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Ajaxwhois 2.0 - fast domain name search and whois

Ajaxwhois 2.0 - fast domain name search and whois

IxEdit myTinyTodo homepage Domize - The World's Fastest Domain Name Search Engine! Dragable RSS boxes Demo Licensing This script is distributed under the LGPL open source license.Commercial licenses are also available. Some of these licenses also includes personal e-mail support for up to 1 year. Download files You can download the entire project from this zip file. Setup Server side script This script requires that you have access to PHP on your server. Files included in package dragable-boxes.html = The main HTML you open in your browser css/dragable-boxes.css = Layout for the script js/dragable-boxes.js = Javascript for the script js/ajax.js = Ajax (Library from readRSS.php = File that reads RSS data from a source. Layout The layout of my demo page and the dragable boxes is specified in the css/dragable-boxes.css file. All the boxes are created as sub elements of a div with id "floatingBoxParentContainer". Creating a RSS box Inside the dragable-boxes.js file, you will find a function like this: This function creates the default RSS boxes on your page.

Selenium IDE » JavaScript Image Cropper UI, using Prototype & Details Support for latest versions of Prototype & (1.7.0 & 1.9.0 respectively) Tested with & added support notice for IE9 Added support for latest versions of Prototype & ( & 1.8.2 respectively). Changes provided by Tom Hirashima. No-longer package prototype & with the release Changed tests to use google ajax libraries api to load prototype & Added option to not auto include the cropper CSS file #00008 - Fixed bug: Dynamic include of cropper CSS expected cropper.js and failed when using cropper.uncompressed.js #00028 - Fixed bug: Doesn't work with latest - Fix by Tom Hirashima #00030 - Fixed bug: Doesn't work in Firefox 3.5 (CSS include issue) #00007 - Fixed bug: onEndCrop isn't called when moving with keys #00011 - Fixed bug: The image that is to be cropped does not show in IE6.0 -- included CSS fix Tidied up source code & fixed issues that jslint found so it will compress better Initial verison About

designstudio - mooImageCrop - crop your images with AJAX and PHP Scriptaculous : demonstration - Appliquer des effets spéciaux function tester1() { new Effect.toggle('div_1','blind'); } On va diminuer la transparence du calque (mais on peut aussi le faire dans l'autre sens) : calque 2 calque 3 avec du texte pour faire beau calque 4 avec du texte pour faire beau calque 5 avec du texte pour faire beau function tester6() { new Effect.Puff('div_6'); } function tester7() { new Effect.Shake('div_7'); } function tester8() { new Effect.Pulsate('div_8'); } Rendre une element du DOM déplaçable par Drag and Drop Cliquez sur "Tester 9" et cliquez-déplacer-déposer le calque : calque 9 function tester9() { new Draggable('div_9'); } Changer l'ordre d'une liste à puce par Drag and Drop CLiquez sur "Tester 10" et cliquez-glissez les élément de la liste : Element 1 Element 2 Element 3 Element 4 Element 5 function tester10() { Sortable.create('maListe'); } Utiliser une liste déroulante à autocompletion de texte via AJAX Cliquez sur "Tester 11". Voici le script PHP du fichier "fluxAutocompletion01.php" : <? calque 15

argilla: aScroller Design | Accessible JavaScript Newsticker Recently we had a forum post by Heiko in which he asked whether anyone knew a JavaScript or Java based newsticker. Actually I didn’t know any, so I decided to code one on my own. Personally I don’t like conventional newstickers because of several reasons. First of all they are quite questionable from a usability point of view — the scrolling text distracts the user from the actual content. So I made up my mind and came up with a solution that more or less eliminates those downsides. <div id="newsticker"><ul><li>Newsticker text 01</li><li>Newsticker text 02</li><li>Newsticker text 03</li></ul></div> Since many web developers already use the Prototype JavaScript Framework, and I also wanted to use Scriptaculous for some nice animations I also used Prototype for my ticker. Note: Even though I’m quite familiar with JavaScript there is of course room for improvement.
