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Is Content Curation the New Community Builder?

Is Content Curation the New Community Builder?
Content curation has drawn my interest. I was at a tech conference last week and saw a couple of pretty cool applications for curating content. Setting a side the debate of right or wrong, these new content curation tools will make their mark. Content curation, which involves human filtering and organizing is much different than content aggregation. Content aggregation sites use algorithms to find and link to content. Content curation is the practice of human filtering and organizing what you find interesting and useful. Over a year ago Mashable reported Why Content Curation Is Here To Stay; The debate pits creators against curators, asking big questions about the rules and ethical questions around content aggregation. Media Curation is the emerging trend toward integrating and pondering media content using a mix of machine and human resources. Media Curation is a complex subject among media professionals, with notable professionals both for and against the practice.

Consuming News in the Age of Curation There is a lot of noise online at the moment and finding good content is tough. We all have about 3 or 4 sites where we stop to reade news and entertainment every day but increasingly our media consumption is coming to us via curated sources like our own personal networks. There has been a huge shift from the old model where “gatekeepers” dictated what content we consumed and how we accessed it a new model in which curation plays the primary roll. Caught in the cross hairs are the old media institutions, but as consumers we are winning because not only do we have access to larger amounts of content in real time but the smart people are curating it through a variety of sources to match their needs and they are doing so largely for free. So what role is curation playing and what are the implications for the media world at large? Tastemakers Professional Curators Crowd Curation Good Journalists Need To Be Paid What Is The Future Of Curation?

Are Content Curators the power behind social media influence? By Neicole Crepeau, Contributing {grow} Columnist Are you overlooking some of the most powerful influencers on the social web? Let’s find out. Traditionally, there has been a 1-9-90 rule when it come to creating and consuming content: There’s a new element in this equation, though: Content Curators — people who make a practice of finding content relevant to their friends and followers, and then sharing links to that content. Of course, we’re all curators to some extent, consuming content and, on occasion, sharing what we find interesting or entertaining. ExactTarget calls these people “megaphones” and says: “Megaphones want to connect, educate, and share resources and information online with others. ExactTarget’s research shows that only 7% of online users are megaphones. Why are these folks important? Let’s look at the dynamics that make content curators so powerful. Graphic from ExactTarget ( That’s right.

Steve Rosenbaum: Fast Company Founder on future of Curation & Magazines From his chair as the Managing Editor of The Harvard Business Review, Alan Webber could see that there was something changing in the business world. Something big. And so Webber, a bit of an unconventional entrepreneur, and his partner at HBR set out to raise money to start a magazine about the emerging world of business. They struck out. As we know, new ideas don't often get easy acceptance. And after a slew of rejections, Webber and his partner Bill Taylor launched Fast Company in 1995 with funding from Mort Zuckerman... the rest is magazine history. Fast Company quickly became the bible for a new way to work. Today Webber's book "Rules of Thumb" turns a career of insights about companies and trends into a page turner that's likely to be scribbled on and have page corners folded over. I reached out to speak to him about the evolution from content creation to content curation. Says Webber: "The problem with the web is that the web is its own worst enemy. And what's working today?

Can 'Curation' Save Media? 3 Reasons Curation is Here to Stay Perhaps you won't believe me since it's my job to spread the gospel of curation as the Chief Evangelist of Pearltrees, but I think curation is here to stay. These are the reasons why I believe this is the case. This year there has been a tremendous amount of buzz in Silicon Valley about curation. CEO Steven Rosenbaum recently published a book, Curation Nation that has sparked a tremendous amount of conversation on the topic. Likewise a post by Brian Solis has been retweeted thousands of times. My company, Pearltrees has just surpassed 100,000 curators and 10 million page views a month, and in the past two years nearly a dozen companies that incorporate digital curation into their models have launched. Oliver Starr is the Chief Evangelist for Pearltrees. With all the attention curation has suddenly received, people are probably wondering if this is just another fad or is it something bigger? First, curation is one of the underlying principles of the Web. Photo by ilco

Le Guide de la curation (1) - Les concepts 01net le 14/03/11 à 16h00 Etymologie La pratique qui consiste à sélectionner, éditorialiser et partager du contenu a été baptisée par les Américains curation ou Content Curation, par analogie avec la mission du curator, le commissaire d’exposition chargé de sélectionner des œuvres d’art et de les mettre en valeur pour une exposition. Les termes curation et curator prennent leurs racines étymologiques dans le latin cura, le soin. Le terme curation est apparu en France fin 2010. Historique La curation est la convergence des deux principales activités sur internet : la recherche et le partage. Elle est indissociable de la culture du partage, dont elle est l’héritière. Parallèlement, le volume d’informations n’a cessé de croître. Les internautes ont commencé à trier, à sélectionner les contenus qu’ils jugent intéressants pour les partager avec leurs amis ou leur réseau, créant ainsi une forme d’intelligence collective. Tout un écosystème se crée alors pour satisfaire la demande. Définitions

Video Curation Is Growing Up, ShortForm Hits One Million Visitors With 35 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute, the Google-owned video behemoth would be the second largest search engine were it standalone site. Web video has become a powerful medium. But, I think it’s also fair to say that this powerful medium is in serious need of curation. What if you’re just looking for a quick laugh, a short video, and don’t want to wade through billions of videos — what if you want to create your own, personally curated streaming video channel? Hmmm? The San Francisco-based startup allows users to create personalized channels of web video content, easily pulling clips from YouTube and other video sites. ShortForm curates its own videos, but the real focus is in encouraging its users to become VJs (video jockeys), curating their own channels. So ShortForm has all these visitors, but how is it going to make money?

Quel outil de curation pour votre marque ? — Curiouser Quel outil de curation pour votre marque ? Méthodologie Pour réaliser cette infographie, nous avons privilégié les outils qui permettent à la marque de se présenter comme expert en proposant une ligne éditoriale propre, nous avons donc écarté les outils de curation automatique. En effet, ces derniers ne permettent pas à l’utilisateur de contrôler ce qui est publié. Lors de nos observations, nous avons pu constater que parmi le nombre très important d’outils existants, peu sont en réalité directement utilisables par une marque car peu proposent une réelle éditorialisation et dans un but de publication : c’est à dire la possibilité de choisir exactement les contenus, de les catégoriser, les tagger, les annoter ou les commenter mais aussi d’être maître de leur mise en forme. Nous avons étudié les outils que nous avions jugés adéquats selon plusieurs critères : La marge de manœuvre concernant l’éditorialisation Le niveau d’interaction possible des lecteurs En curaclusion Alix pour Curiouser

Présentation de l'atelier sur la "curation de contenus", par le p. ... Is Video Curation The Key to Building Visibility, Authority, And Value? What exactly is "curation" and how does it relate to web video marketing? To find out, I spoke to several curation experts. They explain why they consider it the best way to blend work relationships between machines and human beings to deliver rich and relevant video content to your audience; and why those who expect to be successful web marketers will also need to learn how to be successful video curators. What Is Video Curation? "Curation" is a word that's traditionally been reserved for the likes of a director of an art gallery or museum – basically, someone with the professional expertise and recognition to qualitatively select, organize, and look after the items in a collection or exhibition. Fellow curation expert Clinton Forry at said "curation goes one step beyond aggregation by adding an active, ongoing editorial component.” Why We Need Curation (and Curators) for our Web Experience Curation on the Web is basically "filtering the signal from the noise."

Orchestr8 Adding Some Magic To Sentiment Analysis and Managing Semantic Output One of the issues organizations confront when they take to semantically processing data is how to handle all the results of that work. The output of extracting entities, tagging concepts, classifying page topics and parsing sentiment makes its way to a data store that can get pretty big, making for intense storage and analytics demands. Orchestr8’s NLP- and machine learning-based AlchemyAPI service, which just last week added sentiment analysis to its retinue, gives content providers, social media monitoring companies, and contextual advertising sectors the tools for all of the above that leads to those big data stores, and now it has in beta a solution for dealing with the demands that creates, too. “We process and store and give them the tools to find trends to go with that data,” says project engineer Shaun Roach.
