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B'Tselem - The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories

B'Tselem - The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories

Middle East and the Islamic World | Scientific Interest Group Collections with Archived Web Sites - Archived Web Sites | Websites | Library of Congress Collection Papal Transition 2005 Web Archive Collection Period: April 5th, 2005 to November 30th, 2005. On April 2, 2005, Pope John Paul II died at the age of 84; seventeen days later, on April 19, 2005, Pope Benedict XVI was elected the 265th pope of the Roman Catholic Church. The death of a presiding pope of the Catholic Church is an event that affects more than one billion Catholics worldwide ... Contributor: Library of Congress Date: 2008 View 194 Items Collection Laotian General Election 2011 Web Archive Collection Period: June 2011 to November 2011. Laos, one of the world’s few remaining communist regimes, holds general elections for the National Assembly every five years. Parliamentary Election and Presidential Election were held on April 30, 2011 and June 2011.

Palestine - Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture Portail:Conflit israélo-arabe Le conflit israélo-arabe années 1920, dans une Palestine alors sous contrôle britannique. Dans ce contexte, il culmine avec la grande révolte arabe de 1936-1939 et la guerre civile de la fin du mandat britannique. Le conflit est accompagné de nombreuses tentatives de conciliation, qui ont abouti aux traités de Paix israélo-égyptien et israélo-jordanien, et à une reconnaissance réciproque entre Israéliens et Palestiniens. Depuis les premiers espoirs nés des Accords d'Oslo, le processus de paix israélo-palestinien est bloqué. Les enjeux du conflit ont évolué au fur et à mesure de son histoire et en fonction des protagonistes. Ce portail regroupe les 365 articles de Wikipédia qui sont consacrés à ce conflit.

Israeli human rights groups sound alarm over parliamentary panel on funding JERUSALEM - An initiative in the Israeli parliament this month to investigate the funding of local human rights organizations has intensified debate here about the role of the groups, which rightist critics have accused of harming Israel. Human rights advocates say they are working in an increasingly hostile public climate - particularly since the Gaza war two years ago, which brought allegations of Israeli war crimes - and they warn that free speech and the right to dissent are being challenged. Thousands of people marched in Tel Aviv on Saturday night to protest lawmakers' initial approval of a parliamentary committee to look into foreign funding of the Israeli rights groups. Although a parliamentary panel cannot compel private citizens to testify and its conclusions are not binding, critics called the planned investigation a McCarthyist tactic intended to taint the rights groups, many of whom document abuse and violation of Palestinians' rights by Israeli security forces and settlers.

Les olives amères de Palestine - Johanna Schreiner (2019) L’olive en Palestine La cueillette des olives est traditionnellement un moment de réjouissance en Palestine. On récolte en famille et on aide ses voisins. Dans les territoires palestiniens occupés, 47% des terres agricoles (soit environ 86 000 hectares) sont consacrés à l’oléiculture, ce qui représente environ 10 millions d’oliviers procurant un revenu à près de 100 000 familles. Ce secteur produit une valeur annuelle estimée entre 160 et 191 millions de dollars. Selon l’International Olive Council, en 2016/17, la Palestine a exporté 6 500 tonnes d’huile d’olive sur les 20 000 tonnes produites, essentiellement vers les pays du Golfe. L’agriculture palestinienne dans son ensemble est fortement impactée par l’occupation israélienne. Une cueillette qui dérape Dans la logique d’entrave au développement de l’oléiculture palestinienne, les agressions et le vandalisme des colons jouent un rôle majeur. Rabbi peace activist beaten up by extremist Israeli settlersReportage de David McKenzie pour CNN

Halqa : Association des doctorants en sciences sociales sur les mondes musulmans modernes et contemporains Our - By Herb Keinon, Margot Dudkevitch, and Janine Zacharia JERUSALEM (April 18) – The IDF late last night began pulling out of the positions in Gaza that it reoccupied Monday night, with an official in the Prime Minister’s Office saying that it was because “the mission was completed.” Various IDF officers said throughout yesterday that the goal of the operation had been to push Sderot out of mortar range. An IDF statement last night said that, after completing its mission, the IDF was pulling its forces out of the Gaza Strip and redeploying them to their previous positions. The withdrawal came within hours of a statement issued by US Secretary of State Colin Powell calling on Israel to pull back its troops. For the Palestinians, he said, “this includes implementing their commitment to renounce terrorism and violence, to exercise control over all elements of the PLO and the Palestinian Authority, and to discipline violators.” Sharon was reportedly angry with Gaza battalion commander Brig.

- Association France Palestine Solidarité
