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Quels outils pour quelles recherches ? Panorama des outils du web

TutoTICE: le site de tutoriels TICE pour enseignants Quandary Tutorials & Examples <div style="padding:1%;color:#FFFFFF;background-color:#000000;"><span class="underlined">Please Note</span>: <small><strong>You have Disabled Active Scripting (Javascript) in the Preference Settings for this Browser</strong><br />As a result, some features of this site will not work properly.</small></div> Half-Baked Software Quandary Tutorials & Examples Tutorial Example mazes Here are translations from users of Quandary: Quandary examples in Dutch, translated by Henny Jellema. Here are examples developed by users of Quandary: Andreas Hofer invites you to the Malta Experience. Home · Hot Potatoes · Quandary · Privacy Policy · About Us · Our Services · Contact Us

Quandary version 2 example mazes Example mazes Here you can take a look at a range of different example exercises created with Quandary version 2, to get some ideas about the range of different types of activity you can create with the program. The Evil Landlady (an interactive adventure)Choosing the correct article (a diagnostic maze)First aid for an accident (a procedural example)How computer-literate are you? (an example of a survey/questionnaire)Castaway (a more sophisticated interactive adventure)Investments (modelling financial transactions)Complex transaction examples (demonstrating all the varieties of transaction in Quandary 2) You should also look at the Quandary Tutorial, which is also made using Quandary. x-c-Mooc : Innovation pédagogique ? Quelles perspectives pour la fo...

Ressources numériques Mindomo à la CSDM Mindomo est maintenant disponible pour tous les élèves, les enseignants et les employés de la CSDM. Ce nouvel outil permet de créer des cartes conceptuelles, des cartes mentales, des cartes heuristiques, des idéateurs… ... Ressources Éducatives Numériques : Dictionnaire Usito Préambule Entièrement conçu au Québec, Usito est le premier dictionnaire électronique à décrire le français standard en usage au Québec, tout en faisant le pont avec le reste de la francophonie. Ressources Éducatives Numériques : Science en jeu Préambule L’achat de cette ressource a été acquise grâce à la mesure ministérielle des Ressources Éducatives Numériques (RÉN). Ressources Éducatives Numériques : Ready to negotiate Ressources Éducatives Numériques : ÉduMédia Telescopic Text

Subtraction Triangle Puzzle: A Backwards Pascal's Triangle! Your job is to rearrange the numbers so they conform to the Subtraction Triangle rules. To do this, simply hover your mouse over a number, click and drag to another location. When you drop the tile, it will swap positions with the tile it is over. The game continues until all the numbers below the top row are red, indicating that all the numbers are properly placed. Difficulty Level The images shown above are from an easy game. As with many other games on this site, the term "Easy" is a relative term; while the "Easy" puzzles are much less difficult than the "Difficult" puzzles, you may still find them challenging! Game Trivia The game database contains 1000 different puzzles. Back Free Word Games, Vocabulary Building Exercises, English Language Quizzes Looking for mobile games? Find the hidden word in the grid Reveal the picture by finding the word Find the word in the telephone pad Practice problems for MAML competitors
