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How to make Shakespeare easy for English language learners

Have you ever had difficulty relating Shakespeare to learners of English? Tutor and resource writer Genevieve White comes to the rescue, in time for Shakespeare Day and English Language Day today. Last year, I wrote an article extolling the joys of teaching Shakespeare to learners of English and outlining the reasons why teachers should bring the Bard into the classroom. It is true that Shakespeare’s texts may present difficulties for contemporary readers, particularly those who do not have English as a first language. Make it attractive from the start Begin by piquing your learners’ interest. One of my own personal Shakespeare favourites is his famous tale of revenge, deceit and jealousy: Othello. In the past, I have introduced my learners to the story and its characters with a trailer. Learners can then watch an animated summary of the play. A similar approach can be used with just about any Shakespeare play. Get the students to re-enact tabloid versions of the plays 1. 2. 3. Related:  Shakespeare

Romeo and Juliet No Fear Shakespeare puts Shakespeare's language side-by-side with a facing-page translation into modern English—the kind of English people actually speak today. Table of Contents Characters Prologue Prologue Act 1 Act 1, Scene 1 Act 1, Scene 2 Act 1, Scene 3 Act 1, Scene 4 Act 1, Scene 5 Act 2 Act 2, Prologue Act 2, Scene 1 Act 2, Scene 2 Act 2, Scene 3 Act 2, Scene 4 Act 2, Scene 5 Act 2, Scene 6 Act 3 Act 3, Scene 1 Act 3, Scene 2 Act 3, Scene 3 Act 3, Scene 4 Act 3, Scene 5 Act 4 Act 4, Scene 1 Act 4, Scene 2 Act 4, Scene 3 Act 4, Scene 4 Act 4, Scene 5 Act 5 Act 5, Scene 1 Act 5, Scene 2 Act 5, Scene 3 How to Cite No Fear Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare's Sonnets All the sonnets are provided here, with descriptive commentary attached to each one, giving explanations of difficult and unfamiliar words and phrases, and with a full analysis of any special problems of interpretation which arise. Sonnets by other Elizabethan poets are also included, Spenser, Sidney, Drayton and a few other minor authors. The poems of Sir Thomas Wyatt are also given, with both old and modern spelling versions, and with brief notes provided. Check the menu on the left for full details of what is available. The web site has been changed to a new responsive design, which should work with tablets and phones. The Chanters Stipple engraving by J. after Rev. Published 1787 The web manager may be contacted by email at Please copy and paste the email address and delete two of the @s. Web site design by Tom Ledger.

Black Death - Facts & Summary Today, scientists understand that the Black Death, now known as the plague, is spread by a bacillus called Yersina pestis. (The French biologist Alexandre Yersin discovered this germ at the end of the 19th century.) They know that the bacillus travels from person to person pneumonically, or through the air, as well as through the bite of infected fleas and rats. Both of these pests could be found almost everywhere in medieval Europe, but they were particularly at home aboard ships of all kinds–which is how the deadly plague made its way through one European port city after another. Not long after it struck Messina, the Black Death spread to the port of Marseilles in France and the port of Tunis in North Africa. Today, this grim sequence of events is terrifying but comprehensible. Meanwhile, in a panic, healthy people did all they could to avoid the sick.

The Shakespeare family saga The story of Shakespeare’s family – one of upward social mobility – is reflected in their homes. Start in the small village of Wilmcote, three miles north of Stratford-upon-Avon, where the playwright’s mother, Mary Arden, grew up in a small farmhouse built around 1514 by her father, Robert. Mary was the youngest of eight daughters by his first wife; his second, Agnes Hill, brought with her two sons and two daughters. Mary married the up-and-coming glover (and later wool dealer and money-lender) John Shakespeare, probably in 1557. In 1594 John’s eldest son, William, had become a shareholder in the troupe of players called the Lord Chamberlain’s Men, based in London. There would also have been ample space for William’s unmarried brothers, Richard, Gilbert and Edmund, of whom little is known. Sisters and daughters William’s sister Joan, born in 1569, married a hatter, William Hart, some time before 1600. William and Anne had two daughters, Susanna and Judith. Susanna lived until 1649.

West Side Story - Supplemental Materials; Go to the Learning Guide for this film. Helpful Background:Puerto Rico is a large island in the Caribbean approximately 3,435 square miles in size. It was discovered by Columbus in 1493 and its people are of mixed Spanish and African descent, with the Spanish influence predominating. It was acquired by the United States after the Spanish American War. Tony: I'll be all right. Suggested Response: This is an accurate description of their situation.

Romeo & Juliet Using this Guide List of other study guides The notes were prepared for use with an edition of Romeo and Juliet bound together with the book for West Side Story and in conjunction with a showing of Franco Zeffirelli's film version of the play, but they will be useful with any edition or production. The introduction focuses primarily on comparisons with West Side Story, so it has relatively little to say about the play as such. Although Shakespeare's dialogue often reads beautifully enough on the page, please keep in mind that he never intended his words to be read. Shakespeare wrote almost no original plots. Italian cities were infamous for their long-lasting, deadly feuds between prominent families. Prologue Modern taste prefers not to be told right at the beginning of a play how it will end; but many in Shakespeare's audience already knew the story and were looking to enjoy how well it was told, not seeking to be surprised by original plot turns. Act I: Scene 1 Act I: Scene 2

Key moments and facts | Romeo and Juliet | Royal Shakespeare Company Key moments in Romeo and Juliet and some significant facts about the play and its characters. Every director will choose their own key moments in Romeo and Juliet depending on how they are interpreting the play. Here we've listed some important moments in the order in which they appear in the play. Shakespeare Lives - Shakespeare's strong-willed women What can you learn from Shakespeare’s heroines? Image copyright The Globe Kim Kardashian West might be today's leading lady, but teenage girls could learn a lot more from Shakespeare's heroines, a head teacher has claimed. Jane Lunnon, head of Wimbledon High School, says Shakespeare's Cleopatra, Beatrice, Rosalind and Viola are far better role models. So what did William Shakespeare's heroines know that might help teenagers today? The heroines on Mrs Lunnon's list have one thing in common. They were all underestimated, says Erica Whyman, deputy artistic director of the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC). "What ties together all of these characters is that they are treated as though they don't have the political or intellectual firepower that they have," she says. Whyman says Shakespeare was very perceptive about society's expectations of women, and he liked to overturn them. Cleopatra: 'Never weak' Image copyright Royal Shakespeare Company The beautiful and seductive Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, ultimately kills herself for love. Viola: 'So bold'

Ger vi eleverna utrymme att ta ut svängarna kommer lärandet till liv i spännande former Mia Smith är legitimerad lärare i engelska och tyska, år 6-9 och undervisar på Valhamraskolan i Partille. För många av Sveriges lärare är hon också en av ämnesspanare på uppdrag av Lärarnas Riksförbund. Det är naturligtvis ingen slump. Mia vet vad hon talar om och hennes lärargärning bygger på väl förankrade pedagogiska metoder i kombination med nytänk. Med ett mycket tydligt fokus på uppdraget och målen, låter hon både eleverna och sig själv ständigt utvecklas i sitt lärande. Hon skapar hela tiden nya och fler möjligheter som ger eleverna olika vägar till att visa sitt kunnande. – Vi hamnar alla som språkanvändare i lägen där vi saknar ett ord eller uttryck vi vill använda, eller där vi stöter på något som vi inte förstår. Programmering i Scratch Mia återkommer till möjligheterna som finns i våra kursplaner och att begränsningarna för vad vi kan göra egentligen bara existerar inom oss själva. – Här på skolan har lärarna bra koll och vi får verkligen en bra utbildning.

Drama - 60 Second Shakespeare - Shakespeare's plays, themes and characters - Romeo and Juliet Detalle de la infografía en español de... - Practica español How the English Language Is Shakespeare's Language | Grammarly Blog Almost all students of English, native and non-native speakers alike, have to study the works of William Shakespeare. Most do so begrudgingly. Part of this reaction is because, despite reassurances from teachers that Shakespeare was one of the most influential writers in the English language (and in the world), many students don’t understand exactly how profound Shakespeare’s influence was on the development of the English language. Here’s some food for thought: Before Shakespeare’s time, written English was, on the whole, not standardized. Because of the profound impact of Shakespeare’s language on the way we speak today, studying the works of Shakespeare is an indispensable part of cultural education. Did you study Shakespeare’s works?
