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Il cloud computing tricolore è già qui

Il cloud computing tricolore è già qui

The Services Used By Y Combinator Startups [Infographic] A domain profiler document on GitHub is providing some interesting insights into the services that Y Combinator startups use to host its services. The breakdown is according to Web host, Email host, DNS Host, Registrar, SSL Issuer and Certificate type. The profiler shows: Amazon Web Services is the most popular for hosting applications, followed by Rackspace and Soft Layer. A total of 39 of the startups use, including Rapportive, airbnb and Cloudant. Rackspace is second but if you include its Slicehost service then it comes pretty close Amazon with 30 using Rackspace and six on Slicehost. The results show that the majority of Y Combinator startups depend on cloud services instead of self-hosted servers, traditional web hosting or co-location services.

Cloud Infographics: Pretty Pictures for Common Questions You know that “deer in the headlights” moment when someone asks you to explain something to your boss’s boss’s boss that maybe you don’t really understand yourself? It’s petrifying. Doing your best, you scramble to put some slides together and cross your fingers that you won’t get asked a question. Well, if that topic you’ve been asked to explain is cloud computing, there are lots of cool pictures out there that can help. The most commonly asked questions explored through images here are: What is cloud computing, anyway? How is cloud computing better than growing traditional data centers? Who are some of the key players and where is this whole market going? What is the difference between private cloud and public cloud? The folks over at Wikibon have a great cloud infographic that breaks down the key benefits of cloud computing and gives a nice definition of Software-as-a-Services (SaaS) along with examples of cloud based-SaaS products that people often don’t know are based on cloud hosting.

The Cloud Stratosphere [Infographic] We have been ending the week here with an infographic we find that looks to have some value for at least a snapshot of the market. This week, the Horn Group sent us an infographic that shows the vendors in what it calls the Cloud Computing Stratosphere. The group created the infographic to help give its clients some perspective on the market. The infographic looks at the cloud according to four strata: Communications and Social Applications Software as a Service Platform as a Service Infrastructure as a Service There are some companies missing. But generally it does a fairly decent job of showing the overall cloud world.

The State of Cloud Computing in 2011 (Infographic ... BitNami, and Zenoss have released the results of its 2011 Cloud Computing Outlook survey. You can request a copy of the report here. Only 20% respondents have no plans to develop a cloud computing strategy, but there was a clear preference for using dedicated hardware instead of public cloud infrastructure. Virtualization is very popular, and the biggest benefit respondents perceive in cloud computing was hardware savings. Another quick note: 69% of respondents use open source software "whenever possible." Only 3% avoid it entirely. (Hat tip Louis Columbus)

Le cloud computing for the dummies
