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MooColorFinder - retrieve all website colors

MooColorFinder - retrieve all website colors
moo Color Finder - find CSS colors used on a website This neat little tool extracts any color information, no matter if inline CSS, CSS files via import or link, and even if you have a master CSS file with references to other css files - mooColorFinder reads it out. Works with 99% of all websites So, as long as a website specifies its CSS styles W3C conform, this script will find the colors used - yet not every other type of integration can be read, but 99% of the pages work out. Include the color cloud in your own page You can even display the color cloud on your page, as long as you use a dynamic page like php. How it works and what to do with it This colorfinder helps you to determine colors used by a website, so you can find suitable colors for your own page. Photoshop Palette File Generation You can now even download the palette as Photoshop™ Palette File ( .aco ) and use it directly in your own projects. Get your own cloud Color Cloud Results Request information

Html Validator for Firefox and Mozilla HTML VALIDATOR (based on Tidy and OpenSP) HTML Validator is a Mozilla extension that adds HTML validation inside Firefox and Mozilla. The number of errors of a HTML page is seen on the form of an icon in the status bar when browsing. The details of the errors are seen when looking the HTML source of the page. The extension is based on Tidy and OpenSP. Both algorithms were originally developed by the Web Consortium W3C. HTML Tidy is a helpful program that tries to help people to correct their HTML errors. Download : version 0.958 - FOR FIREFOX 4 and later - Windows, Linux 32 bits, 64 bits and Mac OS X New in Version 0.958, Fixed issue with icon not appearing in add-on toolbar. Download : version - FOR FIREFOX 8.0 ONLY - Windows only (for now) Since Firefox 4+ and rapid releases, XPCOM has been unfrozen. Download : version - FOR FIREFOX 7.0 ONLY - Windows only (for now) Download : version - FOR FIREFOX 6.0 ONLY - Windows only (for now) FIREFOX 3.6 and below 1. 3.

Image to Colors Palette Generator Notes: - Max file size: 1 MB. - Supported image types:.png, .gif, .jpg and .jpeg images. - Photoshop swatches and CSS styles also generated. Light Color Palette #909b86 #a0a68f #adb39b #bdb682 #b8bca2 #c2c6b3 #dad295 Medium Color Palette #21360d #404d1f #5a6636 #7b6c05 #858d66 #b4a42b Dark Color Palette #0d1505 #191e0c #312b02 #2d301b Complete Color Palette #3b4e17 #39461b #3b4b1c #3e5521 #43582f #475a22 #555f2a #52602b #636b38 #707d48 #d1d7b1 #fade11 #555a24 #57642c #bfbe9f #c5c9a8 #3d4e18 #81713d #edc70a #605f27 #c2a91b #374a12 #483f04 #394c14 #5e7433 #35420c #8b6d0d #43541d #b5b994 #d0b712 #4b5e27 #2c4213 #495d20 #3a4719 Save as CSS stylesheet (.css file) Save as Photoshop swatches (.aco file) Notes: - Max file size: 1 MB. - Supported image types:.png, .gif, .jpg and .jpeg images. - Photoshop swatches and CSS styles also generated. Light Color Palette #909b86 #a0a68f #adb39b #bdb682 #b8bca2 #c2c6b3 #dad295 Medium Color Palette #21360d #404d1f #5a6636 #7b6c05 #858d66 #b4a42b Dark Color Palette #0d1505 #191e0c #312b02 #2d301b Complete Color Palette #3b4e17 #39461b

Ed.VoiceThread - About - Digital Library The Digital Library is a database of articles about successful VoiceThread projects. Our hope is to create a resource that offers guidance and inspiration for people undertaking new projects. Please contribute a VoiceThread to help the Digital Library grow. All About Polar Bears - Kindergarten ESL by Monica Schnee Monica Schnee taught a nonfiction social studies/science unit about polar bears. Higher Ed Grammar Practice - Infinitive or Gerund? Students practice grammar by forming sentences from a word cloud. Language learners use VoiceThread to practice speaking - Bophany Huot, City College of San Francisco This is a great example of how an ESL student can practice her computer skills and her language skills to talk about everyday activities. Education Using VoiceThread in an online course from Professor Russ Meade VoiceThread "humanizes" the on-line classroom experience. Higher Ed from Della Curtis English/Lang Arts "Chicago" Literary Analysis - by Vicki Phillips 2nd graders play I-Spy The J.S.

lorempixel - placeholder images for every case Propiedades de CSS Ha llegado el momento de ver todas y cada una de las propiedades que CSS asigna a cada elemento, junto con su sintaxis concreta y los posibles valores que puedan adoptar. Aclaración preliminar Antes de comenzar a ver las propiedades, voy a darte unas pequeñas notas sobre los símbolos que he usado para explicar la sintaxis de cada propiedad. En general no hay problema alguno, y he tratado de explicar todo lo necesario en el apartado "Detalles" de cada uno, pero aquí van una serie de convenciones para aclararte algo más el tema: Las palabras escritas entre los símbolos < y >, son variables, que dependerán de cada caso, y que se explican en la sección "Detalles". El signo | indica la disyunción "o". Propiedades de texto Son aquellas que modifican las características del texto, tales como el espaciado entre palabras o la alineación. word-spacingletter-spacingtext-decorationvertical-aligntext-transformtext-aligntext-indentline-height Propiedades de fuente Propiedades de color y fondo
