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El blog de la Sra. Smith - Home ¿Procrastinar o Procastinar?, la última palabra corregida por la RAE La Real Academia Española se percató hace un tiempo de que, en muchas ocasiones, en Argentina se hacía un mal uso de la palabra ‘procrastinar’, que significa aplazar o posponer algo. Erróneamente escribían el término como ‘procastinar’, algo que se habría generalizado, causando bastantes dudas sobre cómo se deletreaba realmente. Además, ha añadido una explicación: “la forma adecuada es «procrastinar», voz creada en su origen a partir del adverbio «cras» ‘mañana, el día siguiente’, del cual «procrastinar» toma su significado de ‘dejar para mañana, posponer, aplazar’. Pero Argentina no sería el único país que escribe mal esta palabra. Son muchos los españoles que constantemente tienen dudas y que preguntan a la Academia a través de su perfil oficial de Twitter. Ante tal amasijo de preguntas, la institución ha decidido realizar una corrección a través de sus redes, confirmando el uso correcto de la palabra.

Curriculum | Ser y Estar The Self-Study Process as a Celebration of Fruition Re-reading the MYP self-study report that I am about to submit has reminded me a lot about the way I saw my father work when I was a child. My father was a jimador, a farmer that grows agave (the … Continue reading Pride and Ownership Pride and Prejudice maps Elizabeth’s emotional development as she learns the error of making rushed judgments and comes to appreciate the difference between what is superficial and what is essential. In this classic, one can easily appreciate the role of … Continue reading Approaches to amplifying the IDU Experience Designing and experiencing an interdisciplinary Unit (IDU) can only be matched by the satisfaction of seeing students taking ownership of their work, and demonstrating how much they’re able to do with what they know. A Global Context is a conceptual lens, not a related concept Finding treasures in the learning journey Sometimes I have the feeling we are living in a new era of exploration.

6 blogs de ELE que no te puedes perder Los blogs que aquí os presento nos demuestran que otro tipo de formación es posible. Grandes profesionales que utilizan metodologías modernas y prácticas en sus clases y que nos ofrecen un valor añadido: comparten todo lo que crean, los recursos que utilizan y sus experiencias. ¡Vamos con los 6 blogs de ELE que no te puedes perder! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Coordinator support material Key points What A language policy is a concrete expression of a school’s language philosophy. It outlines goals for language teaching and learning for all student language profiles in the school community. Who The head of school, coordinator, language and literature teachers, language acquisition teachers, language support teachers and MYP leadership team often lead the discussions around developing a language policy. When Language policies usually evolve over time. MYP schools often start with a basic policy that describes the language context, explains what language study options are available and documents how the school supports students with different language profiles. Next, schools often consider support for mother tongues. Reference: Programme standards and practices Standard A: Philosophy 7. Standard B1: Leadership and structure 5. a. Standard C1: Collaborative planning 8. Standard C2: Written curriculum 10. Standard C3: Teaching and learning 8. FAQs

Hispadictos 11 mai 20081P. Jeanneau91 commentaires ¡BIENVENIDOS AL BLOG DE LOS HISPADICTOS, EL BLOG DE LOS AFICIONADOS AL ESPAÑOL! En este blog, encontraréis un montón de material y de pistas para estudiar el español en clase o en casa y trabajar las cuatro destrezas (comprensión oral, comprensión escrita, expresión oral, expresión escrita), juegos y actividades para evaluar vuestros conocimientos lexicales y gramaticales, artículos sobre varios aspectos (culturales, históricos, sociales…) de los países de habla española, vínculos de interés hacia sitios españoles o latinoamericanos… Esperamos que este sitio os permita apreciar todavía más la lengua española y conocer mejor España y los países latinoamericanos. Recordad que este blog es vuestro, así que si necesitáis algo (una pregunta gramatical, una ficha de vocabulario ilustrado, un punto de cultura, o cualquier otra cosa), no dudéis en dejar comentarios y procuraremos responder a vuestras peticiones lo antes posible. . . La movida madrileña

How to exploit the full learning potential of an L2 song in the language classroom | The Language Gym How to exploit the full learning potential of a target language song in the L2 classroom As Robert Lafayette wrote in his 1973 article ‘Creativity in the foreign language classroom’, ‘songs are often sung the day before a vacation, or on a Friday afternoon or when we have a few extra minutes’. This resonates with my experience, and there is nothing majorly wrong with it – why not having a bit of fun for fun’s sake every now and then, especially when your students’ are tired or in festive mode? On the other hand, research does show that simply singing along to a song mindlessly, whilst being enjoyed by most students, doesn’t really do much in terms of learning enhancement. In 30 years’ experience I have observed many lessons in which classic or contemporary songs were used. This article attempts at providing a principled approach to the ‘linguistic’ exploitation of a song. A nine-step framework for the exploitation of a song Step 1: select the ‘right’ song etc. Explicit learning 1. 2. 3. 1.

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