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History[edit] The OpenCourseWare movement started in 1999 when the University of Tübingen in Germany published videos of lectures online for its timms initiative (Tübinger Internet Multimedia Server).[1] The OCW movement only took off, however, with the launch of MIT OpenCourseWare at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Open Learning Initiative at Carnegie Mellon University[2] in October 2002. The movement was soon reinforced by the launch of similar projects at Yale, the University of Michigan, and the University of California Berkeley. MIT's reasoning behind OCW was to "enhance human learning worldwide by the availability of a web of knowledge".[3] MIT also stated that it would allow students (including, but not limited to its own) to become better prepared for classes so that they may be more engaged during a class. Since then, a number of universities have created OCW, some of which have been funded by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.[3] Principles[edit]

MIT MAS.531/MAS.131 Computational Camera and Photography, Fall 2009 : MIT OpenCourseWare <div style="padding:5px; font-size:80%; width:300px; background-color:white; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; border:1px dashed gray;"> Internet Archive's<!--'--> in-browser audio player requires JavaScript to be enabled. It appears your browser does not have it turned on. Please see your browser settings for this feature. </div> 1. Lecture 1: Introduction and fast-forward preview of all topics - Part 1 Lecture 1: Introduction and fast-forward preview of all topics - Part 2 Lecture 2: Modern optics and lenses; ray-matrix operations; context enhanced imaging - Part 1 Lecture 2: Modern optics and lenses; ray-matrix operations; context enhanced imaging - Part 2 Lecture 3: Epsilon Photography: Improving Film-like Photography MITMAS 531F09 lec03 2 Lecture 4: Computational Illumination: dual photography, relighting - Part 1 Lecture 4: Computational Illumination: dual photography, relighting - Part 2 Lecture 5: Lightfields, part 1 - Part 1 Lecture 5: Lightfields, part 1 - Part 2 Instructor: Prof.

Libre accès à l'information scientifique et technique OpenCourseWare Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. OpenCourseWare (OCW) désigne un projet destiné à mettre gratuitement en ligne des cours de niveau universitaire, de la même façon que les logiciels libres le sont. Généralement, les cours viennent avec une licence de distribution et de modification peu restrictive, souvent une licence Creative Commons[1]. Histoire[modifier | modifier le code] Il englobe le MIT OpenCourseWare (en), projet lancé en 2001 par le Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) dans le but de mettre en ligne tout le matériel éducatif utilisé dans le cadre des cours donnés au MIT, qu'ils soient de niveau licence, maîtrise ou doctoral. Le MIT a rencontré deux obstacles majeurs lors de la mise en œuvre du projet : déterminer tous les auteurs du matériel ;convertir au format électronique ce matériel. Le personnel et les facultés ne se sont pas opposés au projet. Le contenu est variable suivant les cours. Liens externes[modifier | modifier le code] Portail de l’éducation

China Open Resources for Education The China Open Resources for Education (CORE) is a non-profit organization. Its mission is to promote closer interaction and open sharing of educational resources between Chinese and international universities, which CORE envisions as the future of world education. CORE aims to provide Chinese universities with free and easy access to global open educational resources. CORE is a consortium of universities that began with 26 IET Educational Foundation member universities and 44 China Radio and TV Universities), with a total enrollment of 5 million students. CORE has received approval and support for its activities from the China Ministry of Education (MOE). CORE was established in November 2003 following an MIT OpenCourseWare Conference in Beijing. CORE provides framework for Chinese-speaking universities to participate in the shared, global network of advanced courseware with MIT and other leading universities, and enhances the quality of education in China. Mission[edit] Objectives[edit]

50 Awesome Opencourseware Links to Effectively Get Your Photography Degree for Free Whether you are a first time digital camera owner, or someone looking to start a professional photography business, knowledge is key. Utilize these 50 courses, guides, and more to bring out the best in your photos. For Beginners These courses are a must for the first time photographer, or those looking to brush up on their camera skills. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. For Advanced Users Now that you know the basics, learn how to truly master everything from setting up a photo, mastering the complex SLR, and more. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Photojournalism For those looking to go into reporting, learn how take pictures like the professionals do from the stunningly beautiful to the deftly haunting. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Free Guides and Tips These resources are ideal for those who would like to read more about photography and take their art, hobby, or profession to the next level. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. Specialty Courses 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47.

Students for Free Culture Comparing MOOCs, MIT’s OpenCourseWare, and Stanford’s Massive AI Course | Ways of Knowing Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are large-scale online courses (in the thousands of participants) where an expert or group of experts from a particular field both 1. create the large draw to the course, and 2. facilitate a multi-week series of interactive lectures and discussion forms on critical issues from that field. Participants are expected to self-organize, to share and discuss the course material, and to create and publish new artifacts that represent their learning. Additionally, MOOC participation is recorded and published openly so that those who come upon it later may follow peripherally. This is best answered in the words of David Cormier and George Siemens, “The term was coined in response to Siemens and Downes’s 2008 “Connectivism and Connective Knowledge” course. Since 2008, several other MOOCs have developed. Other ways to experience a MOOC are to lurk or to follow the course after-the-fact. The short answer is no. Cormier, D., & Siemens, G. (2010). Mcauley, A.

Khan Academy Récréomath Site de mathématiques récréatives Cours et Exercices de Mathématiques MATH I give these away for free. All I ask is that you print them in color. There are six JPEG files; each fits on a standard piece of 8.5"x11" paper. Each page has six flash cards, for a total of 36 flash cards, from 2x2 to 9x9. I have not included files for the other side of the flash cards. Teachers and parents, please read this: Purpose: Math must be learned a step at a time. These flash cards are intended to help teenagers and adults catch up. Once they learn the "times tables," then long division and fractions are easy. Multiplication facts are absolutely essential. Why flash cards? I actually started this project as an interactive multimedia computer program, but changed my mind for two reasons: most people don't have access to a computer, and flash cards are simply better. How to start: How you use flash cards is more important than how they look. First, test the entire set of 36 cards once, including even the real easy ones (2x2, 2x3). From these, choose seven to be learned first.

Géométrie et dessin Bonjour. Je suis instituteur et j'enseigne dans une classe de CM2. Lorsque je propose aux élèves des activités ou exercices de géométrie, ce qu'ils préfèrent ce sont les dessins ! Ce que l'on trouve dans les manuels scolaires ainsi que dans les divers fichiers pédagogiques s'est vite révélé insuffisant, et j'ai donc décidé d'en créer de nouveaux en fonction de ce que les enfants me demandaient : ce dont ils avaient envie... Voilà donc le travail que je vous propose sous forme de fiches, regroupées en différents thèmes et sur deux quadrillages différents (un gros : plus facile, un petit : plus difficile) Ces différentes fiches (plus de 500 maintenant) représentent énormément de travail et d' heures passées devant mon ordinateur. Merci à ceux qui se reconnaîtront.... Des nouveautés : RAPPELS ET AIDES EN GEOMETRIE PLANE !

Modulo-n : Page d'Accueil Colorier & Jouer Coloriages enfants gratuits - Coloriages gratuits à imprimer pour les enfants sur le thème de Pâques - Ces coloriages peuvent également serveur de modèles ou gabarit pour faire du bricolage avec les enfantsDessins gratuits à colorier de Pâques l - Les coloriages de Pâques pour enfants - Pâques : des images à imprimer et à dessiner - Les plus beaux coloriages de poussins, de paniers de pâques, lapins, poules, oeufs, paniers, objets, mandalas - Infos, nouveautés : s'inscrire à la newsletter Acheter des coloriages sur le thème de Pâques pour enfant de maternelle, pour les centres de loisirs, pour le plaisir de colorier Coloriages et activités de paques pour enfant - Album à colorier Pâques : oeuf, lapin, panier : acitivités coloriage pâques pour les petits les autres albums de paques, les coloriages de paques pour maternelle, sélection de coloriage de paques pour enfant pour voir les autres livres de coloriages de paques pour jeune enfant (lire la suite)
