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6 Examples of Using Twitter in the Classroom

[NOTE: I have published an update to this post, titled "100 Ways To Teach With Twitter". This newer post contains the links below plus a new set of articles that provide a much more robust set of resources for ideas about teaching with Twitter. I highly advise clicking through to that article. It has seemed to me that lately there’s been an increased level of ‘chatter’ on the Internet about using Twitter in the classroom, as a part of the learning process, so I decided to take a closer look into it. I’ll start by providing links to two articles (here is one, and here is the another), about teacher Monica Rankin using Twitter in instructional application at the University of Texas at Dallas. More ideas for using Twitter in the classroomFor those thirsting for more ideas about this tipic, here’s a few more related posts: If anyone knows of any other web postings about other teachers actually using Twitter in the classroom, please comment and let us know. About Kelly Walsh Print This Post

The Ultimate Guide To Using Twitter In Education Twitter seems to be here to stay. As one of the most popular ways for teachers, students, and the general public to communicate, it’s becoming a must-have tool in almost every teacher’s toolbox. However, numerous recent studies have shown that education in general has been slow to adopt social media. In an effort to speed up this adoption process, below you’ll find a boatload of resources on the past, present, and future of Twitter in education as well as some helpful guides to using the tool in the classroom. This guide is by no means exhaustive and is meant to be added to on a regular basis. The History of Communication The following is a guest post excerpt from Ernesto Priego of The Guardian (UK). With that in mind, the future of communication in the form of social media is examined as a way to forever alter the world of education. The idea of slow adoption was featured on Edudemic last week and is certainly going to be an issue going forth as well. The Twitter Experiment Dr.

Usos de Twitter en educación Ha notado que últimamente muchas personas incluyen en su tarjeta de presentación o en la firma de sus correos electrónicos un nombre de usuario precedido por un símbolo de arroba (@); por ejemplo @jordi_a. Pues esta no es una dirección de correo incompleta, es un nombre de usuario de Twitter, una de las redes sociales, posibilitada por la Web 2.0, que más usuarios tiene en el mundo [1]. Crecimiento de la red (Fuente: Inforgrafía Periódico ADN) Y es que Twitter está revolucionando la forma de comunicarse. Además de estos y otros usos de esta herramienta social, muchos docentes la utilizan para enriquecer sus ambientes de aprendizaje. Para efectos prácticos, podemos definir a Twitter como una red social con formato “microblogging” que permite a un usuario registrado enviar y recibir mensajes de texto de hasta 140 caracteres, llamados “tweets” (trinos). Los siguientes son algunos hechos generales de interés sobre Twitter que revelan estudios y documentos recientes: Registro. Escribir.

60 Inspiring Examples of Twitter in the Classroom Social media offers some great opportunities for learning in the classroom, bringing together the ability to collaborate, access worldwide resources, and find new and interesting ways to communicate in one easily accessible place. Teachers and educators around the world have found innovative ways to use Twitter as a teaching tool, and we’ve shared many of these great ideas here with you. Read on, and we’ll explore 60 inspiring ways that teachers and students can put Twitter to work in the classroom. Communication Twitter makes staying in touch and sharing announcements super simple and even fun. Twitter as a bulletin board: Jim Newman at Northern Illinois University uses Twitter as a bulletin board for his class, letting students know about last minute news like canceled classes. Organization Twitter’s hashtags and other tools share a great way to organize information for your classroom. Resources Use these ideas to take advantage of the vast resources that Twitter has to offer.

Google Art Project: 10 actividades educativas para integrarlo en el aula Google Art Project es un museo de arte virtual gratuito que proporciona una experiencia educativa online fabulosa para el aula. Se puede explorar con los alumnos algunos de los mejores museos del mundo sin abandonar el pupitre. Los alumnos pueden pasear virtualmente por los pasillos, los alrededores de los edificios y examinar las obras de arte en mayor detalle que si estuvieran físicamente dentro del museo. En su reciente extensión incluye más de 30.000 obras de arte de 151 museos de 40 países, entre ellos España, Méjico, Argentina, Colombia y Perú. Entre ellos se encuentran el Museo Reina Sofía, el Thyssen-Bornemisza, el Museo Nacional de Arte de Cataluña, el Instituto Moderno de Valencia y el Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao, el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de Buenos Aires y el Museo de Arte de Lima. Google ha pensado especialmente en el uso de esta herramienta en la Educación proporcionando útiles funcionalidades que sin duda engancharán al alumno. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

50 Ways to Use Twitter in the Classroom Many critics of Twitter believe that the 140-character microblog offered by the ubiquitous social network can do little for the education industry. They are wrong. K-12 teachers have taken advantage of Twitter’s format to keep their classes engaged and up-to-date on the latest technologies. The following projects provide you and your students with 50 ways to Twitter in the classroom to create important and lasting lessons. 1. One of the simplest ways that teachers can use Twitter in the classroom involves setting up a feed dedicated exclusively to due dates, tests or quizzes. 2. Subscribe to different mainstream and independent news feeds with different biases as a way to compare and contrast how different perspectives interpret current events and issues. 3. Set up an interesting assignment requesting that students set up Twitter for education lists following feeds relevant to their career goals and keep a daily journal on any trends that crop up along the way. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

5 Unique Uses of Twitter in the Classroom Social media has found a prominent place in the college classroom. In fact, nearly 80 percent of faculty members are using social media in some way, according to a recent survey of nearly 2,000 college faculty by the Babson Survey Research Group published in April. While some platforms, such as YouTube, have been widely accepted in the classroom, Twitter has been slower to catch on as a teaching tool. In the same survey, only 2 percent of professors reported using the microblogging site—which limits posts to 140 characters—in class. Jim Newman, a Ph.D. student and instructor at Northern Illinois University, says that he uses Twitter not as a news source for his class but as a bulletin board. "[Twitter] is not something I'm going to be using to chat [with students]," Newman says. Where some college instructors use the platform to update students on classroom logistics, it offers others an opportunity for community learning. 1. 2. 3. "It was really impressive what they did," Wilson says. 4.

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 10 Great Video Tutorials on Using Twitter in Education 1- Tweet or not to Tweet 2- Twitter Search in Plain English 3- Twitter for Teachers in 15 Minutes 4- Twitter Hashtag Basics 5- Using Twitter to build a PLN 6- Using Twitter in The Classroom 7- Academic Excellence in 140 Characters
