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Le Jardin de JavaScript Bien que JavaScript utilise une syntaxe avec accolades pour les blocs, il ne crée pas de portée "scope" de bloc; par conséquent, la seule portée du langage est la portée de fonction. function test() { // une portée "scope" for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // pas une portée // count } console.log(i); // 10} Il n'existe pas d'espaces de noms "namespaces" en JavaScript, ce qui signifie que tout est défini dans un espace de noms commun partagé par tous. Chaque fois qu'une variable est référencée, JavaScript va traverser vers le haut toutes les portées jusqu'à ce qu'il la trouve. S'il atteint la portée globale sans avoir trouvé le nom demandé, il va générer une erreur de référence ReferenceError. Le fléau des variables globales // script Afoo = '42'; // script Bvar foo = '42' Les deux scripts ci-dessus n'ont pas le même effet. Ne pas utiliser var peut avoir des répercussions majeures. // portée globalevar foo = 42;function test() { // portée locale foo = 21;}test();foo; // 21 Variables locales test();

OCW Course Index Learn PHP with Tutorials for Absolute Beginners| Learn PHP Free PHP powers hundreds of millions of websites worldwide. Undoubtedly it is one of the most popular server side scripting language. If you want to start web programming it is one of the first language you should pick up. In this introductory course in PHP you will get all the fundamental concepts required to start your PHP web programming. We have kept the learning curve fairly simple and anyone with basic knowledge of programming can quickly pick up PHP with the help of this course. In the course you will go through basic web programming concepts and will be able to master PHP programming by the end of it. You can access the course through the Course Dashboard. SECTION 1: Introduction Introduction to the Course PHP Fundamentals Environment Setup SECTION 2: PHP Building Blocks PHP Variables and Arrays PHP Loops SECTION 3: Advanced PHP Features Functions, Include and Require Conditionals and RegEx SECTION 4: Summary Summary PHP powers hundreds of millions of websites worldwide. SECTION 1: Introduction

20 Awesome Resources to Learn Programming Online Ten years ago few people knew more than two programming languages and a coder was mostly associated with a geek. Nowadays, the situation has changed dramatically. The number of individuals that know more than two programming languages is incomparable higher. The statute of a coder has evolved, too. Undoubtedly, coders significantly contributed to the evolution of Internet. A teacher’s aid is priceless, but modern online courses manage to compensate the lack of one. Google Developers University Consortium Google is a huge brand and no one behind it can afford the “luxury” of suggesting poor quality courses for developers. Learn to Code Nowadays, a web designer who is bragging about being a HTML and CSS expert isn’t something out of the ordinary. JavaScript Garden Once a web designer becomes a HTML and CSS expert, the next step is JavaScript. Udemy Udemy is a real industry where a lot of people make serious amounts of money while others find the courses they need. Lynda Treehouse Udacity Bento

Cursos on-line gratuitos das melhores universidades | Veduca eduonix Our course on PHP-MYSQL will provide quick and focused training in PHP and MySQL which are arguably the most popular web development tool out there. You will start with basic PHP and will follow it up with a comprehensive training in MySQL. You will also build a complete web application from scratch using the concepts learned in this course. Like all our other courses we have kept the content fun and we are sure it will be a enjoyable learning experience for you. Our course is one of the best online resource to Become A Certified PHP Developer. Also Learn other new technologies, which will help you become a Complete website developer : • Learn CSS3 and HTML Development By Building Projects • Learn Database Design with MySQL From Scratch • Learn PHP and MySQL Development By Building Projects • Learn HTML5 Programming For Beginners You can access the course through the Course Dashboard. SECTION 1: PHP Programming PHP Fundamentals Environment Setup PHP Variables and Arrays PHP Loops MySQLi OOP

Sam et Max | Cours et tutos Python Ceci n’est pas un cours complet et cohérent sur “apprendre à programmer avec Python”. Pour ça voyez plutôt openclassroom ou le livre gratuit de Swinnen. Ceci est une compilation de tous les cours et tutos du blog, filtrés, et ordonnés de manière cohérente. C’est bordélique, y a des trous partout, mais il y a aussi des connaissances que vous ne trouverez nulle part ailleurs aussi bien expliquées qu’ici. Django Ceci n’est pas un cours complet et cohérent sur “apprendre à faire un site Web avec Django”. Autre Culture Générale informatique How to Create a Skills Matrix Use a Skills Matrix to confirm the skills, knowledge, and interest of your team members. A Skills Matrix is a table that displays people’s proficiency in specified skills and knowledge, as well as their interest in working on assignments using these skills and knowledge. Whether you’re able to influence the people assigned to your project team, people are assigned to your team without your input, or you assume the role of project manager of an existing team, you need to know what each team member can handle. If you have a team that was assembled without considering your opinion on the capabilities needed to perform your project’s work, it’s essential that you find out team members’ skills, knowledge, and interests so you can make the most appropriate task assignments. The left-hand column of this Skills Matrix identifies skill and knowledge areas, and the top row lists people’s names. Display people’s skills, knowledge, and interests in a Skills Matrix.

Scrimba GreenSock Workshop I find web animations done right among the coolest stuff on the Internet. As front-end developer, I’m fascinated by what lies behind the scenes – the CSS code and the JavaScript programming. It takes quite a lot of sophisticated and involved front-end code to create a smooth, high-performance bit of animated web content. Luckily, it doesn’t have to be intimidating: thanks to tools like the GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP) and the right step-by-step guidance, like the GreenSock Workshop by Petr Tichy (the same guy behind the Parallax Scrolling Master Class and the Skrollr Workshop). In his hands-on and clear teaching style, Petr walks you through the creation of advanced, state of the art animated web design projects, detailing each step from setting up the HTML and CSS documents all the way to applying GreenSock’s methods. Modules follow in a logical sequence, each building on the previous one.

