Early 1900s in Colour - All around the world All around the world - Franny Wentzel - Thursday, May 6th, 2010 : goo [previous] :: [next] In the early part of the 20th century French-Jewish capitalist Albert Kahn set about to collect a photographic record of the world, the images were held in an 'Archive of the Planet'. www.albert-kahn.fr/english/ Autochrome was the first industrial process for true colour photography. www.albertkahn.co.uk A few photos from the collection. Portraits Algeria Dahomey - now Benin Bosnia Brasil Bulgaria Cambodia Canada China Croatia Dijbouti Egypt England France Germany Greece Holland India Iran Iraq Ireland Italy King Faisal Lebenon Macedonia Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Norway Palestine Serbia Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Syria Turkey United States of America Vietnam Albert Kahn was a man of peace but unfortunately he had to live through three major wars against his country. This article has been viewed 3311213 times in the last 4 years dglenn: Fantastic!! Jack: 7th May 2010 - 19:27 GMT Amazing pictures! burg: 7th May 2010 - 19:37 GMT .
100 Helpful Photography Tutorials for Beginners and Professionals - StumbleUpon Photography as both a profession and a hobby is an incredibly expansive topic that covers a remarkably vast range of subjects from science and art. No matter where you lie on the professional spectrum, there is simply always more to learn. We spent countless hours scouring the web for the best content we could find and share with you, and today we'll help you expand your knowledge with 100 photography related tutorials! "There are many composition guidelines which can be applied in almost any situation, to enhance the impact of a scene. Below are ten of the most popular and most widely respected composition rules." "Graphic illustrations [and explanations] of the difference between RAW and JPEG (also called JPG). A basic discussion of white balance and how to respond to different lighting situations. "Use a simple device to get perfect color in all of your shots" "What you need to know to get the most from today’s amazing high-ISO settings" "Low light photography can be a lot of fun.
High school fashions, 1969 Fashion, Vintage High school fashions, 1969 i know what you’re thinking… are these more fashion snaps from coachella? no indeed! these are high school fashions in 1969 photographed by arthur shatz for life magazine. Subscribe to posts via Email arthur shatzFashionhigh school fashionlife magazinelife magazine archivessixtiesVintage Wednesday 20 April, 2011 Previous Post Next Post You Might Also Like Turned Out by Maya Thursday 17 November, 2011 glee Monday 31 May, 2010 creatures of comfort Tuesday 6 April, 2010
Ruth Orkin Photo Archive Londres en 1880 En 1880 la « Society for Photographing Relics of Old London » a été créée pour photographier les bâtiments de Londres qui allaient êtres détruits pour moderniser son urbanisme. Les longs temps de pose nécessaires à cette époque rendent la ville vide, à l’exception de quelques personnages immobiles.