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Related:  Art thérapie et eveil artistique

The Academy of Sound Healing, Color Therapy and Chi Movement Bien que ses techniques et systèmes de fréquence soient rigoureusement précis, (comme les notes précises correspondants aux organes), Fabien Maman n’est pas rigide dans sa pensée. Il aime l’approche chinoise de l‘énergie, qui dit que tout est fluide et changeant, rien n’est jamais fixe. Il a créé son propre chi-gong: le Tao Yin FA, pour stimuler la circulation de l'énergie dans les 12 meridiens. Il travaille également avec le systeme indien des Chacras. Il travaille également sur tous les niveaux des corps, subtils et physiques. Il a trouvé que des tonalités différentes impactent des niveaux et des corps différents (si en fait on peut les séparer): physique, astral, éthérique, causal… Tama-do, c’est retrouver l’équilibre et l’harmonie, une fluidité à tous les niveaux d’énergies. Fabien Maman croit, avec Valérie Hunt et d'autres, que la maladie commence d’abord à se manifester dans les champs énergétiques de l’individu, comme une perturbation programmée en partie à la naissance.

DecaWave launches indoor location chip that can accurately fix your position to within 10 centimers | VentureBeat | Gadgets | by Dean Takahashi New chip startup DecaWave is announcing an indoor location chip today that can provide accurate positioning to within 10 centimeters of your location. Above: DecaWave’s chip can find your position to within 10 centimeters. Image Credit: DecaWave If you’re trying to find your way through a giant Las Vegas casino or a maze-like airport, that could come in very handy. The company says applications for the ScenSor wireless chip family will be launched for the healthcare, factory automation, warehouse, and agriculture industries. “Until now, 10-centimeter location communications across close distances was not possible, and current systems with meter-level accuracy have limited reliability,” said Ciaran Connell, chief executive of DecaWave. Connell is a former executive at Motorola and Freescale. ScenSor works by transmitting wireless signals to readers that use them to locate a tagged object to within 10 centimeters.

Graffiti Analysis Quand l'art numérique investit l'univers des hôpitaux « L’hôpital, c’est avant tout le lieu du soin. Il n’est pas forcément facile d’y faire entrer l’art », rappelle Rachel Even, directrice artistique d’Art dans la cité. C’est pourtant ce que cette association parvient à faire depuis sa création, en 1999. Depuis deux ans, en plus des arts visuels, Art dans la cité propose aux établissements médicaux des interventions d’artistes numériques. Explications de Rachel Even : « Quand nous souhaitons installer des peintures, nous pouvons le faire dans des espaces communs. C’est ainsi qu’est né, en 2010, au service d’hématologie et d’oncologie pédiatrique de l’hôpital d’enfants Armand-Trousseau, le projet « Fenêtre sur chambre ». Les jeunes artistesRaphaël Isdantet Nicolas Sordello ont imaginé une île virtuelle en 3D où les enfants, hospitalisés en chambre stérile, peuvent entrer, se créer un avatar, construire une ville, apporter des objets qu’ils aiment : Le numérique apporte ici une dimension interactive et éducative appréciable à l’hôpital.

Store <a class="enlarge" href=" target="_blank">Click to enlarge</a> The BiKN Tag Set includes two (2) BiKN tags. Graffiti Research Lab The United States of America is going out of business! But here at the U.S. Department of Homeland Graffiti, we want to turn this moment of national embarrassment and hard times into real savings for you and your family. From June 4th through the 28th, the U.S.D.H.G and the Graffiti Research Lab are liquidating all confiscated, high-tech graffiti artifacts and tools, expunged evidence, court exhibits, redacted documents and office furnishings, priced to sell. So grab a handful of Euros or Mao Bucks (U.S. currency still accepted while supplies last) and head on down to Gallery Anno Domini located between U.S. Routes 101 and 280 in Silicon Valley, California. Artist’s Reception: First Friday, June 6th, 2008 8 p.m. ’til late • free and open to the public Exhibition runs from June 4th – June 28th Terrortites 2-layer U.S.D.H.G. Homeland Security Advisory Canvas U.S.D.H.G. More SALE items here on fuckflickr.

Art Therapy Meets Digital Art and Social Multimedia Traditional materials of 20th century visual arts--drawing, painting, sculpture, and collage or mixed media--have defined the field of art therapy for the past 50 years. In fact, most educational programs that offer art therapy coursework or related degrees require applicants to demonstrate proficiency in drawing, painting, and sculpture as part of prerequisites. But as digital technology has become more accessible and straight-forward, practitioners of art therapy are gradually including digital media as a method and means for client self-expression. A decade before the explosion of social multimedia [YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr, Skype, and the like] and availability of digital art making programs via one's home computer or Internet, I wrote a short text on the topic of computers and art therapy, Art Therapy and Computer Technology: A Virtual Studio of Possibilities. © 2009 Cathy Malchiodi, PhD, LPAT, LPCC

Find your misplaced stuff with a $24.99 wireless finder kit | Marketplace Blog Are you always losing your stuff? You know, your keys, your wallet, your purse, maybe even your phone? What you need is some kind of wireless transmitter for all those items, one that beeps when you push a button on a master remote. For a limited time, ShopTronics has the Magnasonic Wireless Key Finder for $24.99 shipped when you apply coupon code keycnet at checkout. It's normally $29.99 plus shipping. Though on the low-tech side when it comes to wireless (no Bluetooth or Wi-Fi used here), the Wireless Key Finder is kind of ideal for around the house. The four receivers are color-coded, as are the four buttons on the transmitter. According to the specs, the effective range is about 80 feet, which should cover any reasonably sized house. I can't say I've tried these myself, but I do know people who are constantly losing things. The code is good through July 19.

LED Throwies LED throwies consist of only a few inexpensive parts and can be made for ~$1.00 per Throwie. You can reference the parts list below or download the attached spreadsheet for more info on parts, part's numbers, vendors and application notes. Part: 10mm Diffused LED Vendor: HB Electronic Components Average cost: $0.20 avg per LED Notes: Cost reductions for larger quantities. Comes in red, blue, amber, white in both diffused and clear. Diffused works better than water clear for the Throwie application. HB has even created a Throwies packs page with deals on 10mm LEDs and lithium batteries! Part: CR2032 3V Lithium Batteries Vendor: Cost: $0.25 per battery Notes: Cost reductions for larger quantities. Part: 1-inch wide Strapping Tape Vendor: Your local hardware store Cost: $2.00 for one roll Notes: One roll will make many throwies

autisme « Résultats de recherche « Derrick Giscloux Autisme et arts numériques, au corps de l’interactivité Dans le cadre d’un projet autour des arts numériques et du handicap aux côtés de Fany Buy, comédienne et intervenante dans un Institut Médico-Educatif, voici une amorce de réflexion qui gravite autour de la question de l’autisme et des passerelles évidente avec l’interactivité du geste, la perception subjective et la capacité/possibilité d’expression spontanée du visiteur dans une exposition. L’autiste est pénétré de front par le réel. La violence avec laquelle la réalité lui apparait résulte en un fait: l’autiste adopte un état d’évitement. Incapable mentalement de relier sa pensée ou ses émotions, de scinder ses perceptions et analyser le présent dans sa dimension relationelle, il éprouve des difficultés ou une incapacité totale à concentrer son attention, à gérer ou combiner ses sens et de ce fait à canaliser ses émotions. Nous inscrivons notre démarche dans une contribution engagée et passionnée à cette approche.

Vinli: Turn Your Car Into A Smart, Connected Car. Instantly upgrade any car making it smarter, less expensive, more efficient, safer, and fun. Installing Vinli is as easy as plugging a USB drive into your computer. Just insert it into your car's data port, located under your dash. Vinli is the ultimate driving companion. “A promising Texas start-up is offering a $99 device that plugs into your old car’s computer and transforms it into a connected car of the future.” - Joann Muller, Forbes "Vinli wants to turn your 1997 Honda Civic—or any vehicle made after 1996 for that matter—into a smart car." - Kristen Korosec, Fortune "The company’s solution is perfect for cars purchased before infotainment systems became smart." - Matt Burns, TechCrunch Vinli turns your car into a rolling WiFi hotspot where the connection is always open. The Vinli WiFi hotspot means your car is always connected. With a wide range of apps that's always growing, Vinli gives you infinite options for tailoring a smart-car experience to take you anywhere you want to go. eCall
