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How to Use Game Mechanics to Reward Your Customers

How to Use Game Mechanics to Reward Your Customers
There's a green card. Then there's silver, gold, and platinum. And then there's the Centurion—the black American Express card. Which do you want in your wallet? A handful of luxury brands have for decades used promises of status to encourage customers to spend more through loyalty to their brands. Consider Foursquare, a company built entirely on a game-design model. The new rewards ecosystem is a marketer's dream. "Historically, customer engagement was something big brands did a lot better due to full scale loyalty programs," says Gabe Zichermann, a blogger who authored Game-Based Marketing and who hosts of the Gamification Summit. That's changing. Rewarding Customers Through Gamification: Why Game Mechanics? People are hard-wired to enjoy positive reinforcement. Consider golf: Social interaction aside, why would anyone go to a course and attempt to hit a tiny ball into a far-away hole? "Foursquare was a really great early example of this happening," McGonigal says.

SCVNGR's Secret Game Mechanics Playdeck Some companies keep a playbook of product tips, tricks and trade secrets. Zynga has an internal playbook, for instance, that is a collection of “concepts, techniques, know-how and best practices for developing successful and distinctive social games”. Zynga’s playbook has entered the realm of legend and was even the subject of a lawsuit. SCVNGR, which makes a mobile game with real-world challenges, has a playdeck. It is a deck of cards listing nearly 50 different game mechanics that can be mixed and matched to create the foundation for different types of games. I’ve republished the accompanying document below, which should be interesting to anybody trying to inject a gaming dimension into their products. Rght now, that should be a lot of people. SCVNGR’s playdeck tries to break down the game mechanics into their constituent parts. SCVNGR Game Dynamics Playdeck 1. Definition: A virtual or physical representation of having accomplished something. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

The ten rules of gamification Gamification may have been the buzzword of 2010, but its influence shows no sign of abating in 2011. It is a term derided by game designers, misunderstood by brands and unknown to consumers. So as you set out to “gamify” your business, what are the cardinal rules of gamification? 1. You’re not making a game Gamification is not the same as game-making. Gamification is about using game-like mechanics to improve a business process, or customer experience, or profits. Game-making is about fun and wonder and challenge and art. “Want more hovertanks? So stop thinking about how you can build a real-time strategy game with resources allocated according to your customers’ weekly shopping bill – “Want more hovertanks? 2. See #1 above. What is the point of your game? Go away. 3. Gamification can be very powerful. Can you achieve it without gamifiying? In short, realise that gamification is no quick fix or panacea. 4. Seriously. “Oh, but that’s different, they sell big games in boxes.” 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Paper Towel Problem Solved I had a problem. In my classroom bathroom (my room used to be a preschool classroom), I would find tons of paper towel trash all over the floor whenever students washed their hands after a messy project. I tried just remind them to get their paper towel in the trash can and telling them we shouldn't make our awesome custodians' jobs harder and none of it worked. I printed a really simple sign (shown above) that says: Paper Towel in the Trash Can 100 POINTS!!! Paper Towel on the floor... Added some smiley faces and sad faces and some burst shapes behind the points, laminated it, and taped it to the paper towel dispenser.

IPhones, iPads to Gain NFC Payment Features (Bloomberg) — Apple Inc. plans to introduce services that would let customers use its iPhone and iPad computer to make purchases, said Richard Doherty, director of consulting firm Envisioneering Group. The services are based on "Near-Field Communication," a technology that can beam and receive information at a distance of up to 4 inches, due to be embedded in the next iteration of the iPhone for AT&T Inc. and the iPad 2, Doherty said. Both products are likely to be introduced this year, he said, citing engineers who are working on hardware for the Apple project. Apple's service may be able to tap into user information already on file, including credit-card numbers, iTunes gift-card balance and bank data, said Richard Crone, who leads financial industry adviser Crone Consulting LLC in San Carlos, California. That could make it an alternative to programs offered by such companies as Visa Inc., MasterCard Inc. and EBay Inc.' Natalie Harrison, a spokeswoman for Apple, declined to comment.

Five Ways to Hold the Right Kind of Attention - John Hagel III and John Seely Brown - John Hagel III and John Seely Brown by John Hagel III and John Seely Brown | 8:26 AM April 5, 2011 No matter how talented or accomplished you are, you cannot always count on attracting and retaining the attention of others. Too many options compete for everyone’s attention, and they multiply with each passing day. It will be more and more challenging to rise above the noise and hold onto the attention of those who matter to you. Attention provides leverage. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Do these techniques actually work? This kind of attention is priceless and powerful.

design principles Defeating an enemy; overcoming an obstacle; surviving in the face of adversity: success and failure are at the very core of the game-player's experience. Games offer players a number of choices, some of which lead to success and some of which lead to failure or non-success. Together with the challenges presented to the player, the fact that the player might fail lends significance to the player's choices and actions. Although failure can be a negative experience, it is also the very thing that makes success meaningful. There are two kinds of failure in games. One kind of failure concerns the player's inability to satisfy a particular success condition that nevertheless remains satisfiable, and another kind of failure takes place whenever the player encounters a particular failure condition. The manner in which a game responds to player failure is essential to its design. Progress is defined as the act of moving forward toward a goal. Further reading:

Three Thoughts on #Games & #Gamification Harrisburg Presentation Resources Here are some resources from my presentation in Harrisburg. Defining and Exploring Gamification from Karl Kapp Here is some additional information. Articles and Blog Entries of Interest 8 Types of Stories to Effect Change Storytelling and Instructional Design Eight Game Elements to Make Learning More Intriguing Games, Gamification and the Quest for Learner Engagement Gamification, […] Continue Reading → 2014 DOE Symposium Conference Resources Here are my resources for the 2014 DOE Symposium Conference. Continue Reading → Great fun at ITEAA Conference & Introduction of Exciting Game-Based Learning Modules Last week I had a chance to attend the ITEAA Conference which is the conference of the International Technology and Engineering Educators Association. Continue Reading → Instructional Games and Narrative Instructional games work best when there is a narrative that provides the learner with the proper context for the learning that needs to take place.

5 Amazing Instagram for Business Tips - My Social Agency Blog Instagram has seen astounding and solid growth since Facebook took the reins in 2011 and currently has over 100m subscribers. It’s also among its most popular in business with the social channel movers and shakers, such as Nike and MTV – who often set the pace for smaller businesses and what they should be doing. Like any attempt at entering a new social media network, a new business has to learn where to begin to increase exposure. So, here’s how to get started. Instagram Tips - Hashtag The hashtag is one of the most effective ways to get in touch with an intended mass audience that you think will benefit your brand. Using hashtags in your user name and profile will mean that every photo you post automatically has a hashtag of your brand – making it easy finding for potential customers. Instagram is very big in the competition area and including hashtags for competitions will improve exposure and engage audiences. All Social Media Promotion Instagram Tips - Research Interesting Images

On Startups by Dharmesh Shah How to Narrow Your Target Market Huge, profitable companies like Walmart and Amazon didn't start as the all-encompassing retailers we know today. Each debuted with a very specific focus that helped them find and nurture a strong customer base. Walmart originally catered to shoppers in rural areas where there was a dearth of options for low-cost goods; Amazon famously limited itself to just books for years before expanding into selling everything from DVDs to motorcycle gear. The process of finding a target market and narrowing your company's focus to appeal to it directly often trips up new businesses, who find it difficult to turn down business opportunities when they arise. But trying to be all things to all people is a sure way to fail in the marketplace. The Dangers of Being Unfocused Whatever market you're in, you've likely got a lot of competition and static standing between you and the consumer. "The big danger is that without a target market, it's like standing in a park shouting in the wind," she says.

'Gamification brengt structuur in innovatie' NUzakelijk onderzoekt de potentie van de trend 'gamification' en stelt de komende weken vragen aan bedrijven, onderzoekers en zelfstandige ondernemers. Waar zit het succes? Deze week: Thomas van Manen, onderzoeker nieuwe media. Van Manen (25) doet op dit moment onderzoek bij het Verkenningsinstituut Nieuwe Technologie (ViNT), onderdeel van ICT-bedrijf Sogeti, naar de trend gamification. In hoeverre draagt gamification bij aan innovatie binnen een bedrijf? “In het onderzoek is innovatiemanagement, naast customer engagement en social performance management, één van de domeinen waar ik veel potentie zie voor gamification. Ten eerste kunnen spelelementen zorgen voor een uitdagende interactie tussen gebruiker en het systeem waarbinnen innovatie plaatsvindt. Wat zijn de belangrijkste voor- en nadelen van gamification voor bedrijven? “Eén van de nadelen van gamification is dat de kennis over games en gamedesign in veel organisaties ontbreekt. Wat weegt zwaarder: de voordelen of de nadelen?
