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The American Revolution

The American Revolution
American Indians and the American Revolution by Collin G. Calloway The Declaration of Independence accused King George III of unleashing "merciless Indian Savages" against innocent men, women, and children. The image of ferocious warriors propelled into action by a tyrannical monarch fixed in memory and imagination the Indians' role in the Revolution and justified their subsequent treatment. But many Indian nations tried to stay out of the conflict, some sided with the Americans, and those who fought with the British were not the king's pawns: they allied with the Crown as the best hope of protecting their homelands from the encroachments of American colonists and land speculators. The British government had afforded Indian lands a measure of protection by the Royal Proclamation of 1763 which had attempted to restrict colonial expansion beyond the Appalachian Mountains, and had alienated many American colonists. Some Indian tribes went to war early. To learn more: Colin G.

The Native Americans' Role in the American Revolution: Choosing Sides Activity 1. Choosing Sides 1. (Optional) If students did not learn about the Seven Years' War prior to this lesson, it might be a good idea to review the role of the Native Americans in that conflict (see Digital History's The Seven Years' War. It will be helpful also if students have an understanding of the way European control of the land changed after that war. 2. Who may have said this? Once the students provide the answers to those questions, they can speculate on the following: Would you expect that the Native Americans would get involved in the fighting of the American Revolution? 3. 4. 5. Journals of the Continental Congress, Speech to the Six Nations, July 13, 1775 This document, on the EDSITEment-reviewed Avalon Project, is a request made by the Americans to the Iroquois, requesting their neutrality. 6. What were the issues that the various Native American groups were facing? 7. Who was the original source? Activity 2. 1. 2. Joseph Brant in London, 1776: 3.

Pueblo Architecture Indians and the American Revolution Yet the passions engendered by the American Revolution, despite the good will expressed in the formal policy enunciated by the government, was to lead to bitter and violent confrontations on the frontier. The bloody ground of Kentucky was to be repeated in region after region as the undisciplined and unregulated expansion of the American people got underway. In the end the Indian was the loser. That he would have been a loser even if the King had repressed the rebellion is probable; but his decline would not have been so swift or so bitter. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 30. 31.

ARROWHEADS -- How To Make Your Own The Native Americans' Role in the American Revolution: Choosing Sides Activity 1. Choosing Sides 1. 2. Who may have said this? Once the students provide the answers to those questions, they can speculate on the following: Would you expect that the Native Americans would get involved in the fighting of the American Revolution? 3. 4. 5. Journals of the Continental Congress, Speech to the Six Nations, July 13, 1775 This document, on the EDSITEment-reviewed Avalon Project, is a request made by the Americans to the Iroquois, requesting their neutrality. 6. What were the issues that the various Native American groups were facing? 7. Who was the original source? Activity 2. 1. 2. Students will be asked to consider some of the following questions about the documents: What was the situation that the Mohawks and other Iroquois were facing at the beginning of the conflict? Joseph Brant in London, 1776: Joseph Brant or Thayendanegea, 1783-86 Modeling image interpretation of 1786 Northumberland portrait of Brant: 3. What changes do you notice in his presentation?

Items for Sale Most items throughout the web site can be closely replicated for you. In addition, I will post items I make specifically to sell, as I make them. Check back occasionally for updates. Please feel free to contact me by email (the link is on the bottom of the first page), snail mail, or telephone. Thanks again for visiting my site! Flintknapping class April 25th through 28th, 2007 at our home in Castle Valley Utah. New Item for Sale! Revolutionary Limits: Native Americans Mohawk Indian Thayendanega, also known as Joseph Brant, served in the British army as an interpreter of native languages during the Revolutionary War. While the previous explorations of African American and white female experience suggest both the gains and limitations produced in the Revolutionary Era, from the perspective of almost all Native Americans the American Revolution was an unmitigated disaster. At the start of the war Patriots worked hard to try and ensure Indian neutrality, for Indians could provide strategic military assistance that might decide the struggle. Gradually, however, it became clear to most native groups, that an independent America posed a far greater threat to their interests and way of life than a continued British presence that restrained American westward expansion. Cherokees and Creeks (among others tribes) in the southern interior and most Iroquois nations in the northern interior provided crucial support to the British war effort.

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