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What does it do? You can load the Images and optionally some dark.frames (will be averaged and subtracted automatically if exist). If there are some images you don’t want you can uncheck them. The resulting image can be saved in Jpeg,TIFF or BMP format Another feature is the creation of a time-lapse movie as an "AVI"-fileOf course this feature can be used to create any time lapse movie, not only starmovies.. System requirements: As it is developed in C# you need the Microsoft .NET framework installed. Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4 Redistributable Package If you are interested in using Startrails you can download it here: (1MB) Donations are kindly accepted and will help towards further development 29th July, 2013:New: Falling stars! 11th February, 2013: Fixed a Windows 8 bug (menus not working) Turkish translation, thanks go to Gorkem Koray Oz! 5th November, 2012: French Version! 29th August, 2012: Version 2.1! 1th May, 2012: Version 2.0 is here! History: "Falling stars"

Tutorial: Photographing Star Trails (Long Exposure + Multiple Exposure) Star Trails These are a great challenge, and the best part is, you don't know exactly what the photograph will look like until after you've taken it. In order to take star trail shots you need three essential things: A DSLR with a BULB mode, a tripod, and a rubber band and eraser. There are other methods to taking star trails too which require more tools, but if you have those three things than you can get away with taking a fine photo. 360, 30 sec exposures combined. (3 hours exposure in total). Nikon d70s was used with power cord. Star trails are really fun. You will need a tripod and a device that can take exposures one after the other. There are different tools we can use when taking star trails: 1) Use an Intervalometer (ultimately this is the best way, especially if your camera has one already built in) 2) Use a remote 3) Use a cable release (best way if you are using film) 4) Use a rubber band and eraser (cheapest, quickest way) 5) Use Camera controlling software on your laptop. [site]

Astronomy Software Astronomy Software In astronomy, there is a wide variety of software. In most cases, there are many different versions of software that do a particular thing. The ASP has releaced a PDF file of astronomy related apps for the iPhone and Android. Planetarium Software | Specialty Observing Programs | CCD Software | Robotic Software | Other Software Software for OS X (Apple) | New! Planetarium Software: This type of software is used to map the night sky from any location on the Earth. The SkyX by Software Bisque is probably the most popular planetarium software available. Back to Main Page | Back to Top Specialty Observing Programs: These programs are not full featured planetariums, but specialize in specific objects. DeepSky 2011 - I had a chance to use this software and it does a lot. CCD Control and Imaging Software: This will be the longest list as there are many of these types of programs available. CCDSoft - works in concert with TheSky for full camera and telescope control. Other Software:

45 Astonishing Examples of Long Exposure Photography Apr 08 2010 Today we bring you an enticing article about long exposure photography. Long exposure photography is a technique in which a camera’s shutter is left open to expose over a longer period of time (be it 8 seconds or 8 hours). It is quite famous, trendy and somewhat difficult form of photography that allows you to witness things from a different perspective and lets you experience time in a different fashion. So, without a further ado, here we present a list of 45 of the dazzling and unbelievable long exposure photographs that will take your breath away. Long Exposure Photos Annual photo Fire and water Long Exposure of Fireworks S-Bend (ii) Flame Wall Niagara Falls Tower Bridge Amusement Ride Pigeon Point Lighthouse Long Exposure at La Ronde – 16 Light drawing during insomnia Star trails Light From Within Long Exposure at La Ronde – 1 KFOG KABOOM in the Fog Hats of ice From East to West; New Brighton, The Wirral My Son and I Time to choose the right colours.. Persistence Energy – Film Long Exposure

Tutorial - Come realizzare uno Startrail - la guida definitiva ‹ by Emanuele Follesa - Fotografia Naturalistica - Fotografia sportiva - Fotografia notturna - Startrail - Portrait - Ritrattistica - Fotoamatore tra le province di Varese, Novara, Il tutorial che segue è dedicato a tutte quelle persone che vogliono cimentarsi nella tecnica fotografica denominata Startrail (il termine tradotto in italiano starebbe per “scia di stelle”). Potete trovare esempi di questa tecnica nella sezione Night Photography del mio sito. Innanzi tutto, prima di cimentarci in uno Startrail, ci sono alcuni fattori da prendere in considerazione: Il cielo deve essere privo di nubi/nebbia o altri fenomeni; consultate più siti web a riguardo.Bisogna tenere a mente l’inquinamento luminoso della zona in cui andremo ad eseguire i nostri scatti. Più ci si allontana dalle città o si sale di quota, più si otterranno risultati soddisfacenti, ecco perché molti si “rifugiano” in alta montagna o dentro vallate buie, lontani dal caos e dalle luci delle città.La fase lunare in atto quel particolare giorno. Ora passiamo ad elencare tutto quel materiale non-fotografico che sarebbe utile avere con sé: Una volta avviato il programma vi apparirà l’interfaccia sottostante:

Metric Scores DxOMark provides five lens metric scores that are numerical values computed from various test results. These values constitute an easy-to-understand summary of lens performance based on five key metrics (sharpness, distortion, vignetting, transmission, chromatic aberration). Sharpness The DxOMark resolution score shows sharpness performance of a lens-camera combination averaged over its entire focal length and aperture ranges. The resolution score is computed as follows: For each focal length and each f-number, we first compute sharpness and then weight it throughout the field, tolerating less sharpness in the corners than in the center. Note that for a wide-range zoom, there are huge differences between the resolutions for different focal lengths. Sharpness is expressed in PMpix and is typically between 50% and 100% of the sensor pixel count, Differences below 1 P-MPix are usually not noticeable. Distortion Vignetting For each focal length, we only consider the widest possible aperture.

Photographing Star Trails Introduction Photographing the night sky is extremely rewarding because you often get views of things that your own eyes either can't see, or you don't think to look for them. When seeing photos of stars, star trails, or other night images, people are often surprised by the unreal—or surreal—colors. Because our everyday world doesn't have a lot of things that are heavily weighted towards these things, most everyday pictures that we take appear much like we see them in real life. When photographing stars, you can either get a star "field," a static snapshot of the stars as points of light, or star "trails," where the stars' movements streak across the sky. The above photos were taken at King's Canyon National Park in California, with a setting of 30 seconds at f2.8, using an ISO of 3200. A time-lapse movie can capture the sky moving as a series of photos, but capturing this movement in a single picture is called a "star trails" photo. More to See Click to recommend this page:

ASCOM - Standards for Astronomy 90 Absolutly Stunning Long Exposure Photographs | Digital Art Empire Subscribe to : RSS . Email Browsing » Digital Art Empire » Compilations » 90 Absolutly Stunning Long Exposure Photographs April 14th in Compilations, Inspiration by Ben Rama . 90 Absolutly Stunning Long Exposure Photographs Tweet Long exposure photography has long been one of our most popular topics which is not surprising when you look at how stunning these images all are. Long exposure photography has long been one of our most popular topics which is not surprising when you look at how stunning these images all are. When a Long exposure image is taken including stationary and moving subjects (for example, a fixed street and moving cars or a camera within a car showing a fixed dash-board and moving scenery) using a slow shutter speed, interesting effects, such as light trails occur. Long exposures are easiest to accomplish in low-light conditions, but can be done in brighter light using neutral density filters or specially designed cameras. Bookmark & Share Ben Rama Related Posts 8 Comments

What Happens When You Take A Long-Exposure Picture Of A Christmas Tree While Zooming Out As important as the holidays are for celebrating with friends and family, they’re also a good opportunity for people to show off their creativity. And if you’re not into holiday crafts, try your hand at creating some incredible long-exposure photographs like these people on Imgur and Reddit did! It all started when one user posted an interesting picture of his keyboard on Reddit. He took a long-exposure photograph of his illuminated keyboard and zoomed the picture out, creating the illusion that the letters had flown out of the board towards the viewer. If you have an SLR camera, try to take some pictures like these. Long Exposure + Zoom Out Source: Source: Source: Spinning Tree + Long Exposure Source: Same Spinning Tree + Long Exposure + Zoom Out Long Exposure + Zoom Out + Camera Spin Source: Spinning Christmas Lights + Long Exposure Source: Works With A Keyboard Too! Source: Some tips for taking photos like these: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Tutoriel Photo 1/2 : Comment faire une photo nette avec un sujet en mouvement ? - Choisir et mieux utiliser votre reflex Nikon - Nikon Passion Vous êtes vous déjà posé la question de savoir pourquoi certaines de vos photos étaient floues ? Savez-vous quelle est la vitesse minimale à choisir selon le nombre de pixels de votre reflex ? Nous vous proposons de découvrir en détail tout ce qui fait que vous allez pouvoir faire des photos plus nettes de vos sujets en mouvement. Fou de Bassan – Photo (C) Jacques Croizer Ce tutoriel vous est proposé par Jacques Croizer. Jacques est également auteur du livre Tous photographes ! Il règne autour de la notion de netteté une sorte de flou artistique que l’avènement du Nikon D800 et de ses 36Mp n’a fait qu’amplifier. Distance de confort Avant de parler de netteté, il faut préciser dans quelles conditions vous observez une photographie. L’amplitude du champ visuel utilisé pour la reconnaissance des symboles est de l’ordre de 40 degrés (œil immobile). La distance minimale requise pour observer confortablement un document est de 25 centimètres. Acuité visuelle Le cercle de confusion

Software Software Repository Star Trails Photoshop Action. Download Action Here Purpose: To stack a directory of images (not RAW) to make a composite equal to one long exposure. Directions for use: Create a blank all black image, the same size as the images you wish to stack. July 9, 2006 You are visitor number since June 17, 2001 FastCounter by bCentral Return to Main Page

Aladin Sky Atlas 30 Examples Of Light Paintings | TutorialFreakz_All kind of free Tutorials! Light painting or Light Graffiti is a way of photographic design. They are created by moving a light in front of a camera with a low shutter speed. This way of photography can be used in videos and photos. To know exactly what i mean take a look at the 3 videos i added below, one is a commercial and the other two are created for fun by Light Painters. Become expert in web designing with our 000-152 course. 1. light graffiti I – by roledeluz 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. light painting. – by tomorrowillbeyou 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. light painting – by rafoto’s 17. waste.removal – by The Path of Light 18. more tunnel teleportation action – by gnackgnackgnack 19. neon crosses – by the other ‘neon ninja’ 20. 21. 22. 23. light – by Superaguacate 24. by BrunodoBrazil 25. barycentric coordinate time (TCB) – by { tcb } 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Be Sociable, Share!
