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Rent Villas and Vacation Homes – Villa Rentals – RentVillas - Free Accommodation world wide through Hospitality Exchange - Hospitality Club Publication 54 (2019), Tax Guide for U.S. Citizens and Resident Aliens Abroad Generally, for calendar year taxpayers, U.S. income tax returns are due on April 15. If you are a U.S. citizen or resident and both your tax home and your abode are outside the United States and Puerto Rico on the regular due date, an automatic extension is granted to June 15 for filing the return. Interest will be charged on any tax due, as shown on the return, from April 15. a) You should file Form 2350 by the due date of your return to request an extension of time to file. Form 2350 is a special form for those U.S. citizens or residents abroad who expect to qualify for the foreign earned income exclusion or the housing exclusion or deduction under either the bona fide residence test or physical presence test and would like to have an extension of time to delay filing until after they have qualified. b) If the extension is granted, you should file your return after you qualify, but by the approved extension date. c) You must file your Form 1040 or 1040-SR with Form 2555. Generally, yes.

Search 1.8 million vacation rentals from all the top travel sites on Otalo Leisure / Business Travel Packing List - Travel Light (One Bag)! Holiday villas, houses and apartments - Search and book online | Interhome The 7 Most Beautiful Places in the World to Visit Need a little inspiration for your next vacation, either real or imagined? SmarterTravel’s editors have crisscrossed the planet, visiting dozens of countries on every continent—and these are the spots they’ve declared the most beautiful places in the world. The Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica “Antarctica feels otherworldly. It’s devoid of human life, with an almost eerie emptiness in places—no manmade buildings, no power lines, no planes flying overhead, and no lights. Granada, Spain “Like all the towns in Andalucia, Granada is something special. South Island, New Zealand “My then-partner (now husband) and I were reduced almost to speechlessness during a road trip around New Zealand’s spectacular South Island. Krka National Park, Croatia “Krka National Park was supposed to be a small pit stop on my guided trip to Split, but it ended up being the highlight of the week. Great Bear Rainforest, British Columbia, Canada Haputale Tea Country, Sri Lanka Tayrona National Park, Colombia

European Villa Rentals and Holiday Villas - - Soluciones para Hoteles - by Demosdesoftware2018 30-Mar-2020 25-Mar-2020 24-Mar-2020 Where New Yorkers Moved to Escape Coronavirus Top 50 metropolitan destinations outside New York City Miami- Fort Lauderdale- West Palm Beach Miami-Fort Lauderdale- By The New York Times·Arrows are sized by the proportion of requests for that destination. New York City has long been a cheek-to-jowl town with cramped apartments and determined strivers. In March, the United States Post Office received 56,000 mail-forwarding requests from New York City, more than double the monthly average. Mail-forwarding requests from New York City, by month By The New York Times·Source: U.S. The empty feeling is the most pronounced in Manhattan. The data from neighborhoods that saw the most requests mirrors cell phone data showing that the city's wealthiest areas saw the most movement. “Right after Covid hit, everyone just blasted out of here,” Councilwoman Helen Rosenthal said of the Upper West Side. Miles of normally cramped streets are empty, and garbage collection is lower in those neighborhoods than in recent years. The Hamptons are a summer the city W.

Demografía: La despoblación se acelera: casi 1.900 pueblos están ya cerca de desaparecer 13/02/2020 05:00 - Actualizado: 13/02/2020 10:49 El fenómeno de la despoblación en amplias geografías del país avanza sin que nada ni nadie lo remedie. La situación es tan dramática que, “en los próximos años”, desparecerán del mapa municipal nada menos que 1.840 pueblos por falta de habitantes. Sólo quedarán las construcciones y viviendas en las que habitaron durante generaciones cientos de miles de familias. O lo que es lo mismo, el 22,7% de los municipios españoles dejará de existir, lo que significa que una de cada tres localidades con menos de 1.000 habitantes habrá pasado a la historia. Estos municipios presentan las características más extremas para subsistir. Esto es así porque la salida de los jóvenes hacia nuevos horizontes laborales ha traído consigo una profunda depresión del mercado matrimonial local, agravado por la mayor emigración de las mujeres en el mundo rural. Metátesis poblacional Cristina Suárez Campo y emigración Javier G. Metátesis poblacional Cristina Suárez
