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Choose Your Product | 5 Awesome Prezis And 5 Ways To Use Them In Your Digital Classroom I am just going to put it out there and say that Prezi is one of my all time favorite tools for work and for play. Simple, fun, free and with an endless number of uses in the digital classroom, the tool is now a favorite of many teachers around the globe. Being the most popular course on Fractus Learning Online Training and boasting over 5 million users, Prezi is indeed a favorite in and out of education. So, what are some different ways that educators are using the tool in the digital classroom? Here are five Prezis that exemplify great uses of Prezi to enhance your presentations, engage your class and further your professional development. Prezent ideas Prezi is a sensational tool for getting your ideas across. Prezent A Lesson It is very interesting how the exact same information can be presented to students, but the format, delivery and medium can make all the difference. Prezent Yourself Multimedia resumés are becoming more and more common when applying for work or promoting yourself.

How to stand out from the crowd- Jim Harvey by Jim Harvey on Prezi How to use Prezi- a prezi for you to use Having talked a lot recently about the strengths and weaknesses of Prezi, I thought it was about time I ‘showed and told’. So here’s a Prezi presentation of mine, to give you an overview of how you can use the tool to best advantage. You can click through it like a book, or set it to autoplay. Now here are a few caveats - This is a Prezi designed to be read – if you used it as a presentation aid it would be supervised reading, which would be worse than death by PowerPoint.Use it like an online training aid and take your time to read through it. If you think that you’d like to learn more about Prezi and how it could help you stand out from the crowd when you present and pitch, take a look at our Prezi design and delivery eBook; or find out about our Prezi training courses ; or if you’d like to get started and need a bit of inspiration, why not take a look out our Prezi Graphics Packs here. Tagged as: prezi, prezi training

Institute for Democratic Education in America | IDEA You Are Your Words - AHD - Collaborative mind mapping in your browser Software Portátil Para Unidad Flash USB: Lupo PenSuite iLearn Technology
