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14 Video Tools for Social Media Marketers Social Media Examiner

14 Video Tools for Social Media Marketers Social Media Examiner
Do you want to add video to your social media marketing? Are you looking for tools to simplify your video production? Today’s tools make it easy to record and edit videos for social media marketing and ad campaigns. In this article I’ll share 14 tools marketers can use to create screencasts, montages and slideshows. Why Video for Ads? Facebook gives priority to native videos (as opposed to video links to external sources) to encourage this type of content. Discover 14 video tools for social media. Listen to this article: Listen now: Play in new window | Download According to Facebook’s Q3 2015 earnings report, there are now 8 billion daily video views on Facebook, double the video views in April 2015. There is a perceived high barrier to creating video, however. Fortunately, there are easy ways to create video, some of which don’t even require showing your face on-screen. Here are some excellent desktop and mobile tools you can use to create Facebook and Instagram videos. Record Screencasts Fuse Related:  Picture marketingMoving Images

5 conseils pour utiliser les images sur les réseaux sociaux Puissant vecteur d’émotion capable de créer instantanément un lien avec le consommateur et d’induire une action sa part, l’image est un élément de narration incontournable dans la stratégie de communication des marques. Ce n’est donc pas un hasard si les marques investissent les réseaux classiques où l’image est plébiscitée (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn), mais aussi les plateformes spécialisées dans le partage d'images (Pinterest, Instagram) qui d’après une étude comScore représentent 19% du temps passé sur les écrans. Mais pour une efficacité optimale, il convient de respecter quelques règles essentielles que Fotolia by Adobe vous livre ici. Respecter la vocation de chaque réseau Tous les réseaux sociaux ne se valent pas et il est essentiel de comprendre les enjeux de chaque canal. yellow flower growing on crack street, soft focus, blank text yellow flower growing on crack street, soft focus, blank text[/caption] Animer sa page Choisir la bonne taille Miser sur la vidéo

15 Resources to Create Images for Social Media : Social Media Examiner Do you post images on social media? Would you like to create attractive images to share? When creating images for social media, quality makes a difference. In this article we’ll share tools and resources to create professional and engaging social media images that you can use on multiple platforms. Why Create Images for Social Media? In this visual-centric world, it’s more important than ever to create high-quality sharable images. Getting Visual With Your Content: 10 Effective Ways to Use Images: In this infographic from Fresh Take on Content, Lane Jones visually suggests different ways you can use images in your social media. Find ways to use graphics on Visual Impact: How Photos Ramp Up Your Social Media Strategy: Vanessa Doctor goes over the advantages of using visuals in social media marketing in this article. Find Photos Online There are many free and paid options to find images online to use with your social media posts. Take Better Pictures

iPads and iPhones for filmmaking - Learn about film Why use iPhones and iPads for filmmaking? If you own an iPhone, you’ve always got a small, easy-to-use camera in your pocket. It’s great for filming in situations where other cameras would attract too much attention. Video quality can be excellent, so they’re increasingly being used for news gathering and documentary work. People have even shot feature films with them. You can edit on them, though iMovie is a bit cramped on the phone screen. The larger iPad screen is better for editing, particularly with teams or groups. Both devices can shoot really good quality video in the right circumstances. Why doesn’t everybody film on them? You’ll get soft, ‘noisy’ images in low light, and flare when you shoot into the light. Which iPad or iPhone? Every iPad and iPhone since the 3GS and the iPad 2 can shoot video. The best value iPhone for filmmaking is the iPhone SE. Get plenty of memory: video takes up a lot of space, so 16Gb models will fill up quickly. Do I need 4K? Which accessories? Lenses Cases

Periscope | Blab | Connect with social customers in real time Comment réussir ses vidéos sur Facebook Live - Partie 1 - En quelques mois, Facebook live est un vrai phénomène, et un outil marketing incontournable. Précédemment il y avait bien eu d’autres outils de streaming gratuits comme Google Hangouts , Twitter Périscope… et ils ont permis de démocratiser la diffusion vidéo en live, et ce, de manière 100% gratuite. Mais, même si ces outils étaient à l’époque une petite révolution, Facebook Live offre un véritable bond de géant. En effet comme pour les autres services, Facebook Live permet de diffuser de la vidéo live, mais le gros avantage de Facebook Live, c’est que l’on dispose d’une communication directe et privilégiée à l’ensemble de ses contacts sur Facebook (ses Fans Facebook, ceux de ses partenaires en cas de co-animation de web séminaire, via le relais des personnes qui assistent au web séminaire…). L’autre gros avantage, c’est que Facebook privilégie et met en avant les diffusions Facebook Live dans les flux d’actualités de vos contacts. C’est donc une double exposition que vous propose Facebook !

Online Photo Editing Tools For Small Business As much as copywriters would like to believe otherwise, images are the key to engaging browsers. Social posts are significantly more effective when a photo or video is included, and blogs, articles, and copy all rely heavily on images to capture attention in time – you typically have only a few seconds to grab it before they leave your page without reading anything more than the heading. But what if you have no digital photo editing skills!? Fortunately, there are helpful tools that can make photo editing easier. You don’t have to be a pro to create great-looking photos for your company. PicMonkey PicMonkey has a free version that anyone can use to create photo collages or enhance existing photos by adding text and graphic elements. Canva Canva is similar to PicMonkey, although it is easier to navigate. Pixlr Pixlr is a mobile app photo editor that is completely free. Adobe Photoshop Elements 14 Google Picasa 3 Creating images for your marketing can be a lot of fun.

Filmic Pro Tutorial This comprehensive Filmic Pro tutorial will guide you through getting the best results possible with the Filmic Pro camera app. I hope it helps put you on the right track to creating great-looking content with your phone. In a previous article – 10 Tips To Shoot Cinematic Smartphone Video – I went into detail describing the most important aspects to achieving the best video possible from your smartphone. In the following video tutorial, I take you through the actual Filmic Pro app and explain the best settings to use step by step. I’ve been shooting with my iPhone SE since July and believe I’ve figured out how to get the best out of it. Color correction and grading tips specifically for smartphone-originated video will be next, so stay tuned for more!

Skip Around The World Skip Around The World We’re excited to announce two major updates to Periscope on iOS and Android: a revamped Global Map, and Skip Ahead on replays! Global Map We’ve always thought that Periscope has the potential of showing you the world in real time. Every time you zoom to a new place on the map, Periscope will reload broadcasts from this region, including replays from the last 24 hours. When we’ve heard about breaking news events, as in the case of Hurricane Patricia, we’ve found ourselves checking Periscope first. We think that the new Map functionality is much closer to fulfilling our original vision of seeing the world in real time. Skip Ahead in Replays We know you’re busy. 3D Touch Shortcuts For iPhone 6s and 6s+ owners, we’ve added a few handy shortcuts. Search People — Pretty self explanatory! Zoom on Android We’ve also introduced the long-awaited pinch to zoom on Android, which lets you zoom in and out while broadcasting, just like your iOS friends can. Much love,Team Periscope

How To Create Killer Images For Your Blog Or Social Media The following is a guest post by Diana Beyer. Diana Beyer is experienced and self-driven media expert who is passionate about writing. Her purpose is to share values amid those interested. She is always seeking to discover new ways for personal and professional growth. Connect with Diana through Twitter. We all know that images are an essential part of any blog or social media post. Images also build an emotional connection between bloggers and their target audience, activating a part of the brain linked to feelings and memories – and here are some stats for you about it: You might lose 94% of your views due to bad images only;Great images can increase your blog and social media’s traffic by 12%;Facebook posts with images receive 100% more comments, 60% more likes, and increase their engagement rate by 93%;60% of people interviewed in a study said that the quality of the images was a key factor in their decision to buy (or not) a product or service. 1. 2. 3. Tip #2 – Check your image size

GIMPに個人用カラーパレットを追加する。 | ホームネットワーク研究所 GIMPで文字や図形の色を指定する場合、ツールメニュの下にある描画色か背景色で色を選択します。 しかし実際に使ってみるとあまり操作性が良くありません。 そこでダイヤログエリアにカラーパレットを表示して、簡単に色を切替える方法を解説します。 1、カラーパレットの基本を理解する 1)デフォルトカラーパレットの保管場所 GIMPでデフォルトで用意されているカラーパレットは下記フォルダにあります。 2)GIMPのカラーパレットの設定 GIMPの『編集 設定 フォルダの+をクリック パレットを選択』を実行してください。 ※Windowsのアカウントを日本語で利用している場合は、このユーザフォルダは利用できない可能性があります。 3)ダイアログボックスエリアにカラーパレットを呼び出すと・・・ ダイアログボックスエリアの操作メニュボタンでパレットを呼び出して下さい。 タブの追加 パレット 上記で判らない場合はGIMPのインストールと基本設定を参照してください。 下記のパレットタブが追加されます。 上記のいづれかのパレットの色の所をダブルクリックしてください。 パレットエディタというタブが追加され、表示されているカラーをクリックすると描画色の色が変わります。 ※カラー選択は列幅が16では選択しづらいので、4列位が丁度良いと思いますので変更する事をお勧めします。 4)デフォルト利用の問題点 上記操作で一見良い様に見えますが、GIMPを一度終了して再起動してみてください。 どうでしょうか? 2、GIMPで1つのカラーパレットを設定する方法 上記の問題点を解決する方法として 1)デフォルトで用意されているパレットの中から気に入ったパレットを使う 2)自分でカラーパケットを作る 方法があります。 ①使いたいパレットを個人用のフォルダにコピーする。 下記はGIMPをカスタマイズする為の基本を理解するで作成した個人フォルダの例で説明しますが、デフォルトの個人フォルダを使っている場合は、そのフォルダにコピーしてください。 【コピー元のファイル】 c:\Program Files\GIMP 2\share\gimp\2.0\palettes\Named_Colors.gpl 【コピー先のファイル】 c:\my-gimp\palettes\Named_Colors.gpl ②パレット登録用のフォルダ設定の確認する。 メニューの『編集 フォルダ
