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Related:  Storytelling&Visualization

History in Motion Digital #storytelling: the next step in digital transformation How do you recognise solid digital journalism? A good web-based story is difficult to consume when you print it out. Recently, I read an interesting post written by Joyce Barnathan, the president of the International Center for Journalists, about her impressions after attending some high-profile journalism conferences. She wrote that being a journalist of the new era is not only about posting photos, tweeting or sharing stories. We’re also redefining the rules of news writing​ and narrative journalism. I couldn't agree more. However, my second thought was that this has been kind of obvious for a while now, especially since data journalism has been recognized by all mainstream media as an inseparable part of journalism. Yet, I still see many newsrooms and journalists who have struggled with accepting this new era journalism. Why? It leads to a bizarre outcome. An example? So how should it work? Digital storytelling starts with following common sense. The next step is to adjust the format.

walkingtools Blog — Patricia McMillan In working with leadership teams, I find they’re usually quite ready to embrace the need to tell THE story of the thing they’re doing--the strategy, the proposal, the services they offer. But they’re less comfortable about the idea of telling THEIR stories at work--events from their personal experiences. I think there are several reasons for this. But telling a short, personal story that’s relevant to your message is one of the most powerful ways you can communicate. 1) Make messages stickNow that science is using MRIs to watch how we think, a number of studies (like one published in Nature recently) have shown that what happens in our brains when we listen to a story is a lot like what would happen if we were experiencing those events ourselves. 2) Create rapid rapportListening to stories causes our brain to release dopamine and oxytocin into our bloodstreams, which makes us feel more relaxed and makes us feel empathy towards the person in the story.

Mobilne gry miejskie, aplikacje mobilne iPhone i iPad - City Games Creator The Power of Storytelling Games for people who don't play games - The Space Games can be scary – they can feel impenetrable, and like they’re all about shooting things and using controllers that look incomprehensible. It’s OK to feel that, but also, there are people making games that don’t feel like that. There’s a difference between CATS and a small piece of contemporary theatre, or independent film and Hollywood, and in the same way there’s a part of the medium ‘games’ that are producing beautiful, artistic experiences. This is a list of ten games for people in the arts who wouldn’t put their hand up when asked "do you play games?" It is art, and it’s shifting the aesthetics of our world. 🗻 Mountain 🗻 from David OReilly on Vimeo.Available for Mac PC Linux + iOSDavid O'Reilly$1 or more You don’t really ‘play’ Mountain, it’s more like the equivalent of a beautiful digital desk toy. Kentucky Route ZeroAvailable for PC, Mac and LinuxCardboard Computer$25 or £18 for all five acts (two are yet to be released) Not all of the new movements in games are digital.

Interview: Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic über fesselndes Storytelling mit Daten | Brandwatch Kürzlich durfte ich Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic interviewen, die Autorin von “Storytelling With Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals“, die uns alles über ihre Liebe für die Datenvisualisierung erzählt hat. Im vergangenen Jahrzehnt bekleidete sie Positionen als Analystin im Bankwesen, in der Private-Equity-Branche und leitete schließlich das People Analytics Team bei Google. Dort nutzte sie einen datengesteuerten Ansatz, um Informationen für innovative Menschen, Programme und Managementpraktiken bereitzustellen, die dafür sorgten, dass Google die begabtesten Mitarbeiter anzog, weiter entwickelte und langfristig binden konnte. Heute schult Cole Unternehmen und Einzelpersonen in der wirkungsvollen Kommunikation mit Daten. Auf erfahren Sie mehr über Cole und ihre Arbeit. Cole, ich würde gern mehr über Deinen Werdegang erfahren und Dein Interesse am Storytelling mit Daten. Zuerst muss man überlegen, wer das Publikum ist. Die Vizia Plattform

The Best Way to Make Arcade Games - Construct 3 Create Your Games Arcade games are the bread and butter of online gaming. It's never been easier to create your own arcade games with Construct. There Is No Game Played millions of times, this is an amazing example of an insanely popular arcade game! Play now in the Arcade We can't show you too many screenshots, as it'll spoil the fun! Some stylish pixel art and highly contrasting level designs give There Is No Game a memorable look and feel.
