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Double Broccoli Quinoa Recipe

Double Broccoli Quinoa Recipe
This double broccoli quinoa bowl is a favorite of mine. I cook up lots of broccoli, then puree half of it into a pesto. The other half is cut into little florets. Tossed with some quinoa, sliced avocado, and a drizzle of feisty chile pepper oil, it makes a nice meal and I hope you like it as much as I do. If you don't have quinoa, you can certainly swap in a pasta or any number of other foundation ingredients. Farro would be nice, millet might work, barley, pearled barley, or even your favorite brown rice. I should mention that I do like this served with a bit of feta crumbled on top. 3 cups cooked quinoa* 5 cups raw broccoli, cut into small florets and stems 3 medium garlic cloves 2/3 cup sliced or slivered almonds, toasted 1/3 cup freshly grated Parmesan 2 big pinches salt 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 1/4 cup olive oil 1/4 cup heavy cream Optional toppings: slivered basil, fire oil (optional)**, sliced avocado crumbled feta or goat cheese Heat the quinoa and set aside. Print Recipe

Polpette di miglio Potete propormi qualsiasi tipo di polpette, cucinate e preparate in qualsiasi modo. Tonde, schiacciate, fritte, al forno, in padella, grandi, piccole, di verdura, di carne, di pesce, di qualsiasi cosa. Spariranno in pochi secondi. Una vera e propria droga. E da quando ho scoperto le polpette di miglio con le verdure... non posso più farne a meno, ne mangio come fossero patatine. miglio (con una tazza ne vengono abbastanza)verdure (io preferisco le melanzane, ma sono buonissime anche con zucchine o peperoni) aglio semi di sesamo sale olio d'oliva pepe grana trentino grattuggiato qualche cucchiaio di farina di riso Cucinare il miglio in una pentola antiaderente in una quantità d'acqua pari al doppio del volume del miglio. Dopo aver scelto la verdura che preferite, tagliarla in piccoli cubetti, in modo che si cucini velocemente. Dopo aver mescolato per bene, creare delle piccole polpette tonde e poi schiacciarle leggermente, in modo da ottenere dei piccoli dischetti.

Amaretto-spiked Chocolate Mousse Recipe As if last weeks chocolate bender wasn't enough - here we go again. I have a couple classes coming up this fall (shockingly right around the corner), and this Amaretto-spiked chocolate mousse recipe will be pon the menu. In the Viking catalog I called it a pudding, but really - it is so rich, velvety, and decadent I think I will change my mind and call it a mousse from here on out. Chocolate mousse reminds me of the 80s. Don't tell anybody, but this recipe is really easy to make. Variations: If you want a more ploppy, pudding-like consistency, add another 1/4 or 1/3 cup chocolate soy milk to the recipe in the beginning. - More Chocolate Recipes - Pour the chocolate milk into a small pot and bring to a simmer. Add the soy milk and silken tofu to the melted chocolate chips. Chill in the big bowl (or in individual bowls) for at least 1 1/2 hours, the longer the better. Makes 6 decadent servings. Print Recipe

The Best Broccoli of Your Life You know you’ve done something right with broccoli when the person you made it for describes it to someone else the next day as “better than biting into a steak.” Those were Craig’s words and they were a marked change from the first words he uttered about the broccoli, before he bit in: “You made broccoli for dinner? Broccoli and sweet potatoes?” Then he did bite in and his eyes lit up. So what did I do to the broccoli to make it taste so good? I can’t take any credit. I’m going to have a hard time this week not posting all of the recipes from her new book, Back To Basics. Specifically, she loves roasting vegetables at a high temperature until they caramelize. Normally, broccoli gets squishy when you cook it. Seriously, this recipe is so easy I can recite it without looking at the book. You preheat the oven to 425. Take 4 to 5 pounds of broccoli (I just got two large bunches), cut into florets (but relatively big ones.) Now, it’s easy. Related Posts: Roasted Shrimp and Broccoli Save Save

pan-seared brussels sprouts with cranberries & pecans Without realizing, you may have already laid your peepers on this flavorful side as it is pictured here with my world’s best chicken recipe. So many of you asked for the how-to of these brussels! And I’m happy to indulge. You’ll love this dish because it is versatile with many entrees AND the ingredients are available year-round, especially in winter (bonus!). PAN-SEARED BRUSSELS SPROUTS WITH CRANBERRIES & PECANSServes 3-4 1 pound brussels sprouts, de-stemed and halved 1/2 cup dried cranberries 1/3 cup gorgonzola cheese, crumbled 1/3 cup pecans 1/2 cup barley 1 tablespoon maple syrup 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar 2 tablespoons olive oil Salt & pepper Prepare barley according to package instructions. 1 pound brussels sprouts, de-stemed and halved ½ cup dried cranberries ⅓ cup gorgonzola cheese, crumbled ⅓ cup pecans ½ cup barley 1 tablespoon maple syrup 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar 2 tablespoons olive oil Salt & pepper Prepare barley according to package instructions.

Broccoli and Cheese Stuffed Chicken Although I wish I was still away on vacation in sunny Florida, I am happy to be home cooking my own healthy meals again. It's not always easy eating healthy on vacation or in the airport. This dish is fairly simple to make and the whole family will love it. Ingredients: 3 (24 oz total) large chicken breast halves1 large egg2 tsp water3/4 cup whole wheat seasoned breadcrumbs2 cups broccoli floret, cooked, chopped small5 slices reduced fat Swiss cheese (I used Lacy Swiss)saltspray oiltoothpicks Directions: Preheat oven to 350°. Slice chicken breast halves into thin cutlets. Cut each slice of cheese in half. Dip chicken into egg wash, then breadcrumbs.

lactose free Avevo dimenticato cosa significasse un fine settimana non lavorativo, ovvero un fine settimana senza tabelle excel, senza elaborazioni di grafici, senza articoli da studiare, senza relazioni da scrivere, ma solamente pieno di lavatrici, pulizie da fare, cucina e panificazione e magari incursioni nel mio blog roll a lungo trascurato...sì, l'avevo dimenticato! Dopo mesi finalmente un pizzico di normalità e quindi... ...pioggia a dirotto, molte lavatrici da fare, pulizie casalinghe, spatasci panificatori, ma anche nuove ricette di torte e nuove sperimentazioni panificatorie, i due uomini che non vedevano l'ora di un po' di sano relax, saluti e baci agli amici bloggers, il computer che si è fatto un mega lifting e che sta benissimo da RIFATTO e finalmente...nuovi post! Ne ho tanti in arretrato...paura eh ;-)! Beh, comincio da questo che è una vera dichiarazione d'amore - platonico - per Richard Ploner e per il suo libro Il Pane delle Dolomiti, che è il mio personale "Mai piu Senza!".

Orange Pan-glazed Tempeh Recipe This might be the best tempeh recipe I've highlighted to date. It features a simple ginger and garlic-spiked orange glaze that plays off the nutty earthiness of pan-fried tempeh beautifully. Unlike many other tempeh recipes, there is no need for a long marinade time with this one, making it great for a last-minute weeknight meal. The recipe comes with a bit of a story, originates in a book I suspect many of you haven't seen yet, and started with an email I received one morning last September from Australian cookbook author (and natural foods enthusiast) Jude Blereau. It read, Dear Heidi, My name is Jude Blereau and I'm a Natural Foods Chef and author from Western Australia. The name sounded quite familiar to me, I did a quick scan of my cookbooks, and spotted her book immediately. We talked about all sorts of things, and I asked Jude if she'd let me highlight one of her recipes here on the site. And thank you for reaching out Jude, I look forward to visiting you in Perth someday.

Skinny Mashed Potatoes Mashed potatoes are one of my favorite things to eat on Thanksgiving, but this year since I am pregnant and on a really strict low carb diet (for my diabetes) real mashed potatoes are out (bummer). I recently started researching alternatives to some of my favorite dishes because there is NO way my plate will be without a big ole pile of mash potatoes. I came across this recipe that uses cauliflower instead of potatoes. Hmmm not a big cauliflower fan so I wasn't sure. If there is a choice of either celery or cauliflower in a veggie dish 9 times out of 10 I will choose the celery. BUT I decided to give it a try since the reviews were outstanding. ***BEST MOCK mashed potatoes I have ever had! What you will need: 1 head of cauliflower 1 tablespoon of cream cheese1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese1/2 teaspoon of minced garlic1/2 teaspoon of salt5 or so dashes of pepperChives for garnish Directions:Wash and cut cauliflower into small pieces. These were seriously unbelievable!

Warm Salad Month: Wild Rice, Butter Bean, and Garlic Roasted Carrot Salad Well, I suppose this is the last post in the warm winter salad month. February flew by, filled up with seasonal fare at its best. It can sometimes be a challenge to find my creative side when the ground has been frozen for 5 months, but I am always amazed at what I can pull off with a few vegetables from the cold storage and some dried goods from the pantry. This next warm salad is probably my most beloved because it features 3 of my all-time favorite foods: wild rice, butter beans, and garlic roasted carrots. Into the Wild RiceI think that wild rice is one of the most delicious whole foods available. Contrary to popular belief wild rice is in fact, not rice at all, but the seed of a wild grass that grows in the Great Lakes region of North America. As a bonus, wild rice is wildly nutritious. This recipe was an “accident” at work – I was using up seemingly disparate ingredients that were available that day, and this delightful salad was the end result. Directions:1. Hold tight, friends.

Broccoli-Cheese Soup Broccoli-cheese soup is my life. There’s something about it that triggers a happy, peaceful memory. I just don’t know what the memory is. So I guess technically, it isn’t really a memory at all. I think a memory, by definition, is something that someone actually has to remember. Never mind. Here’s how I make it! The Cast of Characters: Butter, chopped onion, flour, milk, half-and-half, broccoli, nutmeg (I have fresh, but any nutmeg is fine), cheese, and salt and pepper if you need it. Melt the butter in a pot and saute the onions until they’re beginning to turn translucent, about 3 minutes or so. (You’ll notice I am not providing you a photo of the onions sauteing in the butter. Sprinkle in the flour and stir it into the onions. (You’ll notice I am not providing you a photo of the flour being stirred into the onions. Okay, I’m back visually. Pour in the half-and-half too, because you’re naughty. Add in the nutmeg (makes the soup extra delicious!) And plenty of pepper. Whizzzzzzzzzzzz! Enjoy!

Sformato di miglio Ciao a tutti… volevo condividere questa ricetta, semplice, leggera, ma gustosa. Ingredienti:60 g di miglio 4-5 cimette di broccoletto 1 carota 1/2 porro 4 funghi Champignon 100 g di zucca 2 patate prezzemolo qb sale qb olio evo qb Procedimento:Lessare il miglio tenendolo un pochino al dente. Nel frattempo cuocere a vapore la zucca e preparare le verdure da cuocere. Mettere a scaldare una wok, ungerla internamente ed esternamente con olio ed iniziare a saltare le verdure singolarmente, prima il porro, poi i funghi con del prezzemolo, le carote, il broccoletto, le patate. Cucumber Peanut Salad Recipe In addition to the Sharpie pens, the half-full mug of tea, the snapshots, the magazines, the letters to be mailed, and the stamps to go on those letters, I have two new cookbooks on my desk. Two books to really dive into. I've mentioned this before, but a number of us have been choosing cookbooks to focus on, and we've just chosen these to be next. So, if you happen to have Nigel Slater's Tender V. 1 and/or Sanjeev Kapoor's How to Cook Indian, please feel free to join us. These are the picks for the next two months, which should give you enough time to buy them or check them out from the library if you like. Tender V.1 is by Nigel Slater, and is one of the most beautiful cookbooks I've purchased. I took some liberties with this based on personal preference, and readily available ingredients. You can prep all the components ahead of time, but don't toss the salad until just before serving. Over medium heat melt the ghee in a small skillet. Serves 4. Prep time: 10 min - Cook time: 3 min

Holy yummyness batman!! this looks simply delicious!!!!! by healinghealthy Mar 11
