illuminated by the sun The time of sunset is defined in astronomy as the moment when the trailing edge of the Sun’s disk disappears below the horizon in the west. There are few things in nature as photogenic as the sky at sunset, especially animals. The rich bright gold, pink and orange colors make unusually beautiful pictures of animals illuminated by the sun. Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Source

10 Funniest Cats Photobombs Ever Humans are pretty good at photobombing, but we have nothing on the rest of the cats kingdom. They understand the art of ruining a photo in a way that our feeble people brains could never comprehend. It’s been a long time since we rounded up the funniest cats photobombs, so we went through the seemingly endless supply of them that have made the Internet in the last year and found some hilarious new ones to share with you. 1. Sad Window Kitten Why are you so sad, Window Kitten? 2. Incorporating levitation is extremely advanced photobombing. 3. It still counts as a photobomb even if you are trying to block a bullet. 4. 5. This overly self-serious cat just completely ruined what was going to be a perfectly good picture of some dude in a blue shirt. 6. This is from a scene in a doggie horror film where they develop their vacation pictures and realize they were being watched the whole time. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
