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Martine Cover generator

Martine Cover generator

PULP-O-MIZER: the custom pulp magazine cover generator When you purchase your custom pulp magazine cover on a printed product, the reliable Pulp-O-Mizer cranks it up to high gear and - after a few seconds of groaning and sputtering - it spits out a high resolution image at (or even over) 300 pixels to the inch. The image is immediately transmitted across the sub aetheric waves, and, well! That's when things really get interesting. We entrust your orders to well trained, electrically motivated henchmen and henchwomen. When your order arrives at our hidden facility these henchpersons burst into action: the presses fly, the hamster wheels spin, the Interociter... well... we think it interocirates, sort of, and when all's done a high quality Pulp-O-Mized product flies out of its mysterious mechanism and is swept up, before it can escape, by the unflinching claws of our own patented Ship-O-Matic. But even now, the adventure has barely begun! These no-nonsense couriers are ready for anything! We salute them! * Heroism is assumed, but not guaranteed.

Printing Press The interactive Printing Press is designed to assist students in creating newspapers, brochures, and flyers. Teachers and students can choose from several templates to publish class newspapers, informational brochures, and flyers announcing class events. Text added to the templates can be modified using a simple WYSIWYG editor, which allows students to choose text features, such as font size and color. Grades 3 – 12 | Student Interactive | Writing & Publishing Prose Flip Book The Flip Book is designed to allow users to type and illustrate tabbed flip books up to ten pages long. Grades K – 12 | Student Interactive | Writing & Publishing Prose Stapleless Book The Stapleless Book can be used for taking notes while reading, making picture books, collecting facts, or creating vocabulary booklets . . . the possibilities are endless! Grades 1 – 12 | Calendar Activity | October 1 Get ready for National Bullying Prevention Month! Grades 9 – 12 | Calendar Activity | December 3 Shared Writing

TikaTok - Classroom Book Publishing
