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Business 2 Community - Building Deeper Business Relationships Through Engaging Communities

Business 2 Community - Building Deeper Business Relationships Through Engaging Communities

Pinterest Drives Enormous Blog and Business Success This is Kate. She’s a hairstylist, jewelry maker, and all-around crafter based in North Carolina. Kate started her blog ( exactly one year ago. Pinterest is the hottest social media platform around right now. And there is an important social element too as you can comment, like, share, email content, and search based off of your customized interests. If you snoop around Pinterest, for a little while, chances are you’ll run into a high-quality image of a beautifully coiffed hairstyle from Kate. “I pinned a photo of a completed style, which directed Pinterest users back to my blog to watch the tutorial video. “Almost daily I get a comment or email saying ‘I found you on Pinterest!’ Kate believes her success comes down to a careful balance between her original content and self-promotion for her blog and business. “I think there is a fine line between self-promotion and obnoxious self-promotion. How about you?

Scribbal Directory - B2B Company List - Find, Compare, & Research Browse our business directory or use our comparison engine and find the product, service, or company you’re looking for. Compare prices and gather the other information you need to make an informed buying decision. If it’s of interest to your business, you can find it on Business Planning A wide range of business planning resources to help manage and grow a company effectively. 6 Ways To Use Pinterest To Promote Your Business The best way to think of Pinterest, if you’re not familiar with it, is as your personal or business bulletin board – it’s where you pin pictures of things you like: your style, your interests, your aspirations…anything you can represent with images from the internet. Pinterest also happens to be the hottest social media network, with growth in the past 6 months of over 4,000%. And people aren’t just taking a peek at the site and leaving; the average visit is more than an hour – Facebook is about 16 minutes, LinkedIn about the same. How Pinterest Works Pinterest users share photos they find online by “pinning” them, the equivalent of “liking” on Facebook. Now that you know what it is and how it works, how can you use Pinterest to promote your business? 1. 2. 3. 4. Ask users to pin an item as an entry into a contest; the more of your products they pin, the more entries they’ve submittedOffer them a special Pinterest User Discount if they go to your site and make a purchase 5. 6.

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4 Strategic Requirements For Corporate Tweeting Michelle Obama’s first day on Twitter was the tweet heard 'round the world, with more than 60,000 followers signing up to follow her the morning she launched. Initial tweets from @MichelleObama noted that her staff would be doing the heavy lifting initially, but that every tweet from the First Lady herself would be signed “mo.” It was a nice touch of transparency, creating excitement without over-promising. Mrs. That value proposition is what really stands out, especially since the issues at stake go well beyond online etiquette and specific best practices. More fundamentally, companies of all sizes are now confronting how Twitter strategies align or don’t align with their larger business strategies. There’s a universe of choice out there in terms of deploying and using Twitter--incuding Twitter's new enhanced brand pages--which means a whole lot to think about as companies try and fail and then finally hit on what works for them. That was three years ago.

The Long Tail Sun, 08 Nov 2009 00:46:19 “Priced and Unpriced Online Markets" by Harvard Business School professor Benjamin Edelman. Discusses tradeoffs in market such as email, IP addresses, search and dial-up Internet. "Reminiscent of the old adage about losing money on every unit but making it up in volume, online markets challenge norms about who should pay, when, and why." I found this typically academic: dated, dry and pretty unilluminating. Mon, 31 Aug 2009 01:53:50 From Mashable: “Freezly is a lot like Tweetmeme in that it finds link and tweets and shows you their popularity based on retweets. Fri, 28 Aug 2009 02:08:25 From Cellular News. Mon, 10 Aug 2009 20:54:23 From the LA Times: “Industry insiders estimate that since 2007, revenue for most adult production and distribution companies has declined 30% to 50% and the number of new films made has fallen sharply. Fri, 07 Aug 2009 11:07:00 Sat, 01 Aug 2009 01:09:38 Mon, 27 Jul 2009 20:37:31 Wed, 15 Jul 2009 03:26:19 Wed, 15 Jul 2009 02:42:05

You Publish Social Media, Liability and Insurance December 13, 2011 by Robert P. Hartwig, Ph.D., CPCU and Claire Wilkinson Hundreds of millions of people interact on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, MySpace and LinkedIn every day. Yet as the opportunity to tweet, message, share and “like” grows, so do the risks. Meanwhile, amid a rising number of high profile data breaches, government is stepping up its scrutiny of cyber security. Despite the fact that cyber risks and cyber security are widely acknowledged to be a serious threat, a majority of companies today still do not purchase cyber liability insurance. Please click on the file name below to view the white paper in PDF format. Download Social Media, Liability and Insurance (PDF) You can download Adobe Acrobat Reader, free of charge, from the the Adobe website ( ).

TechCrunch Do investors ever invest in a pre-revenue and pre-product company? | Josh Hannah All the time! Historically (i.e. before ~2006) this was the explicit role of angel investors in the startup financing ecosystem. Rarely, in fact, would angel investors have an opportunity to invest after a product and revenue were in place. For consumer internet and SaaS enterprise deals, a lot has changed in the last few years. As a general rule today, angel investors are expecting to see a product, and customers (or at least users) in place before they invest. However, there is still a role for angel (and, in fact, VC) pre-product: If superstar proven entrepreneurs want to raise money before building product, they can and will. I personally find the third category super interesting. This question was asked to me directly on Quora, and I thought I would copy my answer here on the blog.
