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Pearltrees, le cerveau du web ?

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Learn from your customers for usable Web apps Imagine the following scenario: You go shopping to buy a loaf of bread. The shops look gorgeous, decked out in vivid colors and stunning artwork. Trouble is, you can't always tell from the window displays what sort of products are on sale inside. Eventually, you find a shop that looks promising and ignore advice that this store's expertise is with a gadget you don't own. You find the front door and wander in. Now you enter a maze of aisles containing products organized in an apparently random manner. Before paying, you attempt to ascertain that you can use your credit card safely, but the inscrutable small print has more to say about your legal obligations than reassurance about your security. This is a Nightmare on Web Street! Why does this happen? OK, it's a caricature. Online shoppers are less interested in a groovy multimedia experience than in finding, understanding, and buying products quickly and easily. The customer's perspective "This is too stupid for words."" Back to top a. a.

Penrose tiling Non-periodic tiling of the plane A Penrose tiling is an example of an aperiodic tiling. Here, a tiling is a covering of the plane by non-overlapping polygons or other shapes, and a tiling is aperiodic if it does not contain arbitrarily large periodic regions or patches. However, despite their lack of translational symmetry, Penrose tilings may have both reflection symmetry and fivefold rotational symmetry. Penrose tilings are self-similar: they may be converted to equivalent Penrose tilings with different sizes of tiles, using processes called inflation and deflation. Background and history[edit] Periodic and aperiodic tilings[edit] A tiling that has no periods is non-periodic. Earliest aperiodic tilings[edit] Development of the Penrose tilings[edit] The first Penrose tiling (tiling P1 below) is an aperiodic set of six prototiles, introduced by Roger Penrose in a 1974 paper,[16] based on pentagons rather than squares. In 1981, N. Penrose tilings[edit] Kite and dart tiling (P2)[edit]

Pearltrees: What problem does Pearltrees solve Phishing scam that penetrated Wall Street just might work against you, too Researchers have uncovered a group of Wall Street-savvy hackers that has penetrated the e-mail accounts of more than 100 companies, a feat that has allowed them to obtain highly valuable plans concerning corporate acquisitions and other insider information. FIN4, as the group is known, relies on a set of extremely simple tactics that in many cases has allowed them to remain undetected since at least the middle of 2013, according to a report published Monday from security firm FireEye. Members boast a strong command of the English language and knowledge of corporate finance and Fortune 500 culture. E-mails are sent from the accounts of people the target knows, and they discuss mergers, acquisitions, or other topics already in progress. FireEye researchers said FIN4 members have compromised the accounts of C-level executives, legal counsel, regulatory and compliance personnel, scientists, and advisors of more than 100 companies.

PT version 1 et 2 Connected. This pad seems to be opened in more than one browser window on this computer. Reconnect to use this window instead. Your permissions have changed while viewing this page. There are communication problems with the synchronization server. Perhaps you connected through an incompatible firewall or proxy. Couldn't connect to the synchronization server. This is probably due to a problem with your browser or your internet connection. The server is not responding. This could be due to problems with network connectivity. An edit you have made was classified illegal by the synchronization server. This could be due to a wrong server configuration or some other unexpected behavior. The pad you are trying to access is corrupt. This may be due to a wrong server configuration or some other unexpected behavior. This pad has been removed. The connection to the server was lost The server may be unavailable.

OpenH264 My Critique (s243a) of Pearltree 2.0 Neuroplasticité Introduction : Un siècle environ d’études neuroanatomiques de plus en plus résolutives ont conduit à préciser l’organisation du système nerveux avec une très grande définition, mais en donnant en contrepartie la notion d’une fixité et d’une constance forte dans l’architecture cérébrale. Le fait que le cerveau soit constitué quasi exclusivement de neurones postmitotiques renforce cette notion de rigidité structurale, favorisant la recherche de gènes de structure à la base de la mise en place des réseaux nerveux. À ces idées sur le déterminisme génétique de l’organisation anatomique du système nerveux sont associées celles relatives à l’organisation fonctionnelle, relevant d’une conception localisationniste des fonctions cérébrales, issue notamment des travaux de Broca, à la fin du siècle dernier. Notion de neuroplasticité : considération du caractère dynamique de l’organisation cérébrale et de son fonctionnement – au-delà des questions de régénérescence 1- Prolifération : – interleukine-1,

My apologies dear fellow pearltree'ers but i'am Que fait l’Europe en faveur des énergies renouvelables ? | Les énergies renouvelables en Europe | Yourope | Europe Prochainement Toutes les vidéos Toutes les émissions Les lieux de tournage (Re)voir Yourope Pétition pour le retour du format de Pearltrees v1 Maison Innovergne : « activateur d’innovation » ! La Maison Innovergne soutient la création ou le développement d’entreprises innovantes, et le transfert de technologies issues des laboratoires publics en simplifiant les démarches et mettant à leur disposition des moyens et des ressources constituant une offre globale d’appui. L’innovation étant une source de croissance pour l’entreprise comme pour la région Auvergne, les financeurs et organismes d’accompagnement publics et para-publics coordonnent leurs aides pour atteindre un seul objectif : offrir un accompagnement sur-mesure aux porteurs de projets innovants. Afin de favoriser l’innovation en Auvergne, les acteurs publics et para-publics ont décidé d’unir leurs forces en créant, en 2012, la Maison Innovergne. Véritable point d’entrée des porteurs de projets innovants (1), la Maison Innovergne propose un point d’accueil et d’orientation dédié 04 63 05 81 63 et un site Internet (1) La Maison Innovergne s’adresse plus particulièrement aux projets de :
