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The Kathryn Wheel

The Kathryn Wheel

Latest News! | Studio Tangie “We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” Walt Disney I want to invite you to a retreat that focuses on the magic of Disney as a place born of determination and imagination. ~Tangie The very basics of what we’ll be doing: We will be sketching and water coloring right inside Disneyland with our travel sized art journaling kits, focusing on the magic of the Parks (you DON’T have to know how to draw, I promise!). Dates for the workshop: Live Workshop October 6th-11th, 2014 (Some activities are optional and additional fee is required). BASIC SUMMARY FOR TRAVEL PURPOSES (Subject to change pending Halloween Party): Monday-Optional Tuesday-Friday Main Workshop Saturday-OptionalThis is a unique opportunity to share our love of art and/or Disney in a whole new way with like minded people!

Art Journal Every Day Q: How can I find all the previous Art Journal Every Day posts? A: Find them all listed by category and linked here. Q: What is Art Journal Every Day? A: Art Journal Every Day is weekly feature on this blog. It appears every Friday. The Art Journal Every Day (AJED) posts are always art journal focused, though not necessarily focused on daily art journaling. Q: What does the title "Art Journal Every Day" mean? A: I do my best to art journal every day. Q: How can I participate? A: Lots of different ways! There is a free flickr group here for sharing photos of your pages. Also, you can grab this button... ...for your blog by copying the text in the box and pasting it into your sidebar. Q: What if I've never art journaled before? A: Jump right in! Q: What supplies do I need to get started? A: You don't "need" anything.

Linda’s List of Official Tangle Patterns Sampler of a few Zentangle-original Tangle Patterns. Not all of the tangles created and introduced by Zentangle® originators Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas are posted online. This makes complete sense when you think about it because income from teaching about Zentangle is one aspect of their business. Learning about the original “102 Tangles” (now up to 154) and receiving instructions on how to teach them is part of the teacher certification seminar. (See this page for more about teaching Zentangle.) For those who are new to Zentangle, the Zentangle-original (aka “official”) tangles are those created and introduced by Zentangle HQ — that is to say patterns by Maria Thomas, Rick Roberts and Maria’s daughters Molly Hollibaugh “(pronounced: haul’-a’-baw’)” and Martha Huggins. However, every Zentangle-original tangle that does have authorized online drawing instructions is posted here on TanglePatterns and is linked in my list below. A reminder … Copyright Issues You Should Know

teesha's circus How to create and keep an art journal by aisling d'art ©2006 Artist's journals are illustrated diaries and journals on any theme. An art journal can be a record of your daily thoughts, a travel journal, an exercise or diet diary, a dream journal, a place where you jot down your goals or to-do lists, or... well, almost any record that you'd like to keep in a book or notebook. They become "art journals" when you add any kind of illustration or embellishment to the pages. These pages share ideas and tips for creating and keeping your own illustrated journal. How to create an art journal How I started my art journals - Early notes about how I work, from a 2001 email. Art journaling techniques How to collage in your art journals - A summary of the basics. Color basics for art and travel journals - An overview, preparing for my upcoming workshop and journaling tour. Materials and supplies for art journaling Composition book art journals - Affordable, fun notebooks for all kinds of journals and diaries. Writing tips, prompts, and ideas

creativityUNLEASHED by traci bautista Melanie Testa How to Collage in Your Art Journals ©2004 - 2006 by Aisling D'Art click any image to see it larger Collage is an easy way to add art to your diary or journal. For years, I started each day with a quick collage, the same as I used to to "morning pages" as described in the book, The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity. For me, collages are a more visual version of "morning pages." I usually allow a half an hour for each collage, but sometimes go back several times throughout the day to add things. Usually, I just work on the pages in a spiral-bound sketchbook, just as they are. Sometimes I'll gesso a few pages my journal, ahead of time. I'll leave a few pages for writing, then allow two or three pages that are left blank for collage. In an average journal, I'll gesso five to ten pages that I plan to use for painted, ornate or heavy collages. Remember that gesso is entirely optional. I use any gesso that's cheap, from the fine art supplies section of Michael's or any art supply store. I love layers in my work.

willowing & friends - a happy place for making art!
