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The Mobile Movement: Understanding Smartphone Consumers‬‏

The Mobile Movement: Understanding Smartphone Consumers‬‏

L'audience de l'Internet mobile au premier trimestre 2011 Les fêtes de fin d'année ont dopé le trafic sur mobile. Principaux bénéficiaires : Google et Amazon. Le classement des audiences des groupes les plus importants sur mobile est toujours dominé par Google qui gagne près de 5,5 millions de visiteurs uniques (VU) au mois de décembre 2013, selon les résultats de Médiamétrie//Netratings. La croissance d'Amazon se retrouve dans celle de son site mobile, qui gagne plus d'1,7 million de VU.

Four Ways Social Media has Changed in Five Years Five years ago, social media was just beginning its meteoric rise. As a business owner, you were probably on social media personally, but perhaps there was little ROI you could see in creating a presence for your business. As a user, social media was a way for you to connect with old classmates, friends, and family. Fast forward, and now your business’ social media page is the epicenter of engagement with your customers, prospects, and partners. For the everyday user, it is has become your information hub and communication vehicle. According to Netpop Research, since 2006, social media usage has grown 93 percent. 1. Social media has gotten down to the nitty gritty of what users want – control. 2. Companies see the value in this one-on-one interaction with their customers who, in turn, become their biggest brand advocates. 3. According to Socialnomics, 80 percent of Twitter usage is outside of Twitter. 4.

Le marché du m-commerce a pesé 500 millions d'euros en 2010 Le marché français du m-commerce a pesé 500 millions d'euros en 2010, selon le cabinet Xerfi, qui estime qu'il grimpera à plus de 13 milliards d'ici 2015. Le m-commerce devrait passer le cap des 13 milliards d'euros en France à l'horizon 2015. C'est ce qu'affirme une étude du cabinet Xerfi, qui estime à 500 millions d'euros la taille du marché en 2010. Selon une récente étude réalisée par CCM Benchmark Group (éditeur du Journal du Net, ndlr), les voyages sont les premiers biens achetés depuis un téléphone mobile. What exactly does Web 2.0 mean? Well... Like it or not, the name Web 2.0 has stuck. But the defining term behind the latest Internet boom has different meanings to different people. And some have even tried changing the name. Newsweek, in a cover story, referred to it as the Live Web. Nobody bit. So, what does Web 2.0 really mean? The ideal starting point for a definition is Wikipedia, the user-written online encyclopedia that is a prime example of Web 2.0 technologies. O'Reilly Media founder and Chief Executive Officer Tim O'Reilly, who is generally given credit for coining the phrase, gives its origins in an online essay. The concept of Web 2.0 began with a conference brainstorming session in early 2004, O'Reilly writes: "Dale Dougherty, Web pioneer and O'Reilly VP, noted that far from having 'crashed,' the Web was more important than ever, with exciting new applications and sites popping up with surprising regularity. O'Reilly lists several key components of Web 2.0: "That's hard-nosed business," he said.

Plus de 3 millions de Français ont déjà acheté sur leur mobile 3,3 millions de Français ont déjà testé le m-commerce, essentiellement pour des voyages et des biens culturels. Le mobile est surtout utilisé en l'absence d'Internet fixe. Alors que la France compte plus de 16 millions de mobinautes, 3,3 millions de Français se sont déjà essayé au m-commerce, selon l'Observatoire des nouvelles tendances de consommation de CCM Benchmark (éditeur du Journal du Net), présenté mardi 10 mai à la Fevad. Les deux tiers de ces "mobi-acheteurs" sont des possesseurs d'iPhone. Les voyages sont les premiers biens achetés depuis un téléphone mobile. "Les acheteurs sur mobile sont avant tout des gens rompus à l'achat en ligne qui achètent via leur mobile dans certaines conditions", souligne Gilles Blanc. Le nombre de mobinautes ayant testé le m-commerce devrait encore progresser à mesure que se développeront sites et applications mobiles transactionnelles.

Startup Wants to See More Love, Less Porn in Internet Sex Films Serial entrepreneur Cindy Gallop dreams of a future with Internet porn. However, she hopes you won't have to smack your laptop shut to hide that explicit web content. She's aiming to redefine the selection of sex films available online. In 2009, Gallop gave a TED Talk explaining a phenomenon she's experienced dating men in their twenties. Gallop, now 52, says Internet porn has become de-facto sex education, teaching young men that "real sex" should look like the sex they see performed by professional actors (her TED Talk includes graphic examples of the behaviors she's encountered). "It used to be that maybe a kid found his dad's Playboy magazine," Gallop told Mashable. "I want to socialize sex. During her TED Talk, Gallop launched, which was not intended to be the start of a business — Gallop already had her hands dirty with another startup, If We Ran the World, and seriously advises against working on two startups at once. Image courtesy of Flickr, EmmyEcstasy

Quand les codes QR font preuve de créativité Sortes de codes-barres améliorés, les codes QR font aujourd'hui de plus en plus souvent preuve de fantaisie et d'inventivité pour grignoter des parts de marché! Le code QR est un code-barres en deux dimensions constitué généralement de modules noirs disposés dans un carré à fond blanc. Le nom "QR" qui est en réalité l'acronyme du mot l'anglais "Quick Response", désigne un code-barres dont le contenu des données doit être décodé le plus rapidement possible. Destiné à être lu par un téléphone mobile ou un smartphone, ce code permet de déclencher facilement des actions comme la navigation vers un site internet, le déclenchement d'un appel vers un numéro de téléphone ou la géolocalisation d'un endroit situé sur Google Maps ou Bing Maps. Avez-vous déjà partagé cet article? Partager sur Facebook Partager sur Twitter "Le Code QR n'est pas seulement un moyen de rendre le traditionnel code-barres 2D plus attractif.

Is a Blogger a Journalist? | John C. Dvorak The case of Crystal Cox, a self-professed "investigative blogger" from Oregon, should outrage the public. The woman was investigating targeted companies that she believed to be acting unethically and found herself at the wrong end of a lawsuit. The evidence she had unearthed concerning a Pacific Northwest finance group she was after and the sources she used seemed, in the end, immaterial to the outcome of the lawsuit against her. I won't get into the details of Cox's case since my concern is the definition of journalist, but you can read more here." The judge, recent Obama appointee Marco Hernandez, asserted that as a blogger with no other credentials, she was not a journalist and was entitled to no protection. Apparently, there are now new qualifications for journalists. In this instance, the concept of the "press" means any dissemination of information through a communications medium. More importantly, when we look at journalists' rights, there are no admissions whatsoever.
