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Robert Axelrod "Comment réussir dans un monde d'égoïstes"

Robert Axelrod "Comment réussir dans un monde d'égoïstes"

Anarchism and Other Essays: Anarchism: What It Really Stands For Emma Goldman, Anarchism and Other Essays (Third revised edition, New York: Mother Earth Publishing Association, 1917) Ever reviled, accursed, ne'er understood, Thou art the grisly terror of our age. "Wreck of all order," cry the multitude, "Art thou, and war and murder's endless rage." O, let them cry. THE history of human growth and development is at the same time the history of the terrible struggle of every new idea heralding the approach of a brighter dawn. Anarchism could not hope to escape the fate of all other ideas of innovation. To deal even remotely with all that is being said and done against Anarchism would necessitate the writing of a whole volume. The strange phenomenon of the opposition to Anarchism is that it brings to light the relation between so-called intelligence and ignorance. What, then, are the objections? The emotions of the ignorant man are continuously kept at a pitch by the most blood-curdling stories about Anarchism. Destruction and violence!

Charlie Beckett, POLIS Director » Blog Archive » Are We Ignoring the Dark Side of the Internet? Evgeny Morozov at LSE (Guest blog) This report on a lecture at the LSE by Evgeny Morozov is by POLIS intern, Beth Lowell. From discussions of Iran’s “Twitter Revolution” to praise for Google’s decision to stop its censorship in China, the Internet is often heralded as a vital tool for democracy. The United States government in particular has long referred to the Internet as a beacon of hope, a great equalizing tool that has the potential to spread democratic practices across the globe by making information available to all. During his LSE public lecture, Morozov opened with a confession: he used to be an Internet optimist too. He partially attributed this lack of momentum to a stagnant class of emerging young technological talent more interested in obtaining grants and working for Western NGOs than continued innovation. One of the most problematic Internet idealism traps, according to Morozov, is the misconception that it is always a tool for good. The internet is not a one-way ticket to democracy.

National - Bob Cohn - 21 Charts That Explain American Values Today Americans say they are more tolerant and open-minded than their parents. Among the issues that rate more morally acceptable today than a decade ago: homosexuality, human cloning, pre-marital sex, and having a child out of wedlock. At the same time, half believe the economic system is unfair to middle- and working-class Americans, and only 17 percent believe Wall Street executives share fundamental American values. In all, two-thirds think the country is heading in the wrong direction, 69 percent believe the country's values have deteriorated since the 1970s, and nearly half say values will further weaken over the next 10 years. Such are the highlights of The Atlantic/Aspen Institute American Values Survey. Elsewhere on the site, pollster Mark Penn provides a full analysis of the survey, which was conducted by his firm, Penn Schoen Berland. Two-thirds of those surveyed say the country is heading in the wrong direction ... The influence of religion on American life is decreasing.

Augean Stables Krugman: “En España se decidirá el destino de Europa” España. Para el premio Nobel de Economía Paul Krugman el proceso de la crisis vuelve sobre los pasos de los años 1931, “el año donde todo se vino abajo”, cuando España aparece como el signo de ese probable desplome que “decidirá el destino de Europa”. Así lo sostuvo en su columna del diario El País, desde donde viene siguiendo de cerca la crisis europea y donde había vaticinado la salida de Grecia de la Eurozona. Dice que en 1931, en pleno proceso de recuperación después del crack de 1929, la debacle empezó con una crisis bancaria en un pequeño país europeo: Austria. Austria trató de intervenir con un rescate bancario, pero al dispararse el costo del rescate, se dudaba de la solvencia del Gobierno. Krugman se pregunta si esto no resulta conocido, al referirse al país ibérico, cuya banca está casi en los contenedores de los bonos basura.

Heitor De Paola Carta dos presos políticos militares argentinos Diferentes Penitenciárias Federais Estimados Senhores e camaradas: Dirigimo-nos aos Senhores pela primeira vez, dizendo-lhes que conformamos um grupo ao redor de 400 Oficiais do Exército Argentino, presos em diferentes Penitenciárias Federais de todo o país há já vários anos (em alguns casos mais de 6 anos), processados e alguns condenados pelas ações da Força na Guerra contra a subversão. Pertencemos, a grande maioria, à faixa de promoções CMN que vão da 93 à 106, quer dizer, que no ano de 1976 nos encontrávamos desde Subt(s) no 1º ano a Cap(s) no 2º ou 3º ano, isto é, todos Of(s) Subalt(s). Aqui existiu uma guerra e existiram ordens (nem legais nem ilegais), foram ordens. A isto soma-se a dor e a enfermidade de nossas famílias, essa “grande família militar” da qual tanto nos falaram e falamos. E também por favor, não se deixem levar pelos que falam “deste novo Exército”. Não se confundam! Nota da tradutora: Tradução: Graça Salgueiro

L-3 Communications attacked on heels of Lockheed Martin breach; RSA tokens apparently were used Another major defense contractor hacked; RSA tokens likely involved L-3 Communciations attacked on heels of Lockheed Martin breach By William JacksonJun 01, 2011 Fallout from a breach at EMC Corp.’s RSA Security division earlier this year continues to cascade through the defense industry, as information taken in that breach is believed to have been used against major contractor L-3 Communications Holdings Inc. The L-3 attack was reported May 27 by Reuters, which said attackers reportedly were able to spoof the passcode from an RSA SecurID token. Similar data is believed to have been used in a May 21 attempt to access Lockheed Martin, which the company described as a “significant and tenacious attack on its information systems network.” Related stories: 'Significant' attack shuts down Lockheed network Hackers gain access to RSA's SecurID security tokens L-3 was formed out of 10 business units from Lockheed that were spun off during Lockheed’s acquisition of Martin Marietta.

Livro: A Tutoria de EAD no AVA Militar Compartilhar Sinopse O caminho para o desenvolvimento do Ensino a Distância – EAD passa pela internet. O EAD significa a aprendizagem descentralizada em relação ao tempo e ao local, além de sugerir uma nova pedagogia. Esta se apoia no compartilhamento do conhecimento, através de bases de dados a que todos precisam ter acesso. A interação tutor-aluno se dará na rede interna das Instituições Militares de Ensino Superior (IMES) que deve-se deixar acessar pela internet, de forma segura e com 100% de disponibilidade.

L'Islande invente la Wiki-Constitution - Monde Démocratie L'Islande invente la Wiki-Constitution C'est une première mondiale: l'Islande veut se doter d'un nouveau texte constitutionnel, et tout le monde peut participer. Via Internet et les réseaux sociaux, citoyens islandais et étrangers font évoluer le projet en débattant et en soumettant leurs propositions... Des membres du Conseil constitutionnel interagissent avec les internautes © Skrifstofa Stjórnlagaráðs / flickr Frappée de plein fouet par la crise économique, l'Islande avait besoin d'un nouveau souffle. L'Islande met en pratique le "crowdsourcing", néologisme apparu en 2006 qui désigne le fait d'utiliser le savoir-faire et la créativité d'un grand nombre d'internautes afin de réaliser un projet. Tous sont égaux. "Le public voit la Constitution naître devant ses yeux. Sur le site Stjórnlagaráð, les citoyens sont ainsi directement mis à contribution, et sur tous les sujets. Une démocratie véritable Sur la page Facebook, ce sont les internautes étrangers qui ont pris le pouvoir.

Everything you ever wanted to know about anarchism This classic statement of anarchism was written by a diverse group of anarchists in Cardiff around 1980 and it is an interesting historical record of the optimism of mainstream anarchist thought at that time. There is probably more rubbish talked about anarchism than any other political idea. Actually, it has nothing to do with a belief in chaos, death and destruction. Anarchists do not normally carry bombs, nor do they ascribe any virtue to beating up old ladies. It is no accident that the sinister image of the mad anarchist is so accepted. The alleged necessity of authority is so firmly planted in the average mind that anarchy, which means simply 'no government' is almost unthinkable to most people. Yet there are a limitless range of possible societies without the State. Various sorts of anarchists have differing ideas on exactly how society ought to be organised. Very few people seem to understand anarchism, even though it is a very simple, straightforward idea. Large Scale Campaigns
